天乐,heavenly happiness
1)heavenly happiness天乐
1.At the same time,affected by"heavenly happiness"of Dao culture,"enjoyment from nature"of Chen Baisha contains the thought of"Forgetting both of the material and ego,and the thought of bei.同时,陈白沙的"自然之乐"也深受道家乐文化"天乐"的影响,包含了"物我两忘、死生齐一"的思想。
2)carefree; happy-go-lucky; buoyant; cheerfully resilient; optimistic乐天

1.He has a happy disposition.他有一种乐天的性格。
2.a buoyant disposition, personality, etc乐天的性情、 个性等.
3.She is endowed with great musical ability.她的音乐天赋很高。
4.She is endowed with grea musical.她具有杰出的音乐天赋。
5.Louise is very musically inclined.路易丝很有音乐天赋.
6.The boy has a gift for music.这男孩有音乐天赋。
7.Yes. You have a gift for music.是的。你很有音乐天赋。?
8.Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!
9.Throw the ball have fun today.投球,快快乐乐的一天。
10.a sanguine disposition乐观 [快活] 的天性
11.Outsold Mariah, Michael击败乐坛天王、天后。
12.A leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐
13."Today we' re going to introduce the four groups of musical instruments: the stringed, wind, percussion, and electronic or electrophonic instruments."今天咱们介绍乐器的四大类别:弦乐器,管乐器,打击乐器和电子乐器。
14.Who directed at yesterday's concert?谁指挥昨天的音乐会?
15.Today was hectic.今天忙得不亦乐乎.
16.Gave the day over to merrymaking.整天纵情于寻欢作乐
17.he practiced Chopin day and night.他整天练习肖邦音乐。
18.The Angel and the Statue of the Prince快乐王子:天使与雕像

carefree; happy-go-lucky; buoyant; cheerfully resilient; optimistic乐天
1.The field trial showed that 5% pyanchor EC sprayed at 375-450 ml/hm 2 during 3-4 leaf stage of barnyardgrass is effective on Echinochloa crusgalli,Paspalum distichum ,and broadleaf weeds in the directly seeded rice field with more than 81.试验结果表明 ,用 5%韩乐天EC 375~ 4 50ml/hm2 于稗草 3~ 4叶期喷雾 ,对直播稻田稗草、双穗雀稗及一年生多种阔叶杂草均具有较好的防除效果 ,杂草总体防效可达 81。
4)Leye Tiankeng乐业天坑
1.Resource Exploitation and Protection of Leye Tiankeng Characteristic Tourism;广西乐业天坑特色旅游资源开发与保护
5)Le Tian-yu乐天宇
6)enjoying heaven and worrying the human world乐天忧世

天乐【天乐】 (杂名)天人之伎乐也。法华经化城喻品曰:“四王诸天,为供养佛,常击天鼓,其余诸天,作天伎乐。”【又】(术语)三乐之一。生欲界诸天所受之欢乐也,修十善业者生天感之。见大宝积经一百一。