忧世,worries about society
1)worries about society忧世
1.Looking at his "worries about society" in his boyhood and his "worries about life" in his youth as well as his "worries about society" again in his old age, as well as his academic shift and value transformation in these three stages, we can see that his death is not just a motivation for "love", but for "culture", that is his own views on value and political convictions.考其少年"忧世"、青年"忧生"和晚年再"忧世"三个阶段的学业转向与价值转型,可见出王国维并非简单的死于"殉清",而是"殉文化",即殉于他的价值观念与政治信仰。
2.This paper points out that the consistent spiritual core in poems on history in Tang Dynasty is deep consciousness of suffering which involves dual connotations:outwards"worries about society"and inwards"lament forlife".文章认为深沉的忧患是唐代咏史诗一以贯之的精神内核,它包含了双重意蕴:一个指向外部世界,表现为“忧世之思”,一个指向内在生命,表现为“忧生之嗟”。

1.Aesthetic Attitude:Anxiety of life or Anxiety of Society;审美:“忧生”抑或“忧世”——兼论生命美学的失误(二)
2.Contemporary realistic literature inTaiwan and Hong Kong\par;忧世却不厌世——当代台湾香港现实主义文学论
3.The Literary Work Worrying about the Destiny of China Written in the Lonesome Mood--Interpretation of the Theme of The Story of Hulanhe;寂寞心境下的忧世之作——《呼兰河传》主题解读
4.Not have a care in the world, ie have no worries or responsibilities无尘世之忧(无牵无挂)
5.He gads about without a care in the word.他无忧无虑在世界各地游逛。
6.All those can not But cause concern and distress among the people world wide对些,世界人民无不感到忧虑和痛心
7.I was the most dejected, disconsolate creature alive.我是世界上最沮丧的、最忧郁的人。
8.And all the trouble of her labouring ships,你带来了千帆百舸世间烦忧,
9.And all the trouble of her myriad years.你带来了完你千载世事虑忧。
10.Melancholy: The Live Characteristic of Intellectual Born in Countryside;忧郁:新世纪农裔知识分子的生存特征
11.Leavitt ‘s "Trouble" and the "Dejection" of the 20th-century Chinese Literature维特的“烦恼”与20世纪中国文学的“忧郁”
12.The boy was tied up inside in a knot of apprehension.孩子的内心世界由于担忧而感到惴惴不安。
13.Life, death, pain and misery lost their meaning...坐到不要知道人世间还有生、死,苦痛和忧伤
14.None of this is to dismiss all the concerns of the secular opposition.所有这一切都不能打消世俗反对派的担忧。
15.The Beautiful Always Stays Behind the Sad--Discusses the Ordinary World Love Tragedy;美丽的总留下忧伤——论《平凡的世界》里的悲剧爱情
16.The Suffering Life in Humour and Oddity--Comment on Li Xiaohai s Fairy Stories;幽默荒诞中的忧患人生——浅谈李小海的童话世界
17.On the Zhaxdawa s Living Adversity and Sorrow in the Invitation of Century;镜中之惑——论《世纪之邀》中扎西达娃的生存忧患
18.The Eudemonia From the Unity with Heaven and the Suffering from Striving for the Great Harmony: the Ideal Realm of Zhang Zai;同天之乐与忧患经世——论张载的理想境界

feeling sorrowful toward the contemporary world忧生伤世
3)literary creation in response to the social context感时忧世
4)enjoying heaven and worrying the human world乐天忧世
5)the worry of a decayed dynasty末世忧患
6)The suffering from striving for the Great Harmony忧患经世

忧世【忧世】 (杂语)现世四苦八苦充满,忧惧不安之意。又作浮世。如浮云萍草无定相也。