中国古典哲学,Classical Chinese philosophy
1)Classical Chinese philosophy中国古典哲学

1.Translation of Classic Chinese Philosophic Concepts Underlying Text and Context;语篇、语境与中国古典哲学概念的英译
2.The Massive Reflection of Chinese Classical Philosophical Aesthetical Thought──Philosophical Sense Embodied in Works by Wang Zeng qi;中国古典哲学美学思想的集中体现——汪曾祺作品蕴含的哲学意味
3."The postmodern"of Classical Chinese Philosophy:On Taoism s Deconstruction on Confucianism and Mohism;中国古典哲学中的“后现代”——论道对儒墨的解构
4.On the Influence of Chinese Classical Philosophy on Brecht;论中国古典哲学对布莱希特创作的影响
5.Green Implication Reflected by Chinese Classical Philosophy--A Brief Talk on the Idea of "the Combination of Man and Nature" in Confucianism and Taoism Philosophy;中国古典哲学折射的绿色理念——简述道儒哲学的“天人合一”思想
6.On Analysis of the Philosophical Origin of the Art In Chinese Classical Gardens;试析中国古典园林艺术中的哲学源流
7.On the Classification of Humanism in German Classic Philosophy;德国古典哲学中人本主义的类型划分
8.The Explain Trying about the Existing Philosophy in Chinese Classical Literture Masterpiece;中国古典文学名著中生存哲学的解读尝试
9.Thoughts on Chinese Classical Aesthetics from the Viewpoint of Linguistic Philosophy;从语言哲学角度对中国古典美学的思考
10.On the Legitimacy of Regime in Chinese Classic Political Philosophy;论中国古典政治哲学中政权合法性问题
11.Deep-root and flourishing well-established--Shallowly discusses the Chinese calligraphy and the classical philolophy;根深叶茂 渊远流长——中国书法与古典哲学
12.To Do or Not to Do, To Be or Not to Be Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music (Part Six);操舍存亡《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之六
13.Producing Music from Sound Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music(Part five);发于声音——《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之五
14.Listen with Heart Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music (Part Four);听之以心 《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之四
15.Image of Idea Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music (Part Three);立象尽意 《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之三
16.Time is passing like this running water Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music( Part Two);逝者如斯 《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之二
17.Movement in rhythm of the same feather: Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music(Part One);以类相动——《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之一
18.An Inquiry of WANG Tingxiang s Philosophy of Qi -With Considerations of the Characteristics of the Theory of Qi in Chinese Classical Philosophy;王廷相气论哲学新探——兼论中国古典气论哲学的一般性质

ancient Chinese philosophy of music中国古典音乐哲学
1.The ancient Chinese philosophy of music claims that "music must be produced from sound and formed in moving and stopping".中国古典音乐哲学所谓“发于声音”、“形于动静”的言说所蕴涵的,乃是一种“赖有我以凝道”之中国古典特色的实践人本主义哲学。
3)German classic philosophy德国古典哲学
4)German classical philosophy德国古典哲学
1.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响
2.As a inaugurator of the German classical philosophy,the position and meaning of Kant s philosophy are obvious.作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。
5)classical German philosophy德国古典哲学
1.However,after a careful philosophical consideration of the market economy mover in the classical German philosophy,we find that the market economy is not a means but a product of the absolute subject s self-definition.然而,当我们通过德国古典哲学对市场经济之"推动者"——绝对主体——进行深入的哲学透视之后发现,市场经济原本不是手段,而是绝对主体"自我规定"的产物。
6)Chinese Classics中国古典学

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀