1.Comparative Study on LuDoctrine and Chan Ontology;陆学与禅宗本体论比较研究

1.Latin American Continental Students Organization拉丁美洲大陆学生组织
2.a military [ naval ] staff college陆[海]军参谋学院
3.Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test大陆近海地层学试验
4.terrestrial invertebrate ecology陆栖无脊椎动物生态学
5.U.S.Army Chemical Center美国陆军化学品中心
6.Brain and Conscience in LU Jiu_yuan′s Philosophy;陆九渊心学中的“心”、“本心”——陆九渊心学九辨之六
7.Many geographers now call this landmass Eurasia.许多地理学家现在把这块陆地叫作欧亚大陆。
8.The Structure, Development and Systematics of Phytolacca (Phytolaccaceae);商陆属(商陆科)植物的结构、发育和系统学研究
9.Study on the Chinese Mainland Literary Theory and Aesthetics History in New Century;新世纪中国大陆文艺美学学术史研究
10."All the People Say You Are a Zenist": Lu Jiuyuan and Zen;“天下皆说先生是禅学”:陆九渊与禅学
11.On the Relationship between Lu Jiuyuan and Huxiang School;陆九渊心学派与湖湘性学派关系考论
12.The Link between Wang Anshi s New Learning and LU Jiu-yuan s Mind-and-Heart Learning;王安石新学和陆九渊心学的相近之处
13.On the academic pursuit of the students from Taiwan in the mainland during 1946~1949;1946年~1949年台湾学生求学祖国大陆考
14.A Comparison Between Cheng and Zhu s Idealist Philosophyand the Moral Training of Lu and Wang s parapsychology;程朱理学与陆王心学道德修养论比较
15.Brief History of the Discipline Development: Home Education in Mainland of China, 1980-2007大陆家庭教育学之学科发展分析:1980-2007
16.″Image & Self″,″Mind & Image″in LU Jiu_yuan ′s Philosophy;陆九渊心学中的“物与我”、“心与物”──陆九渊心学九辨之五
17.a hypothetical continent that (according to plate tectonic theory) broke up later into North America and Europe and Asia.板块构造学说中一个假想的大陆,后来分裂成亚、欧、北美的古大陆。
18.Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Multi-legged Soft Lunar Landing Vehicle;多腿式月球探测软着陆器着陆动力学建模与仿真研究

Donglu University东陆大学
3)the mainland literature大陆文学
1.Yang s works outlines the interactive relationship of literature development between the mainland and Taiwan and takes the mainland literature as the mother s body of Taiwan s literature.简要评述杨若萍博士《台湾与大陆文学关系简史》一书,指出:杨著以详实的史料勾勒两岸文学发展的互动关系,并将大陆文学看作是台湾文学的母体,以批驳强行将两岸文学分割开来的“本土文学论”者的错误论调,其立论之平实,论证之谨严,足为细辨“巢痕”之力作,也使我们这些置身岛外的人们对台湾文学的发展与走向有了相当清晰的了解。
4)continental philosophy大陆哲学
5)Lu Jiuyuan School宗陆学派
6)the Grand Tour大陆游学
1.The eighteenth century witnessed the rise of the trip,socalled the Grand Tour,of British gentry to the Europe.18世纪,在英国上层社会中兴起了一股赴欧洲大陆游历学习的热潮,这在英国历史上被称作大陆游学(the Grand Tour)。
