哲学建构,construction of philosophy
1)construction of philosophy哲学建构
1.Focusing on Zhu Xi s interpretation of the Four Books, in this article we discuss the relation between interpretation of classics and construction of philosophy.在中国经典解释传统中,经典文本与解经者的哲学建构之间,存在着既不能分割,而又互为紧张的关系。

1.Xiong s Exceeding Life Experience and His New Philosophical System;生命体验与哲学建构——熊十力哲学体系基点探秘
2.Philosophy of Science,Philosophy of Technology,Philosophy of Society from Social Constructivism;从社会建构主义看科学哲学、技术哲学和社会哲学
3.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构
4.Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Religion and the Construction of New Philosophy;中国传统哲学宗教的特点与新哲学的建构
5.Philosophic Comments on Criticism and Construction of Marxist Philosophy;从哲学方法谈马克思哲学的批判与建构
6.On the Philosophical Trend in the Era of Min Sheng民生本位时代的哲学走向——民生哲学的建构
7.Construction or Deconstruction of Philosophy: Rectifying a Misunderstanding of Marxian Philosophy;是哲学的建构,还是哲学的消解?——关于马克思哲学的一个误读纠偏
8.Science Philosophy s Value to Science Educational Theory Research;科学哲学对科学教育理论建构的价值
9.The Metaphysical Construction to Harmonious Society Brought by Administrative Philosophy;管理哲学对和谐社会的形而上学建构
10.Philosophical Reflections on Building Marxist Man Study;建构马克思主义人学理论的哲学思考
11.Philosophy of Science Tend to Social Constructivism;科学哲学的最新走向——社会建构主义
12."Interpreting Chinese with Western Discourse" and the Discipline Construction of Chinese Philosophy“以西释中”与中国哲学的学科构建
13.System Construction of Discipline of Philosophy and Social Science in Colleges;高校哲学社会科学学科建设的系统建构
14.Western Scholars Analysis on Ontology and the Building of Chinese Modern Philosophy;西方哲学的“本体论”解构与当代中国哲学的理论建构
15.the theory sets up philosophy foundation of the socialism diapason society论构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础
16.Construct the Philosophical System of Marxist Materialism in Praxis建构马克思的实践唯物主义哲学体系
17.Philosophical Analysis of Construction the Relationship between Central and Local Government;构建中央与地方和谐关系的哲学分析
18.Philosophic Inquiry into the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society;对“构建社会主义和谐社会”的哲学探讨

construction of Chinese philosophy中国哲学建构
3)the construction of development philosophy发展哲学建构
4)reconstructionist approach in studying philosophy哲学建构研究方式
5)configuration of contemporary Chinese philosophy当代中国哲学形态建构
6)Architectural Philosophy建筑哲学
1.Study the Compendium of Tadao Ando s Architectural Philosophy;浅析安藤忠雄的建筑哲学
2.From the role architectural philosophy plays in design, the paper points out the importance of architectural design to design.文章从建筑哲学在设计中的作用,提出建筑哲学在设计中的重要性,分析了中国的建筑师在建筑设计过程中对哲学的思考,阐述了当代中国建筑哲学建构的现状,并提出要提高建筑设计水平,不但要注重建筑的功能、外形,而且要关注从建筑实体中抽象出来的理念精神。
3.This article introduces the architectural philosophy of Pitirim A.介绍了皮季里姆·A·索罗金的建筑哲学观点,即建筑风格和特性的历史发展主要表现为观念型、视觉型和理性型三种建筑风格非周期的波动。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀