1.Then he thinks "sheng ren ti wu" means "The heart of sheng ren is wu.基于这两个范畴的考察 ,作者具体分析了“圣人体无”中“体”与“无”的含义并指出“圣人体无”可解释为“圣人的心体为无”的看

1.The entire cell aster with the exception of the centrosome.空心体,吸收体除中心体外的整个星体
2.The mass of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole in a centrosome.中心球在中心体内中心粒周围的大量细胞质
3.pericentriolar body中心粒旁体(中心粒随体)
4.group psychotherapy集体心理治疗(心理学)
5.the center of flotation【物理】浮心((浮体的重心))
6.stereoscopic perception立体知觉(心理学)
7.System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》
8.Sports Information Centre [Sports Institute]体育信息中心〔体育学院〕
9.group centered leader团体中心领袖 团体中心领袖
10.Regional Integration Training Centre区域一体化训练中心(一体化训练中心)
11.Division 49. Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy团体心理学及团体心理治疗
12.On the Construction of the Noumenon Mind of Substance -the Meaning of the Noumenon Mind of Yangming School;实体形上本体的建构——阳明心学“心”本体的意义
13.The difference among group counseling, group guidance and group training;团体心理辅导、团体心理咨询、团体心理训练概念的区分
14.The central portion of a cell aster exclusive of the rays.星心球,中心球星体的中心部分,其射线除外
15.Comprehensive Measures of Myocardial Protection for Long Time Myocardial Ischemia in open Heart Surgery长时间心肌缺血心脏手术综合心肌保护的体会
16.Psychology of subject and psychology of being in the ken of psychological Phylosophy心理学哲学视野中的主体心理学与存在心理学
17.The using value of autologous percardium during open heart surgery自体心包片在先心病心脏直视手术中的应用
18.Effect of Temperature on Heart Rate or Heart Rate Variability of Vitro Heart in the Toads;温度对蟾蜍离体心脏心率及心率变异性的影响

body centred crystal体心晶体
3)Xinti and Xingti心体与性体
1.Throught the research of Pre-Qin and the Confucianism of Song-Ming dynasty, and the comparision of Confucianism and Kant, he defined Confucianism to be the Moral metaphysics, and put forward two standpoints in Xinti and Xingti: First, the Confucianism of Song-Ming dynasty can be divided into three systems; Second, ZHU Xi did not follow the orthodoxy of Confucianism, but the branches.他通过对先秦和宋明儒学的研究以及儒学与康德哲学的比照,将儒学定性为“道德的形上学”,并由此在《心体与性体》书中提出两个观点:一、宋明儒学应分为三系;二、朱子并非儒学道统正宗,而是“别子为宗”。
4)Body Centered Cubic体心立方体
5)hollow projectile空心弹体
1.Normal penetration of tungsten alloy hollow projectiles into steel and concrete targets were performed.进行了钨合金空心弹体垂直侵彻钢靶板和混凝土靶板的实验。
6)body center cubic体心四方

心体1.指亲信﹑骨干。 2.指思想。 3.指精神与肉体。