杜维明,Du Weiming
1)Du Weiming杜维明
1.Analysis on Du Weiming s "Confucianism Explanation";析杜维明的“儒家解释学”
2.Exponent of Contemporary Novel Confucianism——Du Weiming;当代新儒学的倡导者——杜维明
3.Xiong Shili in his old age views Confucianism from the perspective of New China; Luo Guang, a scholar of Taiwan, from the perspective of intellectual circles; and the Chinese American scholar Du Weiming from the perspective of modernity.晚年的熊十力站在新中国的角度看待儒学 ,台湾学者罗光站在士林哲学的角度看待儒学 ,美籍华人学者杜维明站在现代性的角度看待儒学 ,分别提出儒家解释学中几种有代表性的观点。

1.Dialogue of civilizations" at new "axial-age" -On Tu Wei-ming s view of "the dialogue of civilizations;新“轴心时代”的文明对话——论杜维明的“文明对话”观
2.Research of "the Third Period of Confucian" of Du Weiming;杜维明“儒学第三期发展”思想研究
3.On Du Wei-ming s Research Method about Traditional Confucian Thought;试论杜维明的传统儒家思想研究方法
4.The Islamic Civilization in the View of New-Confucianism -From Tang Junyi to Du Weimin;新儒家视界下的伊斯兰文明——从唐君毅到杜维明
5.Du Weiming Discuss the Group Critical Self-consciousness of Intellectual杜维明论知识分子的群体批判自我意识
6.Surpassing the Mentality of the Enlightenment--Reviewing TU Weiming s Exposition on Reflecting upon the Enlightenment;超越启蒙心态——杜维明“启蒙反思”论域述论
7.On Du Weiming s Methodology Criticism on Religious Confucianism;杜维明对儒学宗教性问题的方法论批判
8.The Modern Mission of Intellectuals --A Commentary on Du Weiming s New Confucian Ideas;知识分子的现代使命——杜维明新儒学思想述评
9.Modern transformation of traditional Confucianism --On Du Wei\|ming s thought of cultural philosophy;儒家传统的现代转化——论杜维明的文化哲学思想
10.On the Pursuits and Limitations of Contemporary New Confucianism当代新儒家的追求和局限管窥——从杜维明《现代精神与儒家传统》说起
11.New Humanism and New Enlightenment: An Interview with Professor Du Weiming, By Zhang Fengqian;新人文与新启蒙——访美国哈佛大学教授杜维明院士
12.From Meditating Enlightenment Mentality to Holping Confucianism Value in the Whole World--Inquire into the Theory of Enlightenment of Tu Weiming;从反思启蒙心态到儒家价值的普世化期盼——杜维明启蒙观探微
13.Enlightenment to Chinese Ecological Aesthetics by Neo-Confucianism--A Case Study of Du Weiming s Interpretation of Moncius;海外新儒学对中国生态美学的启示——以杜维明的孟子解读为例
14.Modern Implications of Chinese Traditional Values--The Dialogue between Du wei-ming and Huang Wan-sheng (extracts);中国传统价值观的现代意义——杜维明、黄万盛对话录(节选)
15.Delivering, Learning and Reflection of Culture: A Study of DU Weiming s Method in Comparing Chinese and Western Culture;文化的传授、学习和反思——略评杜维明的中西文化比较方法
16.Tu Wei-ming and Cheng Zhong-ying as the Examples in Thoughts Studying of Boston Confucianism and Hawaiian Confucianism以杜维明和成中英为例的波士顿儒学与夏威夷儒学思想研究
17.Modern Transformation of Confucian Teaching into Pluralistic Values from Du Weiming's neo-Confucianism儒学在多元价值世界的现代转化——杜维明新儒学思想初探
18.According to Professor Tu Wei-ming, creative thinking should be supported by moral and cultural values.四、据杜维明教授的看法,创意思维一定要从道德观念,文化价值作为依据。

TU Weiming杜维明
1.Surpassing the Mentality of the Enlightenment——Reviewing TU Weiming s Exposition on Reflecting upon the Enlightenment;超越启蒙心态——杜维明“启蒙反思”论域述论
2.From Meditating Enlightenment Mentality to Holping Confucianism Value in the Whole World——Inquire into the Theory of Enlightenment of Tu Weiming;从反思启蒙心态到儒家价值的普世化期盼——杜维明启蒙观探微
3.The Review of Tu Weiming s "the Third-stage Development Theory of Confucianism";杜维明“儒学第三期发展论”述评
3)DU Wei-ming杜维明
1.On the basis of their understanding of major world civilizations, DU Wei-ming and LIU Shu-xian, current proponents of Neo-Confuc.当代新儒家的代表人物杜维明、刘述先,在与世界各大文明传统做广泛交流的基础上,提出了诸多儒学发展的新课题,拓展了儒学的论域以及走向国际学术舞台的空间,为新儒学的进一步发展提供了可能。
2.Du Wei-ming, as one leader of the modern Confucianism, he conducted a detailed study of Confucianism.杜维明作为新时代儒学的领军人物之一,他对儒学进行了很细致的研究。
4)Du Weimin杜维明
1.The Islamic Civilization in the View of New-Confucianism -From Tang Junyi to Du Weimin;新儒家视界下的伊斯兰文明——从唐君毅到杜维明
2.Du Weimin s theories of Dialogues between Civilizations and the thoughts about Spirituality of Nasr, an Islamic scholar with American Nationality, the thesis is to make a comparative analysis about the two scholars main theories and ideological concepts on Dialog.本文拟以杜维明先生多年来身体力行的“文明对话”论域和美籍伊斯兰学者赛义德·侯赛因·纳斯尔的文明对话中的“精神性”探讨为例,从以下六个层面进行分析比照:一、站在西方文化“马赛克”上的跨文化学者;二、反思启蒙,发掘自身传统的精神资源;三、寻求各自文明中的精神资源和超越性人文价值;四、在生态伦理层面寻求各自文明所蕴含的价值;五、文明对话中知识分子的角色和立场;六、参与主持回儒对话:促进伊斯兰与儒家文明对话实践。
5)Duve,Christian de杜维
6)Du Mingshi杜明师
1.The part about Xie Lingyun in Shipin mentioned "Du Mingshi in Qiantang" by quoting Yiyuan .《诗品》谢灵运条引《异苑》提到“钱塘杜明师”其人 ,在现有的出版物中 ,大抵有五种意见 :①杜子恭 ;②杜炅字子恭 ;③杜 曰丙 字叔恭 ;④杜炅字子恭、杜 曰丙 字叔恭并非一人 ;⑤杜炅字子恭、杜 曰丙 字叔恭为一个人。
