大同社会,Great Harmony
1)Great Harmony大同社会
1.To realize thls objective, the first measure, is to establish the Great Harmony in which both the old and the young could be supported and the adult could be in full play.创万世基业是其目标,为实现这一目标,首先是建立和谐的大同社会,实现老有所养,壮有所用,幼有所养;其次是以知识为基础,建立经济社会发展与自然环境相协调的人地关系,将经济发展、社会进步、生态保护、环境治理、资源爱惜结合起来,使其成为全民的道德规范和行为准则;第三是从我做起,以自己的模范行为去影响别人,营造良好的内外环境,达到共同的可持续发展,为世界和全人类缔造美好的共同未

1.The Society of Datong and Utopia--The Comparison of Social Chimerical Theories between Chinese and Western Countries;大同社会与乌托邦——中西社会空想理论比较
2.The Theory of Harmony Society and the Idea of Ancient Utopian Society in China;和谐社会理论与大同社会思想——读《礼记·礼在》篇
3.Daido Oxygen Co, Japan日本大同酸素株式会社
4.Comparison of the thought of Da Tong and west utopian socialism.大同思想与西方空想社会主义之比较
5.From Mao Zedong's Ideal of "Da Tong" to Deng Xiao-ping's Society of "Xiao Kang";从毛泽东“大同”理想到邓小平“小康”社会
6.On Kang Youwei Datong Ideal of Social Harmony Thinking;论康有为大同理想中的社会和谐思想
7.A Reflection on the Thoughts of Social Welfare from the Perspective of Kang Youwei’s Datong Book;从《大同书》看康有为的社会福利思想
8.On Traditional Ideas of Datong and Xiaokang as Ideal Social Orders;论传统“大同”与“小康”的理想社会秩序观
9.An Ideal of Great Harmony and the Thought of Social Security during the Pre-Qin Period;大同理想与先秦时期的社会保障思想
10.On the Thought of Chinese “Great Unity” and the Tendency of Social Development;试论中华“大同”思想与现实社会走向
11."Human nature" varies considerably with the social institutions.“人性”在很大程度上因社会习俗的不同而不同。
12.Together with the people of all sections of society, we disapproved of that kind of national assembly.我们和社会各界都不同意那样的国民大会。
13.The urban society of the twenty-first century will have little identity with the agrarian philosophy.二十一世纪的城市社会不大会同意农民的哲学。
14.Science organizational system has gone through two different patters from small science to bi science.科学的社会建制经历了小科学和大科学两种不同的社会建制。
15.To Relive the Dream of Great Harmony -- A Cultural Interpretation of the Ideal of Great Harmony, Actual Society and Human Nature;重温大同梦——人类大同理想与现实社会和人性本质之间的文化解读
16.Association pour la promotion social de la masse大众社会促进会(大众会)
17.The traditional solidarity of common geographic origin was another strong social cement传统的同乡关系是另一种强大的社会凝聚力。
18.Tahiti is in the same time zone as Hawaii and a part of the Society Islands.大溪地为社会群岛之一,与夏威夷同处一个时区。

education in an ideal society大同社会教育
3)"Datong" social ideal"大同"社会理想
4)social identification社会认同
1.By combining economic,social and psychological factors,a three-forces-driven interpersonal trust system is constructed with the trust driven by limited rationality and economic interest,the trust driven by social identification and trust driven by self-fulfillment included.结合经济、社会和心理等因素构建了三重驱动的人际信任机制的模型:有限理性与经济利益驱动下的信任,社会认同驱动下的信任以及自我实现驱动下的信任。
2.Secondly, the social identification should be converted owing to the prejudice of the value pursue and the current social identification assumption.本文针对“新农民工工人阶层”的形成、影响及其走向,从政治学的角度进行以下几方面的分析:一是利益驱动和现有不合理的利益分配格局使农民工形成阶层利益,促使社会利益关系的再调整;二是价值追求和现有社会认同取向的偏颇使具有“新”涵义的农民工要求社会认同取向的再转换;三是制度发展使农民流向城市成为可能,而制度不够发展带来的制度歧视则成为“新农民工工人阶层”形成的最主要原因及其发展的最主要障碍,制度重构势在必行;四是政治发展与稳定及其政府执政合法性资源的增强都需要“新农民工工人阶层”实现阶层融入。
3.Some think that it is a kind of causality between social identification and development of vocational education.一些人认为职业教育的社会认同和职业教育的发展是一种因果关系 ,只要通过教育或法令的形式来提高人们对职业教育的社会认同 ,就能促进职业教育的发展 ,摆脱职业教育目前发展的困境。
5)social identity社会认同
1.On the Social Identity and Social Mobilization in the Socialist Core Value System;论社会主义核心价值体系的社会认同与社会动员
2.Cross-cultural Study on New Fashion s Impact on Social Identity;新潮流对社会认同影响的跨文化研究
3.The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景
6)Social effect with社会效同

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决