1.The Chinese character of"spring"originally traces back to the extension of another character "tun"(means the sprouts of grasses and trees)."春"一词的命名理据,实源于""。

1.A textual study on word family of "jūn"、"jūn"、"qūn"、"tūn;“军”、“君”、“”、“”声字族析
2.Evolution of Beijing Sanlitun:Living Case Study of the Sanlitun Village北京三里之演化——三里Village实例分析
3.Tunpu Ethnic Community and Ethnic Identity--Taking the Tunpu Peope in Tianlong Village for Example堡族群与族群认同——以天龙堡为例
4.Tuen Mun Sports Association Limited门体育会有限公司
5.Tuen Mun Port Development Study门港口发展计划研究
6.Tuen Mun PLB Association门公共小型巴士商会
7.Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage入境船只门碇泊处
8.Tuen Mun Social Hygiene Clinic门社会卫生科诊所
9.The van travelled only so far as shaston.篷车只行到沙氏为止。
10.place was named Taohua Village.这个地方叫桃花。This
11.Tuen Mun Wu Hong Elderly Health Centre门湖康长者健康中心
12."River Trade Terminal (Area 38, Tuen Mun)"门38区内河货运码头
13.Tuen Mun Wu Hong Maternal and Child Health Centre门湖康母婴健康院
14.Tuen Mun West No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir门西二号食水配水库
15.Tuen Mun Agricultural Association门农牧同业促进会
16.Tuen Mun East No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir门东二号食水配水库
17.Tuen Mun (Bowring) Refugee Centre门(虎地)难民中心
18.Thought on the Opening up of the Wasteland by the Peasants in the Early Period of Wu State from the Wu Slips:Discussion on the Difference of Opening up the Wasteland by the Peasants between the Wei State and the Wu State;吴简所见吴国前期民——兼论魏吴民的区别

Tuntun jujube屯屯枣
1.To solve the problem of very low yield of Tuntun jujube in Yuncheng basin, it was top grafted with Xiang jujube.为解决运城盆地枣树产量极低的问题 ,采取高接换优 (相枣 )技术 ,并实施综合管理方法 ,有效地提高了产量 ,增加了经济效益。
1.Assessment of the Air Environmental Quality Analysis in Kuitun;奎市大气环境质量分析评价
2.Analysis on Pollution of Water Resource in Kuitun,Wusu and Dushanzi Area;奎、乌苏、独山子地区水资源污染现状
3.The Faunal Analyses of Hemiptera in Kuitun, Xinjiang;奎及临近地区半翅目种类的区系分析
4)Kui Tun奎屯
1.Analysis of Kui Tun s Economic Change and Development;奎城市经济活动的变化发展分析
2.The increasing of " three wastes" in Kui Tun city has become inevitable with more and more population and development of the industry during the urbanization.奎地处干旱区 ,水资源十分短缺。
1.Preliminary Study on Turf Weeds in Tunxi Area;溪区草坪杂草调查研究
2.The Study of Sinian Sedimentary Facles and Paleogeography in Tunxi Region;溪地区震旦纪岩相古地理研究

《博望烧屯》  元代杂剧作品,全名《诸葛亮博望烧屯》。作者姓名无考。现存《元刊杂剧三十种》本和脉望馆钞校本。作品写刘备、关羽、张飞邀请诸葛亮出山,拜为军师。时值曹操命夏侯惇率兵10万,进攻刘备。诸葛亮调兵遣将,在博望大败曹军,仅张飞未获寸功,不得不向诸葛亮负荆请罪。曹操兵败后,又遣军师管通游说诸葛亮,也以失败告终。此剧剧情可从《三国志平话》"孔明下山"等节中寻出一些线索,但增出了管通游说的情节,它与后来《三国志演义》中博望坡用兵的描写差别很大。剧中诸葛亮足智多谋,忠心不贰;张飞形象的刻画也颇为生动,他粗鲁勇猛,知错能改,具有草莽英雄的气质。明代有《气张飞》杂剧(《群音类选》收入《张飞走范阳》、《张飞请罪》两折),也是敷演博望烧屯的故事。