政治依附性,adherence of political power
1)adherence of political power政治依附性
2)political dependent relationship政治依附
1.This kind of relationship between rulers and ministers to be accepted,register as personal political dependent relationship among government officials,its model manifestation is "the disciple and former subordinate".这在东汉主要表现为官员间的人身政治依附,其典型体现就是门生故吏。
3)subjective political culture依附型政治文化
1.The political culture of Xinhe Villager is between the model of subjective political culture and participatory political culture.新河村村民政治文化处于依附型政治文化与参与型政治文化之间。
4)political dependence政治依赖
5)manage the administration by law依法治政

1.How the Present Public Administration Shall Adapt to the Requirement of Managing the Administration by Law;公共行政如何适应“依法治政”的要求
2.We must follow the law and be strict in performing our official duties.坚持依法行政,从严治政。
3.We should conscientiously implement the basic principle of "running the country according to law", perform official duties lawfully and managing the government by high standards.认真贯彻依法治国方略,坚持依法行政,从严治政。
4.On the Idea of Service People to Govern a Country by Law and Conduct Administration by Law;论依法治国与依法行政的“民本”理念
5.On the Measures of Governing the Country and Conducting the Administration according to Law;试论依法治国与依法行政的若干措施
6.Advocate Notion of Administrative Rule of Law,Toward the Governm ent By Law树立依法行政理念,推进行政法治进程
7.The Historical Change from Policy to Rule of Law;实现依政策治国到依法治国的历史转变
8.Socialist Democratic Politics,Political Civilization and Administering the Country by Law;社会主义民主政治、政治文明与依法治国
9.On Exercise of Power According to Law from the Perspective of Political and Ethical Construction;从政治文明建设的视角解读依法行政
10.State Administration on Law-basis--the Way to Achieve Political Civilization;实现政治文明的基本途径——依法治国
11.On the Relation Between Political Civilization and Administering the Country by Law;论现阶段政治文明与依法治国的关系
12.Ruling the Country by Law:A Necessary Choice for Establishing a Socialist Political Civilization;依法治国是政治文明建设的必然选择
13.Promoting Process of Governing a Country by the Rule of Law and Making Progress of Political Civilization;推进依法治国进程,促进政治文明进步
14.Administer by Law is the Core and Key to Realize Our Managing Our Country According to Law;依法行政是实现我国依法治国的核心和关键
15.Key and Difficult Point in the Rule of Law: Solving Five Major Problems in Administration by Law;依法治国的重点与难点:依法行政的五大问题
16.The Research on Communist Party of China's Administration by Law under the Conditions of Ruling by Law依法治国条件下中国共产党依法执政研究
17.It is necessary to continue to implement the basic principle of running the country according to law, perform official duties lawfully and manage the government by high standards.要认真贯彻依法治国方略,坚持依法行政,从严治政。
18.The Basic Function of Legal Awareness in Administration According to Law;论法治意识对依法行政的基础性功能

political dependent relationship政治依附
1.This kind of relationship between rulers and ministers to be accepted,register as personal political dependent relationship among government officials,its model manifestation is "the disciple and former subordinate".这在东汉主要表现为官员间的人身政治依附,其典型体现就是门生故吏。
3)subjective political culture依附型政治文化
1.The political culture of Xinhe Villager is between the model of subjective political culture and participatory political culture.新河村村民政治文化处于依附型政治文化与参与型政治文化之间。
4)political dependence政治依赖
5)manage the administration by law依法治政
1.The dependence and creativity in the editorial activities of university journals;论高校学报编辑活动的依附性与创造性
2.One of them is dependence which is embodied in teacher s behaviors.教师在参与培训中"亦步亦趋"、"顺从附和"、"一味从师从众"等依附性现象的产生,源于社会、培训机构、培训者以及教师自身等因素,具体表现为各种依附性行为。
3.This paper explains the four special features of literary translation, namely dependence, objectivity , artistry and creativity.论述文学翻译的四个基本特性:依附性、客观性、艺术性、创造性,它们是相互依存、相互制约的。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-