亚洲四小龙,Asian "Tigers"
1)Asian "Tigers"亚洲四小龙
1.Risk Control in Margin Trading——A case study of Asian "Tigers";证券信用交易风险控制——亚洲四小龙视角

1.Review on the Welfare Policy of Asian 4 Little Dragons after WWⅡ;二战后“亚洲四小龙”福利政策反思
2.Risk Control in Margin Trading--A case study of Asian "Tigers";证券信用交易风险控制——亚洲四小龙视角
3.Nonequivalence and Infiltration of the Cultural Images in the Translation of "the Four Dragons of Asia";从“亚洲四小龙”的翻译看文化意象的错位与融合
4.The Features of the University Moral Education of the Asian Four Dragons and the Enlightenment;“亚洲四小龙”高校道德教育特色及其启示
5.Technology Spillovers of FDI and Imports in China-Based on a Comparison between Major Western countries and the Four Asian Dragons;FDI和进口贸易对中国的技术溢出效应——基于西方大国与亚洲四小龙的比较
6.The Four Asian Economic Giants (i.e. Hong Kong, Singapore, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan); the Asian Tigers; the "Four Tigers (or Dragons)"亚洲经济 “四小龙”
7.Guangdong is trying to catch up with Asia's "four little dragons"in 20 years广东二十年赶上亚洲"四小龙"
8.Study and thought on vocational education in the "four little tigers" in Asia;亚洲“四小龙”职业技术教育的研究
9.The experience and enlightenment of the higher vocational education in the Asia four little dragons;试析亚洲“四小龙”高等职业教育的经验及启示
10.Guangdong, for example, should try to mount several steps and catch up with the ``four little dragons'' of Asia in twenty years.比如广东,要上几个台阶,力争用二十年的时间赶上亚洲“四小龙”
11.With prosperity has come a dramatic increase on wages particularly for prosperity has come a dramatic increase in wages particularly for the "Four Tigers"随着经济的繁荣,人们的薪金猛涨,亚洲经济 “四小龙” 尤为如此
12.On Strategies of Improving the Coordinated Development of Higher Education and Economy in Yangtze River Delta;从亚洲“四小龙”看长三角高等教育与经济协调发展的策略
13.Cross-cultural Translation of Words;跨文化的词汇翻译——从亚洲“四小龙”的翻译方法谈起
14.Confucianism and East Asian Modernization in the Horizon of Cultural Globalization文化全球化视野中的儒学与东亚现代化——以日本、亚洲“四小龙”为研究中心
15.Guangdong, for example, should try to mount several steps and catch up with the "four little dragons" of Asia in twenty years.比如广东,要上几个台阶,力争用二十年的时间赶上亚洲“四小龙”比如江苏等。
16.Guangdong is trying to catch up with Asia's ``four little dragons'' in 20 years, not only in terms of economic growth, but also in terms of improved public order and general social conduct.广东二十年赶上亚洲“四小龙”,不仅经济要上去,社会秩序、社会风气也要搞好,
17.Industrial Structural Upgrade and Economic Growth--On Industrial Structural Upgrade of China from Experience of Japan and Asian "Four Dragons产业结构升级与经济增长——从日本与亚洲“四小龙”的成功经验看我国产业结构升级
18.Now S.Korea has become one of the " Asian four small dragons " and become the leading member of the rising industrialization nations.如今韩国已发展成为亚洲的“四小龙”之一,并成为新兴工业化国家和地区的主要成员。

Four Resurgent Asian Economies (RAEs)亚洲四小
3)Scleropages formosus亚洲龙鱼
1.Analysis on the D-loop Structure of Two Stock of Scleropages formosus;2种亚洲龙鱼的D-Loop序列结构分析
6)four Asian teams亚洲四队
1.From the statistics and the analysis of the techniques of the four Asian teams in the 17th world cup, it can be seen that the skill of China s team is, to large extent, lag behind that of South Korea and Japan.通过对亚洲四队参加第 17届韩日世界杯进行技术统计分析对比发现 ,中国足球在很大程度上落后于韩国和日本。
