今文经,present character Classics
1)present character Classics今文经
1.In Han Dynasty,the study on poetry of present character Classics was flourishing with the effort of royal academicians in Qi,Lu,and Han respectively.有汉一代,今文经《诗》学昌盛,齐、鲁、韩三家均立博士。

1.Han Dynasty s Dispute Between Contemporary Classic and Traditional Classic Schools: The Influence on its Contemporary Classic Study;论汉代今古文之争对汉代今文经学的影响
2.There are many kinds of culture in Chinese history.今、文之争贯穿中国传统文化发展史,今文经学多以经世标榜。
3.The Controversy between the Stydy of Confucian classics in Classical writing and in Current Calligraphy and XuShen s "Analytical Dictionary of Characters";古、今文经学之争与许慎的《说文解字》
4.In the Han Dynasty, Confucianism fell into two schools: the old Text and the New Text.在汉朝,儒学分为古文经学派和今文经学派。
5.Criticism on the New Text School--Liu Shipei in Sichuan Sinology School;批评今文经学派——刘师培在四川国学院
6.Influence of New Text Studies in West Han Dynasty on Writing of Benji in Historical Records;西汉今文经学对《史记》本纪写作的影响
7.The Preliminary Study of the Relations Between the Classical Learning Based on Official Script of Qi and Divination;齐派今文经学与谶纬关系的初步考察
8.On Confucian Image Thought;孔子意象思维论析——兼谈今文经学的解经特点
9.Distinguishing the truthfulness of Shangshu and the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty--Distinguishing the Truthfulness of Shangshu, the New Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty and Recent Study on the Ideological Trend of Suspecting the Past(1);《尚书》辨伪与清今文经学——《尚书》辨伪与清今文经学及近代疑古思潮研究(上)
10.From "Learning Handed down in a Family" to "Famous Theory"--On the revitalization of up-to-date studies of Confucian Classics and the power-monopolization of He Shen从“家学”到“显学”——清代今文经学的复兴与和珅专权
11.Xu Shen's Absorption to Thought of Yin-yang Divination in the Study of Confucian Classics Calligraphy许慎对今文经学中阴阳谶纬思想的吸纳
12.A textual research on the ancient and current characters used in Yi Jing of current version and that copied on silk (from hexagram Qian to Jian);帛、今本《易经》今、古文字考(乾至蹇)——兼及帛、今本卦爻辞异文辨析
13.Today's lesson is taken from the St Mark's Gospel.今日的经文选自《马可福音》.
14.Textual Research of the Relationship between the Version of XianQin Dynasty "Shi" and the existing "shi;先秦《诗》本与今传《诗经》文本的关系考论
15.Textual Research on the Formation about the Current Version of the Book Kongzhuan for The Classic of Filial Piety in Ancient Writing今本《古文孝经》孔传成书问题考辨
16.'%1' is already an orphan. The file will not be updated in the future.“%1”已经是孤立文件,该文件今后将不被更新。
17.a once-gifted writer who now simply boils the pot曾经才华一度而如今只是卖文度日的作家
18.About Ancient Texts and Critical Interpretation in Han Dynasty from Three biographies of Chunqiu Periods and Mao Biography;从《春秋三传》、《毛传》看两汉的经今古文与训诂

The Present Characters Confucianism今文经学
1.The transform of the Present Characters Confucianism is related with the politic conditions and social reform of Qing Dynasty.晚清今文经学的嬗变是与晚清政治环境、社会变迁息息相关的。
3)New Text Confucianism今文经学
1.Though the argument between the two schools of the text Confucianism in late Qing dynasty almost stopped with the finish of the age of the text Confucianism , as important part of the traditional academy, the legacy of the new text Confucianism and the old text Confucianism were still inhabit ed by modern scholars as important resource of academy and thought.清末的经今古文之争在经学时代结束后虽然基本停止, 但今文经学和古文经学这两份学术遗产,作为传统学术的重要部分,在现代学人那里却仍然 被当作重要的学术思想资源继承下来了。
4)the New Text School经今文学
5)Modern Chinese and Ancient Chinese Classics经今古文
6)Qing Jinwenjingxue清今文经学
