1.Based on Benevolence,the norms of "ceremony","loyalty","forgiveness" ect.从这一内涵向外又推延出了"礼"、"忠"、""等具有层次性和统一性的外在道德规范和要求。

1.She prayed to be forgiven/(to) God for forgiveness.她祈求宽[上帝宽].
2."Heaven pardon me," cried Edmond, falling on his knees before his father.“噢,上帝饶我吧
3.He begged mercy (of the king).他祈求(国王)宽.
4.I venture to say that....我冒昧地说。。。。
5."Scarlett, spare me!"思嘉,宽我吧!
6.pardon an offence, a fault, etc宽罪过、 错误等
7.Application/Registration/Entry fee (non-refundable)报名费(不退还)
8.Excuse me for talking up, you are wrong.我直言,你错了。
9.To pardon or remit(a sin).赦免,宽赦免或饶(一罪行)
10.To renounce anger or resentment against.饶,宽宣布对…放弃生气或怨恨
11.I'll let you off this time, but never again.这次我宽你,但以后不再宽了。
12.Pardon all but thyself. -- Aesop宽一切人,只是别宽自己。——伊索
13.Christ taught forgiveness, ie that we should forgive our enemies, etc.基督倡导宽(应宽敌人等).
14.Blame yourself as you would blame others; excuse others as you would excuse yourself.以律人之心律己,以己之心人。
15.There s One Wang Shu Among Twelve Departments in Two Metropolis": Commentary of Wang Shu(1416-1508);两京十二部 独有一王——王(1416-1508)评传
16.May God forgive us both.愿上帝饶我们俩吧!
17."Forgive me, for Christ's sake.“看在基督份上,饶我吧。”
18.She forgives easily.她很容易宽别人。

1.Chinese traditional ethical explanation on the "humanity,honesty,forbearance,mean,courtesy" is based on the culture of harmony from Confucianism.中国传统伦理对"仁、诚、、中庸与礼"的诠释,是建立在儒学"和"文化思想基础上的,把握传统"和"文化的特征,明确其对中国当代"和谐"环境建构的思想与文化心理准备,为社会主义"以人为本"的发展思想提供了理论依据。
2.The paper views that "respect" and "forbearance" to which the author and the reader .借章学诚提出的文德说来探讨复杂的人、文二者关系,从作者和读者两个维度对人、文关系的迷惑提供一定的视角,认为:作者、读者临文时的态度达到“敬”与“”是现代语境下人、文关系统一的关键性因素。
3)loyalty and forgiveness忠恕
1.Definition of the Confucian Idea of Loyalty and Forgiveness: A Discussion with Mr.Feng Hao-fei;也谈忠思想的界说——与冯浩菲先生商榷
2.Since the introduction of Buddhism in China,for its own development needs of the Confucianism and one way or another compromise and harmony,for the Yungang Grottoes 9,10,although the performance of the caves are Buddhist,but still came to the sparks of the Confucian "loyalty and forgiveness" thought.佛学自传入中国以来,出于自身发展的需要就与儒学这样或那样地妥协、融和,云冈石窟的第9、10窟虽然表现的是佛教内容,但仍闪现出儒家"忠"思想的火花。
4)loyalty and forbearance忠恕
1.Confucius once said in The Analects that his doctrine is "The Duct rifle of the Mean" which is both regularity itself and the core of his thought "Loyalty and forbearance" is the actualization of this Confucian Doctrine.忠正是中庸之道的具体表现。
1.Xingshu was an important political and Confucian figure of the Song Dynasty,whose ten poems were collected by A Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty,of which six were written in Yongzhou,Hunan province.邢是北宋重要的政治人物和理学人物,《全宋诗》收录其诗作共10首,其中6首作于湖南永州,部分石刻真迹亦保留至今。
6)Song Shu宋恕
1.Song Shu s Thoughts about Modern Marriage and Family;宋的近代婚姻家庭思想
