天论,"Tian lun"
1)"Tian lun"天论
1.Evolution and significance of pre-Qin Confucian "Tian lun";先秦儒家“天论”的演进及意义

1."The Heaven on the Sky" and "the Heaven in Human Body"--Wang fuchih s opinion on the heaven and his new idea;“在天之天”与“在人之天”——王夫之天论及其创新
2.The doctrine that the mind produces ideas that are not derived from external sources.先天论,天性论先天论,大脑不能从外界信息中产生想法
3.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论
4.Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself.秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;
5.Rain or shine, well set out tomorrow.不论天气好坏,我们明天出发。
6.They followed day by day the discussions of the committee.他们天天注意执行委员会的讨论。
7.Hanshui River,Tianhan(Milky Way) and Tianshui--On Formation of the Fairy Tale "Cowherd and the Girl Weaver"汉水、天汉、天水——论织女传说的形成
8.Paradise or Hell--On the Biblical Motif;天堂抑或是地狱——论《天堂》的圣经母题
9.On the Nature-Nurture Controversy;关于“先天-后天”论之争的追溯和思考
10.I shall go regardless of the weather.无论天气好坏, 我都要去。
11.We are having a debate today.我们今天开辩论会。
12.Grammar courses one-day introductory workshops语法课,一天入门讨论课
13.He put in something about the-Supernal Oneness.他说一点天上的一元论。
14.Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta.无论雨天或晴天,我曾经天天沿着这条小径去探望葛丽塔。
15.continuous creation theoryph.1. 【天】稳恒态宇宙论;物质不断创生论
16.1 obey the rules of tydf forum.遵守天圆地方论坛的论坛管理规定。
17.Today we are going to discuss the pros and cons of corporal punishment.今天我们要讨论「体罚」的正与反论据。
18.The Formation and Development of the Taoist Theory-"Caverns of Heaven and Place of Blessing";试论道教洞天福地理论的形成与发展

Faling the crisis of being diviold up by imperialism论"天演论"
3)preserving human nature全天论
1."The Spring and Autumn of Lu Shi" has abundant psychological thoughts of medicine and health,including honouring life、preserving human nature、protecting health、affection-to-affection psychological therapy and so on.《吕氏春秋》中包含有丰富的医学保健心理思想,包括贵生论、全天论、养生论、情志相胜论等,其中有关人类本性的思想与当代西方人本主义心理学的有关理论异曲同工不谋而合,这不能不说明中国古代医学保健心理思想的超前发达和先知先觉。
4)antenna theory天线理论
5)the initiation theory天生论
1.Theoretical study of children s language acquisition mainly focuses on three kinds of theories: the strengthening theory,the initiation theory and the theory of mutual action,which have their own advantages and disadvantages.儿童语言习得的理论研究主要集中在强化论、天生论和交互作用论三大理论上,这三种理论各有优劣。
6)nature-based theory天本论
1.Pre-Qin Philosophy of the universe ontology can be summed up in two different voices: nature-based theory and taoism-based theory.先秦哲学对宇宙本体的回答可以归结为两种,即天本论与道本论。
