说苑,Shuo yuan
1)Shuo yuan说苑

1.On Naming of Han Dynasty List’"Novelist"From Shuo Yuan;从《说苑》看《汉志》“小说家”命名
2.The Novel Character of LiuXiang s Three Books;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》的小说特征
3.Study on the Images of the Persons of Noble Character in XinXu and ShuoYuan Wrriten by LiuXiang;刘向《新序》、《说苑》中的节士形象初探
4.The Study of Shuo Yuan Modification in Literature;《说苑》及其相关文献异文的比较研究
5.Reviewing the Synonymous Collocation of Psychological Verbs in Shuo Yuan;《说苑》心理动词同义连用现象考察
6.The Types and its Rhetoric Functions of Hypothetical Sentences in Collection of Stories;《说苑》假设句群的类型及其修辞功能
7.The Characteristics of 《Xinxu》、 《Shuoyuan》and 《Lienüzhuan》;关于《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》的性质
8.On the Myth History&Divination Combined with Mystical Confucianist Belief of Qian Fu lun,Shuo Yuan;《潜夫论》《说苑》中神话的历史化与谶纬化
9.The Compare between Confucian Poetics and poems in Shuo Yuan《孔子诗论》与《说苑》中“引诗”之比较
10.Historical Consciousness of Liu Xiang--The Role of Shuoyuan in the Formation of Chinese Novel Style论刘向《说苑》的历史意识——兼论《说苑》在中国小说文体形成过程中的作用
11.On the Material Processing Characteristic of Xin Xu and Shuo Yuan;论《新序》、《说苑》材料加工的特点——以引《诗》为例
12.An Overview of Liuxiang s Political Thought in Shuoyuan;理想与现实的调和——刘向《说苑》政治思想述评
13.On Presenting Admonishment to Emperors at the Risk of Death--The Mentality of Liu Xiang s Compiling Garden of Saying and the Causes;昧死以进谏——论刘向编撰《说苑》的心态及其成因
14.On the Rhetoric Symmetry of Noun of Locatity and its Function in "Shuo Yuan"《说苑》方位词对称使用的作用及其修辞文化探析
15.On the Source of Materials and the Way of Processing in Liu-xiang s New Recount, Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》材料来源及加工取舍方式探索
16.Yiwen(异文) Involved in Shuo Wen Jie Zi(说文解字) Quoted in the Book of Sound and Meaning Compiled by Hui Yuan(慧苑音义) Preserved in the Chinese Grand Buddhist Scripture Inscribed by Gaoli(高丽);高丽藏本慧苑音义引《说文》的异文问题
17.Is tang wen cui an Abbreviated Version of wen yuan ying hua?;《唐文粹》"铨择"《文苑英华》说辨析
18.The train that occurs three times in? New Grub Street? constitutes its" rhythm".文苑外史》中三次出现的列车构成了小说的"节奏"。

1.In his work named Shuoyuan,Liuxiang just made full use of ancient rhetorical devices to advise the emperors to maintain all the confucius moralities so as to rebuild the Han Dynasty,while struggling against the relatives directly from the Queens.刘向在《说苑》一书中采取周全列举、铺陈夸饰的语言形式,力谏当朝帝王应建本立节、贵德尊贤、至公敬慎等,以重振汉室雄风,抗拒外戚专权。
2.Shuoyuan,authored by Liu Xiang, is anther historical story book after Xinxu.《说苑》是刘向继《新序》之后又一部集先秦至汉初的历史故事集,它是刘向校书时根据皇家所藏和民间流行的书册资料加以选择、整理的颇具故事性、多为对话体的杂著类编。
3)Shuo Yuan《说苑》
1.On the Material Processing Characteristic of Xin Xu and Shuo Yuan;论《新序》、《说苑》材料加工的特点——以引《诗》为例
2.Reviewing the Synonymous Collocation of Psychological Verbs in Shuo Yuan;《说苑》心理动词同义连用现象考察
4)Collection of Stories《说苑》
1.The Types and its Rhetoric Functions of Hypothetical Sentences in Collection of Stories;《说苑》假设句群的类型及其修辞功能
2.On the Source of Materials and the Way of Processing in Liu-xiang s New Recount, Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》材料来源及加工取舍方式探索
5)"Proofs for the Realm of Discourse"《说苑校正》
6)A Study On The Garden Of Saying《说苑》研究

四苑──帝释四苑【四苑──帝释四苑】  ﹝出阿毗达磨大毗婆沙论﹞  梵语释提桓因,华言能天主。言帝释者,梵华兼举也。须弥山顶是诸天所住之处。有城名曰善现,乃帝释所都。城有千门,严饰壮丽,中有殊胜殿,种种妙宝,具足庄严,其城四隅,有四台观,金银等宝所成,甚可爱乐。城外四面,面各一苑,形皆正方,中央各有一如意池,八功德水盈满其中,是彼诸天游戏之处也。(八功德水者,一澄清、二清冷、三甘美、四轻软、五润泽、六安和、七饮时除饥渴等、八饮已长养诸根也。)  [一、众车苑],谓帝释诸天若欲游玩,随天福德之力,种种宝车,于此苑中自然出现。  [二、粗恶苑],谓帝释诸天,若欲斗战之时,随其所须,甲仗等器于此苑中自然出现。  [三、杂林苑],谓帝释诸天,若游此苑,于诸众妙之境所玩皆同,俱生胜喜。  [四、喜林苑],谓帝释诸天,若游此苑,极妙欲尘种种皆集,历观遍览,喜乐无穷,而不生厌。