老子美学,Lao Tzu Aesthetics
1)Lao Tzu Aesthetics老子美学

1.On Wang Fuzhi s Esthetical Image Theory and Lao Zi s Esthetical World;论王夫之审美意象说与老子美学境界
2.The Inspiration on Laozi s Aesthetic Thoughts to Building Ecological Culture;老子美学思想对构建生态文化的启示
3.On the Aesthetic Thought of Laozi’s Daoist Language and Its Influence;老子的道家语言美学思想及其影响一瞥
4.A Capable Man Pretends to Be Stupid;A Severe Speech Is Pretended to Be its Reverse──A subtle inquiry about Laozi thought of rhetoric aesthetics;大巧若拙 正言若反──老子修辞美学思想探微
5.Uncle Benny[美口](=youruncle)[自称]咱, 老子
6.A Remark of the Aesthetic Theory of Lao Zi Based on the Saying "Faithfulness Denies Gracefulness,Whereas Gralefuless Rejects Faithfulness";从“信言不美,美言不信”看《老子》的美论
7.Bachelor's wives and old maid' children is always perfect.王老五的老婆和老处女的孩子,无一不十全十美。
8.The Landscape Visualizing the Essence of Tao--Remarking on the Relations between the Traditional Chinese Landscape Paintings and the Laozi s Being Aesthetic;山水以形媚道——谈中国古代山水画与老子之道的生命美学
9.Doughty Beauty:An Old and Young Aesthetic Category;“刚美”:一个古老又年轻的美学范畴
10.It has both the beauty of Buddha and the beauty of Lao Tzu; it is the child of both.它既有佛陀的美,也有老子的美;它是佛陀与老子的产物。
11.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Thought of Zhuang Zi;形美、德美、道美——浅谈庄子美学思想
12.American parents can spank their children at home, but a teacher cannot hit a child in a public school.美国的父母在家可以打孩子的屁股,但在公立学校,老师不能打孩子,这在德国也一样。
13.The old man upbraided Confucius for harping on the past, expressed his disbelief in the virtues of learning and advised him to stop meddling in other people's affairs.他指责孔子老是谈论过去; 他不相信学习的美德; 他建议孔子不要再插手别人的事情;
14.The teacher dealt out the books to the students.老师把本子发给了学生。
15.Wu and You:Laozi s metaphysics;“无”与“有”:《老子》的形而上学
16.Chang and Ming in the Legal Philosophy of Lao-tzu;《老子》法哲学中的“常”与“名”
17.The Change of Lao Tse s Image and the Evolution of the Learning of Lao Tse;汉代老子“角色”变换及其老学史意义
18.On the Salvation Value of Laozi in the Light of the Research of Wei Yuan s Laozi Original Meaning;从魏源《老子本义》看老学的救世价值

aesthetic system of Taoism老子美学思想
3)Zhuang Zi's aesthetics老庄美学
4)the esthetics of Daoism庄老美学
5)Laotse s Nature Philosophy in His Aesthetics老子美学的自然观
6)Laozi philosophy老子哲学
1.Laozi philosophy contains perfect ecological wisdom and humanistic mind.老子哲学蕴含着完善的生态智慧和人文精神。
2.The practice of New Socialist Countryside Planning of new Shangtang vallige realizes the modern application of such ideas and embodied the regression of Laozi philosophy.老子哲学蕴含着完善的生态智慧和人文精神,通过现代的思维方式理解老子哲学,并把它与社会主义新农村规划联系起来,就会得到很多启示。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。