儒道融合,interflow of Confucianism and Daoism
1)interflow of Confucianism and Daoism儒道融合

1.His thought rooted in Confucianism and Daoism.其思想源于儒家,也源于道家、道教,是儒道融合于一体的产物。
2.An Analysis of How the Fusion of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism Reflects in Journey to the West;谈儒释道的融合在《西游记》中的体现
3.Mental Exercise of "Xing" and Perspective Combination of Zhuang s Taoism and Chan Buddhism:the Soul of Chuanshan s Emotion Theory;船山情感论之真义:儒释道视域融合
4.The Amalgamation of the Confucian Ethic Morals and the Chinese Traditional Law;儒家伦理道德与中国传统法律的融合
5.The Similarities Between Confucianism and Taoism and Their Integration on the View of Harmony;儒家的尚“中”与道家的崇“大”——儒道和谐观的差异与融合
6.Fusion of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought in Business Culture of Shanshan - guildhall论社旗山陕会馆商文化中的儒、佛、道融合
7.The preliminary merging of Taoism , Confucianism and Legalism --On the academic thoughts of Shendao道、儒、法的初步融合——试论慎到的学术思想
8.The conflict and blend of Confucianism and Taoism from the outlook on life and death in Lin Lanxiang;从《林兰香》的生死观看儒道思想的冲突与融合
9.Fusion of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought in The Business culture of Shanshhanhuiguan;谈谈社旗山陕会馆商文化中的儒、佛、道融合
10.Shigong Religion,the Zhuang People s Folk Belief:a Blending and Integration of Wunuo,Taoism,Buddhism and Confucianism;壮族民间师公教:巫傩道释儒的交融与整合
11.Decoration Style of Qing Dynasty Folk Guild Halls in the Middle Part of China Integrating Confucianism,Daoism and Buddhism现存清代中原民间会馆装饰中的儒、道、佛融合
12.What is Behind Tao Yuanmings Image as a Hermit--as well as the Growth, Decline and Fusion of Confucian and Taoist Outlooks on life;陶渊明隐逸身形的背后——兼谈儒道人生观的消涨融合
13.After that the Confucian, Buddhism and taoism converge to enter the third period of his philosophic development.此后乃进入他哲学思想发展的第三阶段,即儒释道融合,而又回归儒学。
14.Discuss on the Scholar Tourism of Tang Dynasty Which Merges Taoism and Confucianism;论融儒道精神于一体的唐朝文人旅游
15.On the thought of beauty of harmony in traditional Chinese aethetics integrating Confucianism, Daoism and Yi --Simultaneously on the fusion of Confucianism , Daoism and Yi;论易儒道交融的中国古代和谐美思想
16.The Blend of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism in Sun Simiao's Medical Ethics Thought孙思邈医学伦理思想中儒、道、释的交融
18.Conflicts and Fuses:Between the Confucius Ideas and the Western Ideas on Values冲突与融合:儒家价值观与西方价值观

amalgamation of Daoism and Confucianism融合儒道
3)syncretized Legist',Taoist'and Confucian'thought"法、道、儒"相融合
4)melting Taoism and absorbing Confucianism法道融儒
5)the mention of his possible inspiration on the teaching of modern Shanshui painting儒道佛玄交叉、融合
6)a combination of Confucianism and Buddhism儒佛融合
1.Qian Qianyi s idea is a combination of Confucianism and Buddhism,which is a reflection of the situation of politics society and culture in the alternation of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.钱谦益儒佛融合的思想,是明清之际复杂的政治、社会、文化问题的反映。
