儒家经学,Confucian classics
1)Confucian classics儒家经学
1.As the pioneer of neo-confucianism in the Song dynasty, Zhou Dun-yi interpretates the doctrines of Confucian classics with a new vision, such as Yi Zhuan and Doctrine of the Mean ,and constructs moral metaphysics which combine the universe ontology ,the Confucianist theory of human nature and the moral cultivation .把儒家经学哲学化、义理化,对儒家经学加以时代的创新,为宋代理学的兴起和发展做出了自己的贡献。
2.Therefore,we should start with the ontological hermeneutics of Ma Yifu\'s "theory of six classics and mind" and rethink the philosophical connotations of Confucian classics in order to realize the modern transformation of six classics and promote ancient Chinese learning.应以马一浮"六艺心统说"为本体诠释之开端,重新梳理儒家经学的哲学意涵,促进六经的现代转化以重振国学。

1.Zhou Dun-yi’s Innovation of Confucian Classics--Takes Yi Zhuan and Doctrine of the Mean As a Center周敦颐对儒家经学的创新——以《易传》、《中庸》为中心
2.Confucian classics and book couection culture had produced deep effect to control the world.儒家经学治世与藏书文化 ,对经世产生了深远的影响
3.Confucian school is the main body of fuedal society in China and still embraced by scholars now.儒家经学是中国封建社会的主体,步入近代,仍为学者所信奉。
4.Differentiation and Analysis of Gu in Origin of Chinese Characters;《说文》鼓字释义辨析——兼言儒家经学对汉代学术的影响
5.The Buddhist Monks Understanding and Answers to Confucian Classics Learnig in Song Dynasty;宋代僧人对儒家经学的认识与回应——从释智圆和释契嵩谈起
6.Economic Studies in Confucian Culture Setting《The Book of Songs》 as an Example;儒家文化的经济学初探——以《诗经》为例
7.The Yijing, Early Confucian Metaphysics and Evolutiology《易经》:早期儒家的形上学与意识进化学
8.Positive Psychological Thought in the Confucian Classics "The Great Learning";儒家经典《大学》中的积极心理学思想
9.Confucian Scholar Wang Ji in Western Han Dynasty and His Study of Confucian Classics;西汉儒家学者王吉及其经学活动考述
10.the Confucian classics provided the basic knowledge for scientific research;二是儒家经典是科学研究的知识基础;
11.(2) the classic Confucius ethics from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty;(2)汉代至唐代时期的经学儒家伦理。
12.Philosophical Implications of Confucian Educational Ideology in Sanzijing;《三字经》中儒家教育思想的哲学意蕴
13.The Confucianist Theory of " Using the Doctrines to Save the World"and the Theory of "Making Use of What One Has Learned" of Chinese Education at Universities;儒家的“经世致用”与大学语文教育的“学以致用”
14.The Four Books and the Five Classics have been regarded as the cardinal texts which one must learn to understand the authentic thought of Confucianism."四书"、"五经"是了解正统儒家学说的主要读物。
15.The Study of Classics of Confucian Poetics through Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi s Citing and Reviewing Poetry;从孔、孟、荀引诗、说诗看儒家《诗》的经学化进程
16.This religious reform involved absorbing the Confucian classics, establishing court academician of Confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state, and so on.所谓儒学化改造,大致包括对儒家经典的吸收、置立五经博士、重建国家祀典等方面。
17.The Influence of the Confucian Scholars’Study Buddhism on the Development of Ritual Doctrine宋代儒家学者学佛经历对理学的影响——以张九成为例
18.The Practical Confucianism of Yen Yuan颜元的实用儒家学说

Confucian hermeneutics儒家经学诠释学
1.”As the carrier of this process and the core of Confucian hermeneutics,the“Jing”with the scope of the ontology,is“the Other”of the interpreter,at the same time,the interpreter is“the Other”of the“Jing”.作为这一过程的载体,即儒家经学诠释学的核心要素——作为本体范畴的“经”,在诠释者对经典进行阐述的过程中与诠释者互为“他者”,但同时诠释者具有“优一一先主体性”。
3)Confucian economic philosophy儒家经济哲学
1.Huang Zongxi s economic ideas marked a breakthrough in late Ming Confucian economic philosophy.黄宗羲的经济思想从三个方面展示了晚明儒家经济哲学的新突破。
4)classics of Confucius and Mencius儒家经文
5)Confucian classics儒家经典
1.Classics,replacement among classics and its conditions-Analysis from the relation between Confucian classics and Marxism classics;经典、经典的替代及其条件——从儒家经典与马克思主义经典的关系切入
2.missionaries to preach at the end of the Ming Dynasty in chinese local careful interpretation of the Confucian classics.明末传教士在中国本土传教时对儒家经典进行了精心诠释,通过对很具有代表性利马窦的《天学实义》的文本解读,可以发现传教士儒家经典诠释中所显现出来的旨趣。
3.As leaders of the movement of false discernment,Qian Xuantong and Gu Jiegang held radical objections to Confucian values mainly embedded in the Confucian classics.钱玄同和顾颉刚是辨伪、疑古运动的领导者,辨伪要涉及儒家经典,二人对儒家价值观持激烈的反对态度,加之“超今文”的方法以及寻求古史真相的致思,决定了他们只注意经典中可验证的人和事。
6)classical Confucian texts儒家经书

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀