1.A Study on Zhu Zhen s Theory of Gua-qi from the Relative Images of Yi;从相关易图看朱震易学的卦气
2.According to the correspondence between the length of the shadow cast by the sun on the dial and the Gua-qi theory which correlates the trigrams and hexagrams to the seasonal points, Yi Wei Tong Gua Yan (The Apocrypha of Change: The Comprehensive Examination of the Hexagrams) recorded a set of standard responsive data, which is not in line with the data of other systems of the Han dynasty.根据卦气与晷影相应验的宗旨,《易纬·通卦验》记载了一套作为应验标准的晷影数据,与两汉时期其它的晷影数据都不相符合。

1.Shi and Hou in Liji YueLing and Qi Hou in Han Yi Gua Qi;《礼记·月令》所记时候与汉易卦气之气候
2.A textual research on the gua qi theory by which"one line governs one day" in Yi wei Ji lan tu;《易纬·稽览图》“一爻直一日”卦气术考
3.On the knowledge of Qua-qi revealed in Chapter Yao of Yi Zhuan copied on silk and the completion time of it;帛书易传《要》篇透露出的卦气知识及其成书年代
4.Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell.勇气,是听到大八卦,却答应要守口如瓶。
5."Qigong also borrows much from ancient Chinese philosophy Yin and Yang and the Eight Diagrams, which will be discussed in next passage. "气功还吸收了中国古代的阴阳和八卦理论。
6.A ba-qua symbol should be hung on the back of the car to expel the bad omens.礼车后方则覆上八卦竹筛,用以逐路上的不祥气物。
7.Embracing Cosmos:Study on the Relationship between the Eight Divinatory Trigramson Colour Paintings on Ceiling of Taiwan Traditional Buildings and the Respective Spaces气纳乾坤——台湾传统建筑天花之八卦彩绘与建筑空间之关系研究
8.On the idea of excess and deficiency reflected in Hexagram Xiao Guo;论小过卦的过与不及——析小过卦卦爻辞
9.Wang Ho-fu hurriedly put in. "The way the Yuan Ta Native Bank let us down today must have been Chao Po-tao's work, too. I detected it in the way the manager spoke this morning."今天元大庄那变卦,光景也是老赵搅出来的。 我听他们那口气里有讲究。” 王和甫慌忙接口说。
10.The boy felt so humiliated he kept away from people for months. Then he talked the whole thing over with his mother. They decided they'd never have any faith in the Sage's prognostications again.小二黑因为这事,好几个月见了人躲着走,从此就和他娘商量成一气,再不信他爹的鬼八卦。
11.Seemingly outlandish words such as dim sum, ginseng, gingko,oolong cha, taiji, qi, yin and yang and ba-gua have crept into their everyday language.美国人在不知不觉中,也在日常生活里谈及点心、人参、银杏、乌龙茶、太极、气、阴阳和八卦等。
12.It is a long history for the Eight Diagrams to evolve into the Double Diagrams from the Single Diagram.八卦由单卦演变到重卦,是一个漫长的历史过程。
13.A new annotation on the text of Li Gua of Zhou Yi (the Book of Change) and its fourth Yang item.;《周易·离》卦卦辞及九四爻辞新诠
14.A clarification of the connotations of the hexagram of Gou :Simultaneously on the attitude and methods of studying the connotations of the hexagrams;《姤卦》意辨——兼谈卦意研究的态度和方法
15.The thought of "three & five" and interchanging in the hexagrams order described in The Orderly Sequence;《序卦》卦序中的"参伍""错综"思想
16.Textual Research and Analysis on Contents of Eight-diagram Fist and Eight-diagram Palm;对八卦拳与八卦掌内容的考证与分析
17.On the Connotation of the Eight Trigram Palm--the directions of theories Yin-yang,Eight-trigram and Yi in the Eight Trigram Palm;八卦掌理论内涵初探——阴阳、八卦及易学思想在八卦掌中的指导作用
18.Fu Hsi [god of philosophy | god of fishery and husbandry]伏羲[八卦神,渔牧神

Gua qi卦气
1.Gua Qi"And "Li Shu",Xiang Shu and Yi Li;“卦气”与“历数”,象数与义理
2.The numerical concept continued to tend to mystery and complica- tion in the Han dynasty and the thought with the concept of Gua qi(a theory correlating .汉代数字观念继续朝向神秘化、复杂化的方向发展,以卦气观念为核心的思想影响所及,几无处不在。
3.Basing on this, the author further reveals some coincidence between the order and the theory of Gua Qi (a theory about the correspondence between the hexagrams and seasons), and the contr.作者由此进一步揭示了先天卦序与阴阳生息的卦气思想之间 ,在一定程度上的某种暗合与实质上的相互矛
1.On the Guaqi Theory in Hui Dong s Yi Han Xue;惠栋《易汉学》的卦气学研究
4)Gua-qi theory卦气
1.sun, south, and so on), which had been discussed by many scholars in different dynasties among whom XUN Shuang combined them with Yin-yang theory, fusing the Gua-qi theory (expounding the correlation between the trigrams or hexagrams and the seasonal points) with the image-number theory.其中东汉易学家荀爽,在前人研究的基础上,将《周易》中的乾坤坎离四卦与阴阳观念相结合,融卦气于象数,阐发了他的“乾坤坎离”思想。
5)Gua-qi theory by the eight trigrams八卦卦气
6)Gua-qi theory卦气说
1.On the Gua-qi theory in the Han Yi learning from philosophical perspectives;哲学视野下的汉易卦气
2.This paper discussed the gua-qi theory (a theory describing the correspondence be-tween the hexagrams and Chinese seasonal points) contained in chapters of Er San Zi, Yao, Zhong in Yi Zhuan copied on silk, pointing out that Yi Zhuan copied on silk and that in cur-rent version are closely correlated.探讨帛书《易传》中卦气说的存在,对于推进两汉象数易学的研究有着重要意义。

卦气1.以《易》六十四卦与四时﹑月令﹑气候等相配之法。相传文王序《易》,以《坎》﹑《离》﹑《震》﹑《兑》为四时卦,其二十四爻分主二十四节气。以《复》﹑《临》﹑《泰》﹑《大壮》﹑《夬》﹑《干》﹑《姤》﹑《遁》﹑《否》﹑《观》﹑《剥》﹑《坤》配十二地支,为十二月消息卦,其七十二爻分主七十二候。其余四十八卦,分布十二月,每月加消息卦共五卦,分配君臣等位,其三十爻,以配一月日数。凡此,统称之为卦气。其说出自汉孟喜﹑京房等。参阅清庄存与《卦气解》。 2.术数家用八卦配《洛书》数,本于阳卦奇﹑阴卦偶之说,以奇偶分阴阳,也叫卦气。