
1.The Study of Nan Hua Zhen Jing Xin Zhuang;试论《南华真经新传》中的创新追求
2.On Business News Communication of the Protestant Missionaries in China in the Early 19th Century19世纪初新教传教士在华的经济新闻传播活动
3.The Study on Logistics Center Location Based on Chain Operation about Xinhua Bookstore of Hunan Province;湖南新华书店连锁经营中的物流选址研究
4.A Study of Overseas Chinese Intermediary s Economic Position in Southeast Asia in the Early 20th Century;二十世纪初东南亚华侨中介商经济地位新探
5.The Inheritance and Originality of the Folk Paper-cutting Art;民间剪纸艺术的传承与创新——访湖南望城第一家华夏剪纸博物馆
6.Picture taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shengnan Li新华社记者李生南摄
7.Taken by Zhongnan Guo (via Xinhua News Agency)郭中南摄(新华社稿)
8.The Activities of American Southern Baptist Convention in South China (1836-1912);美南浸信会在华南传教活动研究(1836—1912)
9.He has50 years of experience and research at theory and action of“ fist”.自幼研习各派中华传统武术,深得真传。
10.A Discussion on the Role of the Overseas Chinese in Vietnam in Guangxi - Vietnam Trade;试论桂越经贸中越南华侨华人的作用
11.Defining the Identities of Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia And the Business Environment of Chinese Businessmen;东南亚华人身份定位与华商经营环境
12.A Study on Sub-Regional Cooperation of Southchina and Vietnam;华南——越南次区域经济合作问题研究
13.Scandals and jokes in the history of world journalism--Japanese press media’s untrue reports on Japanese aggression against Nanjing世界新闻史上的丑闻与笑料——日本新闻传媒对侵华日军进攻南京战役的多次不实报道
14.Most young Chinese Singaporeans have been learning Chinese as a mother tongue for at least 10 years, without really understanding why.大部分年轻新加坡华人,学习母语或华文至少已经10年,但却从不真正了解为什么要学习母语。
15.Overseas Chinese and the diffusion of Chinese medicine in Southeast Asia;古代华侨华人与中医药在东南亚的传播
16.Basic Research on the Cultural Disseminationof Southeast Asia Oversea Chinese Communityin the Period the Republic of China民国时期东南亚华侨华人社团文化传播初探
17.Traditional Chinese Confucian Classics & Chinese Cultural Spirit;中国经学传统与中华文化精神——对华夏文明权威迷信与创新障碍的关系探析
18.On the South China NGO in the Context of Non-traditional Security Challenges论非传统安全挑战背景下的华南NGO

Nan-hua chen-ching南华真经
3)Phonetic Notation of Nanhua Zhenjing《南华真经直音》
1.On the Initial Consonants in the Phonetic Notation of Nanhua Zhenjing;《南华真经直音》声类研究
4)"An Interpretation for Nan Hua's Scriptures"《南华真经注疏》
5)Nan Hua Jing Jie《南华经解》
1.On the Study in the Literary AccePtance of Zhuang Zi Made by Xuan Ying s Nan Hua Jing Jie;宣颕《南华经解》对《庄子》的文学接受
6)economic circle of South China华南经济圈
