存思,Taoist meditation
1)Taoist meditation存思
1.It was more important that both the original images and their structure of LI-Bai s Taoist poets were relative to the Taoist meditation of the Shangqing Sect,so LI-Bai was greatly influenced by the Shangqing Sect.更为重要的是:诗人大量反映道教信仰的作品,其意象来源、构思方法悉与上清派的存思术有关。
2)existential thinking存在思维
3)thought existing思想存在

1.But non-Marxist and, what is more, anti-Marxist ideologies exist even in these countries.但是就是在社会主义国家,还是有非马克思主义的思想存在,也有反马克思主义的思想存在
2.something that exists only as an idea.仅存在于思想中的东西。
3.The idea of long-term coexistence had been there for a long time.长期共存的思想已经存在很久了。
4.relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts.与头脑或者思想相关,存在于头脑或者思想之中。
5.His actions lag far behind his thinking .在他的思想和行动之间存在很大差异。
6.On the Status of "Human Perceptual Activities" in Marx s Philosophical Theory;“人的感性活动”在马克思存在思想中的地位
7.His thought is still in existence though he has died.他虽然逝去了,他的思想仍然存在。
8.It is man's social being that determines his thinking.人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想。
9.It is man's social being that determines his thinking [consciousness].人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想[意识]。
10.It is man's social being that determines his thinking (consciousness).人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想(意识)。
11.aware of one's own existence,thoughts and actions(对自己的存在、思想和行为)自觉的.
12.A Study of R.D. Laing s Existential Psychiatrical Thought;R.D.莱因的存在精神病学思想研究
13.Metaphor and Being;隐喻与存在—利科的诠释学思想研究
14.Existence,sensibility and Ambit--An Analysis upon Meng Pei-yuan s Thinking;存在·情感·境界——对蒙培元思想的解读
15.Cleaning up the Misunderstanding of Ideological and Political Education;走出思想政治教育中存在的几个误区
16.Literature Interpretation of Sartre s Existentialism Principles;萨特存在主义哲学思想的文学化阐释
17.On Heidegger s Thought of Aesthetics;“存在”与“无蔽”——论海德格尔的美学思想
18.On the Organic Whole of Social Being: An Important Idea in Lukacs Later Philosophy;论卢卡奇社会存在整体性思想的新意

existential thinking存在思维
3)thought existing思想存在
4)thinking survival生存之"思"
5)Thinking on Existence存在之思
6)the outlook of the theory of thinking and exsisting思与存
