德法,Franco Germany
1)Franco Germany德法

1.Vershnung in der Nachkriegszeit von Deutschland mit seinen Nachbarlndern Frankreich und Polen am Beispiel der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen;战后和解——以德法、德波关系中的德波关系为例
2.Equal Emphasis on Laws and Morals for Cultivating College Students Good Virtues;坚持德法并举 培养大学生良好品德
3.The critique of P·Devlin s theory of the enforcement of morality;德富林的道德法律强制理论及其批判
4.Governing the State by Means of Virtue and Law;对以德治国、德法并举治国方略的思考
5.Codifying Morals-An Important Way of Cultivating Morals at Present;道德法律化:当前道德建设的重要途径
6.nder quinoline synthesis弗瑞德兰德喹啉合成法
7.German industry, traditions, grammar德国工业、 德意志传统、 德语语法.
8.Edmond Goncourt龚古尔,埃德蒙(法)
9.The Infection on Pandekten Legal Science to German Civil Code;潘德克顿法学对《德国民法典》的影响
10.The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant's View从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系
11.FARHANG, Mohammad Farouq穆罕默德·法鲁克·法尔罕
12.Some Argumentations on Legalist s Concept of "Laws Primary, Morals Secondary";法家重法和法治但不排斥德和德治的一些论证
13.Texas Journal of Business Law---德州商业法律期刊,德州大学主办,全文.
14.The Symbol of Modern Rule of Morality--Mutual Functions between Rule of Morality and Rule of Law;现代德治的标志——德治-法治互动
15."Moral Dominant and Law Asistant" and "Law Domisant and Moral Asistant";“德主刑辅”与“刑主德辅”——法治在中国
16.Legal Education Isn t Equal to Moral Education: One Defence of Ethics;法制教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护
17.Integrate Nomocracy with Moral Education Enhance Moral Education;法治与德治相结合 要求大力加强德制
18.Full Promotion of Running a Country with Virtue by Equal Stress on Rule of Oirtue and Rule of Law;坚持德治法治并重 全力推进以德治国

France and Germany法德
1.The Analysis of Obstacles to Sino-Japanese Reconciliation in Three Levels——France and Germany Model;法德模式:中日和解障碍的三层次分析
1.Application of Delphi in the establishment of Shanghai local standard "Hygienic code for the operation of central ventilation and air conditioning systems";制订上海市空调通风系统地方标准中德尔菲法的应用
2.Analysis on the Application of the Delphi and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) in Bidding of University Library;浅议德尔菲法和层次分析法在高校图书馆招投标中的应用
3.The Application of Delphi to the Study of Electronic Intelligence;浅谈德尔菲法在电子情报研究中的运用
4)Delphi technique德尔菲法
1.A primary criterion of determining DM was advanced through the Delphi technique by the author.探讨了防御性医疗行为的研究方法,通过德尔菲法初步给出了防御性医疗行为在我国的界定标准和开展具体调查研究的思路。
2.Aimed at the low precision problem of the rule parameters in the assessment of shipborne EW system before,in this paper,the Delphi technique with assurance limit is adopted to improve the rule parameters assessment method.针对以往舰载电子战系统效能分析中准则参数值存在的准确度、精度不高等问题,考虑采用带确信度的德尔菲法对准则参数评定方法进行改进,并给出了一般流程和步骤。
3.It is based on the advanced Delphi technique and can get the Narshe equilibrium.为解决此问题,提出了一种基于改进德尔菲法的具有进化学习功能的群决策机制,得到了纳什均衡解,使作战方案的制定更加合理,有助于防空作战效能的提高。
5)Delphi method德尔斐法
1.It also puts forward a empirical analytical framework ty using Delphi method.该模式运用德尔斐法,得出的结论不仅可以作为评判食品安全监管绩效的参考,而且有关部门还可据此有针对性地强化相对较弱的强制性因素,并重点对表现强烈的扰乱性因素采取相应的措施。
2.Application of Delphi method to environmental impact prediction on telpher engineering in scenic spot for conducting environmental impact assessment was presented.在进行风景区索道工程环境影响评价中,应用德尔斐法作环境影响预测。
3.of operative skills in fundamental nursing,secondly appling Delphi method to consult experts on target items,weights intensions,indictors coverage,etc.方法:采用文献资料法、理论分析法及德尔斐法(Delphi Method)。
6)Delphi method德尔菲法
1.Application of the Delphi method in screening assessment indexes of submarine cabin air quality;德尔菲法在潜艇舱室空气质量评价指标筛选中的应用
2.Application of Delphi method in the constitution of 《Urban Integrated Vector Management Guidelines》;德尔菲法在制定《城镇病媒生物综合管理技术规范》中的应用
3.The appliciation of Delphi method in determiniing the nature of outdoor advertisement;德尔菲法在户外广告定性预测中的应用
