求仁,pursuing Goodness
1)pursuing Goodness求仁
1.So we have to demonstrate far-reaching significance of Goodness by means of pursuing Goodness,approach and elementary and ultimate Goodness.张东荪以西方近代伦理学思想为依据对《论语》中的仁进行了阐释,视"仁"为一种能统摄诸德之德,而仁本身又不可从概念的意义上加以界说,而只能从求仁的工夫、途径以及初步的仁与最后的仁等方面来显示仁的深远广大。
2)Pursuing"Ren" and Obtaining"Ren"求仁得仁
3)the pursuit of benevolence and wisdom仁智追求
4)He has a hunger for kindness.他渴求仁慈。
1.Trial Remark on the Environment Logic Thought about the Benevolence of the Harmony Between Heaven and Man Held by Confucianists;试论儒家仁学天人和谐之环境伦理思想

1.kernel fruit (excl. of apricot)果(不包括杏
2.Benevolent heart, benevolent method, and benevolent intelligence --Brief discussion on the value of Confucian benevolence;心·术·智——儒家学价值简论
3.The edible kernel of a nut.核坚果的可食的
4.flour of palm nuts or palm kernels棕榈果或棕榈
5.Do not Believe the honesty of the honest, Be wary of the unkindness of the kind.莫信直中直,须防
6.The kernel of any of these.坚果这些坚果的
7.Every one thinks in his way.〔谚语〕者见,智者见智。
8.We have fried shrimps, fried shrimps with egg white, fried shrimps with walnuts and fried shrimps with olives.我们有滑炒虾、蓉虾、核桃虾和榄肉虾
9.Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence.志士人,无求生以害,有杀身以成
11.To make allowance for the policy of lesser benevolence at the expense of the policy of greater benevolence is to go off the right track.照顾小政,妨碍大政,这是施政的偏向。
12.Decoding Yan Yuan s Inquiry on Benevolence--on the Doctrine of Benevolence in Regard to Benevolence-rites & Oneself-others Relationships;“颜渊问”章试诠——从“—礼”与“人—己”关系看孔子“学”
13.Mutual Relationship between Tao and Humanity--The Academic Particularity of Humanity and Tao in Confucian;以进道 以道成——孔子道观的理论特质
14.overflowing with kindness充满着和善(慈)
15.the legal [medical] brotherhood法界 [医疗界] 同
16.If you really loved humaneness you would not place anything above it. If you really hated the nonhumaneness, you would not let it near you.好者,无以尚之;恶不者,其为矣,不使不者加乎其身。
17.: Confucius said: "If you lack humaneness you cannot handle long periods of difficulty or long periods of comfortability. humane men are comfortable in humaneness. The wise take advantage of humaneness."子曰:「不者,不可以久处约,不可以长处乐。者安,知者利。」
18.I don't know if Yung is a humane man, But why should he have to be a clever speaker?"不知其,焉用佞」

Pursuing"Ren" and Obtaining"Ren"求仁得仁
3)the pursuit of benevolence and wisdom仁智追求
4)He has a hunger for kindness.他渴求仁慈。
1.Trial Remark on the Environment Logic Thought about the Benevolence of the Harmony Between Heaven and Man Held by Confucianists;试论儒家仁学天人和谐之环境伦理思想
6)Ren[英][,ɑ:r i: 'en][美]['ɑr 'i '?n]仁
1.Hermeneutics Explaination of the Core Notion of the Analects of Confucius:Ren;解析《论语》的核心理念:仁
2.The Original Meaning of "Ren" in The Classical Literatures before Qin Dynasty;先秦典籍中“仁”字本义试解
3.RUAN Yuan s Rationalistic Confucian Philosophy:To Take as the Departure His Interpretation of Ren and Xing-Ming;从“仁”和“性命”之解说看阮元的理学思想
