巫史文化,Wizard Culture
1)Wizard Culture巫史文化
1.Investigation on the Primitive States of the Formation of Wizard Culture——On the Origins of Shaman Culture.;巫史文化生成的原生形态诸问题考察——兼及萨满文化起源问题

1.The primitive state of Shaman Culture is the Wizard Culture, which originated in the late period of Paleolithic Age.萨满文化的原生形态为巫史文化,巫史文化产生于旧石器时代晚期。
2.Investigation on the Primitive States of the Formation of Wizard Culture--On the Origins of Shaman Culture.巫史文化生成的原生形态诸问题考察——兼及萨满文化起源问题
3.Theory"Zuo Zhuan"is hit by growth and decline of Wu Guan culture and official historian culture;论《左传》中巫官文化与史官文化之消长
4.The Historical Analysis on the Religious Cultural Phenomenon of Witchcraft in Zuozhuan;《左传》巫术宗教文化现象的历史性探析
5.Wizard, Wuxi County, Wizard Culture, the Civilization of Chongqing and the Development of the Reservoir Area巫、巫溪、巫文化、长江文明及库区开发
6.Goddess of Wu Mountain:Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶
7.The Root of Chinese Culture: On the History of Chinese Witchcraft by Gao Guo-fan;中华文化的根脉——评高国藩新著《中国巫术史》
8.An Analytical Study on the Function of the Jade-hoop-shaped Ware in Hongshan Culture--Interpretation of the Functions of Wu and Shi;红山文化玉箍形器功能探析——上古巫、史之职的物解
9.Petals Are Bathed in the Air Filled with Witchery--Vanilla Herbs and Witchery Culture in Qu Yuan s Works;落英沐巫风——屈原作品中的“香草”与巫文化
10.Nuo Culture Area in Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces and Wu Xi and Wu Feng Recorded by PU Songling;山东、江苏傩文化区和蒲松龄记述的“巫戏”、“巫风”
11.To Drive out Epidemic Disease by Nuo--A Study of Witchcraft Culture of the Ceremony of Tiger Festival;巫傩逐疫——彝族虎节仪式的巫术文化研究
12.Position and Lmpact of Mt.Wushan Fairy in Literary History;宋玉赋中巫山神女的文学史地位与影响
13.A Textual Study of Wizard Xian: Spreading of Liangzhu Culture to the Middle Plain巫咸"考──兼论良渚文化向中原的传播
14.The Expressive Forms and Cultural Significance of Koradji Dance in Han Dynasty s Images Carved on Stone Tablets;汉画像中巫舞的表现形式及文化意义
15.On the Mediumistic Dance in Northwestern Guangxi and Its Culture Origin;桂西北少数民族“巫舞”之文化研究
16.An Interpretation of Harry Porter in Perspective of Culture;巫术的救赎:《哈利·波特》的文化阐释
17.Understanding Artistic Form of Primitive Society from Shaman Culture;从巫文化中解读原始社会的艺术形态
18.Legend of "Big Catalpa Spirit" and its Attribute of Sorcery;秦“大梓牛神”传说及其巫文化气质

Wu culture巫文化
1.excavate and expound Wu culture of Tujia people at the point of anthropology,and understand the colourful Wu culture s ipeciality of Tujia people and Wu culture s phenomenon furtherly.从人类学视角对土家族巫文化进行考察、挖掘、阐述,从而进一步了解了土家族色彩斑斓的巫文化特质及巫文化事象。
2.Tima is one of the important Tujia cultures,it belongs to Wu culture.梯玛是土家族文化的重要内容之一,它属于巫文化的范畴。
3.Three Gorges region in Yangtze River is the cradle of Wu culture.长江三峡为巫文化的起源之地。
3)witch culture巫文化
1.In this museum Wen Zhen-kun′s paper-cutting works have inherited and originalized images of the witch culture in Chu culture.馆中文震坤老人的剪纸作品别具一格,在图案上传承和创新了楚文化中的巫文化意象,秦石蛟作品中的凤鸟图案丰满灵异,造型色彩逼真抢眼,闪烁着楚文化凤崇拜的灿烂光辉,他们的作品在传承前辈的基础上力求形式与内容上的创新,具有独特的研究和保护价值。
4)witchcraft culture巫卜文化
1.This article researches the Phenomenon which prehistoric witchcraft culture effect on YueJi (Book of Music)through Oracle Bone Inscription, unearthed relics and documents being transmitted.史前巫卜文化对后世艺术的孕育、影响至巨。
5)wizard culture巫文化
1.Based on archeology and literature and existing achievements, this article believes that "Zhenmu animal" from Chu tomb is the magical tool to carry soul into heaven aftermath death of Chu wizard and further argues that wizard culture in Chu kingdom was not only widespread in Warring States period , but , to a certain degree, wizard tricks and political power combined.本文运用考古和文献资料,在已有研究成果的基础上,提出楚墓出土的漆木器"镇墓兽"为楚国巫觋死后载魂升天法器的新说,并进一步分析认为战国时期楚地不仅巫文化分布范围广,而且在一定程度上存在巫术与政治权力结合的现象。
2.Lisao,as the first romantic poem in Chinese literature,involved overdrawing,rich imagination and fantastic environment,which also had the obvious characteristic of the wizard culture.《离骚》是我国第一部浪漫主义文学作品,其所表现的大胆的夸张,丰富的想像和奇谲的意境呈现出了明显的巫文化的特征。
3.The Chinese art structure was seprated from wizard culture or, namely, as a structural consciousness, It was penetrated and that essential harmony between "decoration or representation" and "De and Xing", impelling the "ideal pragmatism" of Chin art and advancing the cultural particularities of Chinese Art structure.商用时期,中国艺术结构与巫文化及史官文化发生分离,其标志是美饰象征结构意识呈现于艺术的深层机制,并通过与德性观念的相互协合,促成艺术观念的“实用化”,使中国艺术结构之文化体征有了十分关键的推进和提升。
6)Wu Guan culture巫官文化
1.Theory"Zuo Zhuan"is hit by growth and decline of Wu Guan culture and official historian culture;论《左传》中巫官文化与史官文化之消长
