儒道合一,a fusion of Confucian and Taoism
1)a fusion of Confucian and Taoism儒道合一
1.Meanwhile, this paper attempts to explain the duality of the image of fisherman with " a fusion of Confucian and Taoism".本文选取古代韵文中典型的“渔父”意象进行分析,从中得知,在中国古代文人心里千古流传的“渔父情结”,透视出儒道传统下历代文人心中仕与隐之间微妙的纠结状态,并试图阐释体现在“渔父”身上的“儒道合一”的二重性。

1.Fusion of Confucian and Taoism: the School of WANG An-shi's Research on Zhuangzi and its Impact儒道合一:王安石学派的庄子学及其影响
2.The Eternal Contradiction Between being an Official and being an Anchoret--Discuss the Duality of the Image of Fisherman with “a Fusion of Confucian and Taoism”;仕与隐的千古纠结——论古诗文中渔父儒道合一的二重意象
3.His thought rooted in Confucianism and Daoism.其思想源于儒家,也源于道家、道教,是儒道融合于一体的产物。
4.The Comparison of Trinity between Confusion and Taoism in the Early Qin Dynasty;先秦儒道两家“天人合一”思想之比较
5.The "harmony of man with nature" in Confucianism and Taoism and the current environmental problem儒道“天人合一”的人文意蕴与当今的环境问题
6.The Unity of Heaven and Humanity and Modern Ecological Awareness;儒道"天人合一"思想与现代社会生态意识
7.Views on the Union of Nature and Human of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhismand the Construction of Ecological Civilization儒、道、释的“天人合一”观与生态文明的构建
8."Harmony Between Man and Nature" and "Imitation of Nature"--Thoughts from the Confucian and the Taoist Schools Contained in the South Classical Gardens“天人合一”与“道法自然”——儒家道家思想观照下的江南古典园林
9.The Integration of Tao of Government between Confucians and Military Strategists and its Historical Influence;儒家和兵家治道思想的整合及其历史影响——从“儒兵家”看《十一家注孙子》
10.Green Implication Reflected by Chinese Classical Philosophy--A Brief Talk on the Idea of "the Combination of Man and Nature" in Confucianism and Taoism Philosophy;中国古典哲学折射的绿色理念——简述道儒哲学的“天人合一”思想
11.The Similarities Between Confucianism and Taoism and Their Integration on the View of Harmony;儒家的尚“中”与道家的崇“大”——儒道和谐观的差异与融合
12.View of the Cosmos of Yi Wei and the Confluent Tendencies of Confucianism and Taoism in the Han Dynasty《易纬》宇宙观与汉代儒道合流趋向
13.The Confluence of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism from DongJing Meng Hua Lu;《东京梦华录》中的儒、释、道三教合流研究
14.An Analysis of How the Fusion of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism Reflects in Journey to the West;谈儒释道的融合在《西游记》中的体现
15.Mental Exercise of "Xing" and Perspective Combination of Zhuang s Taoism and Chan Buddhism:the Soul of Chuanshan s Emotion Theory;船山情感论之真义:儒释道视域融合
16.The Amalgamation of the Confucian Ethic Morals and the Chinese Traditional Law;儒家伦理道德与中国传统法律的融合
17.Combination of Confucianism and Taoism:Analysis of the Love and Marriage Plots in Sun Li's Novels儒道的契合——孙犁小说中婚恋情节解析
18.On the Legitimacy of the Confucian Moral Education Nowadays对新时代儒家道德教育的合法性思考

Taoist school and the道儒合一
3)Unification of Buddhism and Confucianism儒禅合一
4)synthesis of Shinto and Confucianism神儒合一
1.He emphasized the synthesis of Shinto and Confucianism, patriotic and loyal the throne, respecting the throne and despising the feudal princes.他把朱子学的基本理论与日本的神道教相结合,主张儒学之正统也就是神道之真传,从而把儒家的忠孝仁义思想注入神道教义,强调神儒合一,忠君爱国,尊王贱霸。
5)combination of Buddhism and Confucianism佛儒合一
6)The Unison of History and Confucianism儒史合一
1."The Unison of History and Confucianism " is derived from the Confucian tradition of historians and is the succession and development of“the sixfold canon is all history”of Hsueh-cheng Chang.第一章中首先分析“抽象理想”的背景、含义和作用,将“抽象理想”分解为“儒史合一”与新“夷夏之辨”这两个层面。
