历史正义,Historical Justice
1)Historical Justice历史正义

1.The first two orientations are in favor of the existence of historical justice, whereas the last is against it.前两大走向是肯定历史正义的存在,后一大走向是否定历史正义的存在。
2.History shows that wars are divided into two kinds, just and unjust历史上的战争分为正义和非正义两类。
3.History knows only two kinds of war, just and unjust.历史上的战争,只有正义的和非正义的两类。
4.The Historical Changes In the Concept of "Justice" In Theory of Natural Law;自然法学说中“正义”观念的历史变迁
5.The Influence of History Books Written in Biographical Style on Historical Novels:the Case of Novels in Sui and Tang Dynasties论正史与历史演义小说:以隋唐题材为例
6.On Macintyre s Historical Method and Construction of the Theory of Virtue-Justice;麦金太尔历史主义方法与德性正义论的建构
7.Fairness and Justice:Rethinking about History and Logic and its Practical Significance;公平正义:历史与逻辑的再思考及其现实意义
8.Correctly recognizing historical development progress of socialism and capitalism;正确认识社会主义和资本主义的历史发展进程
9.The Justice in the View of Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义视野中的正义观——兼谈马克思何以拒斥、批判正义
10.58. History shows that wars are divided into two kinds, just and unjust.(五八)历史上的战争分为两类,一类是正义的,一类是非正义的。
11.The progressive and the just in historical movements;“进步”的不一定是“正义”的——论历史运动中“进步”与“正义”的关系
12.Text is divided into three parts: historical background of the polemics;正文分三部分:“三民主义”论战的历史背景;
13."A Farewell to the Cold War":Historical Implications for China of the Normalization of Sino-Soviet Relations;“告别冷战”:中国实现中苏关系正常化的历史含义
14.Main Content and Historical Significance of the Amendment Fourth of the Constitution;宪法第四修正案的主要内容及其历史意义
15.How to make a research on the historical course of capitalism development;如何正确认识资本主义发展的历史进程
16.How to Correctly Comprehend the historical Process of the Socialist Development;如何正确认识社会主义发展的历史进程
17.Correctly understanding the historical problems of current socialist movement;正确认识当代社会主义运动的历史难题
18.Evaluate the Historical Development of Marxist History Study in a Right Way;正确看待马克思主义史学的历史发展──访林甘泉研究员

historical revisionism历史修正主义
3)Historical significance历史意义
1.The Historical Significance and Contemporary Values of Sino-Arab Exchange during the Tang and Song Dynasties;唐宋时期中阿交往及其历史意义与当代价值
2.On Cultural Origin and Historical Significance of Building Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会的文化渊源及历史意义
3.On the impact of opening to the outside on the reform in the historical significance and practical function;论开放对改革的历史意义和现实作用
1.The Problem with Popper’s Philosophic Viewpoints of Anti-historicism;波普尔反历史主义的哲学视角问题
2.Husserl s Critique of Historicism and Its Revelation to Us;胡塞尔现象学的历史主义批判及其启示
1.Going out of Two Opposing Extreme Branches of Modernism and Historicalism;走出现代主义与历史主义的两极误区
2.ract: This essay mainly discusses the historical method and its application in the study of literature history,and has defined the two concepts of historicalism and historical method in the study of literature history at the same time.文章就历史方法在文学史研究中的运用及其意义进行了系统的阐述 ,并总结了历史方法在实践中的三个不同的要求 ,同时还对所谓历史主义与历史方法的概念进行了辨析和界定。
6)historic significance历史意义
1.The connotation of Deng Xiaoping’s thought on science and technology is very profound with its historic significance, which, on one hand, has applied and developed the theory of Marxism, on the other hand, it links closely with the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and has promoted not only the modernization of science and technology but also economy in our country.邓小平的科技思想内涵极为丰富,具有非常深刻的历史意义。
2.this article gives detailed exposition on the historical background, historical process as well as historic significance of Tibetan people s fighting against British imperialist in 1904, and it is regarded that this heroic fight is one of very important parts of Chinese people s anti-imperialist and anti-feudal wars since modern times.本文对1904年西藏人民的抗英斗争的历史背景、历史过程以及历史意义等方面作了较为详实的论述,认为西藏人民抗击英国侵略者的英勇斗争,是近代以来中国人民反帝反封建斗争的重要组成部分。
3.His deed is of great historic significance.颜氏的开拓活动具有重大历史意义:台湾的称呼始于这次开发活动;奠定了汉民族开发台湾的牢固基础;使台湾本岛有了最早有效的汉民族社会行政管理机构;在台湾大规模传播了中华民族的中原文明和习俗。
