性理,disposition and heavenly principles
1)disposition and heavenly principles性理
1.Nanming advocates selfdenying, cultivating one s moral character and keeping one s promises, as well as avoiding empty talk of disposition and heavenly principles.从南冥学的为己之学、内圣外王和宋学思维方式等基本内容可以看出,南冥学是朱子学的分支,是韩国性理学之正宗,曹南冥是接续孔孟道统为己任的程朱理学在韩国的典型代表。

1.The state or quality of being ideal.理想性,空想性理想的状态或性质
2.physiologic diplopia【生理】生理性复视
3.ideal elastic body理想弹性[塑性]体
4.intellectual type of character理智型性格 理智型性格
5.A rational belief or practice.理性观点,理性实践
6.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性
7.psychology in sexual crime性犯罪心理 性犯罪心理
8.Rational Treatment on Nous--Concurrent Discussion on Nous and Law;“理性”对待理性——兼论理性与法
9.On the Dissimilation of Rational by Religion and Morality;论宗教理性和道德理性对理性的异化
10.From rationalism to irrationalism and anti-rationalism --An inquiry on the western philosophy s development;理性主义、非理性主义与反理性主义
11.rational psychotherapy理性心理治疗法 理性心理治疗法
12.Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.理性,知性与感性相对的理性和知识
13.Faith Reason, Cognitive Reason and Reflective Reason;信仰理性·认知理性·反思理性——理性“天然合法性”的根据何在
14.Rational and Irrational Thinking in Ecological Ethics;生态伦理学的理性思维与非理性思维
15.The Doctrine of Mean and Harmony:The “Reasonable Rationality ” of the Unification between Rationality and Values;“中和”:理性与价值相统一的“合理理性”
16.Rational rather than emotional.理性的理性的而不是感性的
17.The quality or condition of being rational.合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
18.From Weber s "Rationality" to"Non-rationality";从韦伯现代性的“合理性”到“非合理性”

1.Rationality and Romance——Treating Architecture under Viewpoints of Philosophical History;理性与浪漫——从哲学史观的角度看待建筑
2.Creative Education Should Emphasize the Cultivation of Humans Irrationality;创新教育要重视人的非理性能力培养
3.In Search of Rationality ──Visiting Mario Campi s Architecture;追求理性──瑞士建筑师马里奥·堪培教授专访
1.Building With Reason and Logic--Design for Foshan Media Center;理性并逻辑的建造——佛山市新闻中心建筑设计
2.From Unreason to Reason: Self- overstep of Library Study;由非理性到理性:图书馆学的自我超越
3.Walking out from the Technology Reason of Existence Predicament;走出技术理性的生存论困境
1.Analysis on rationalism and anti-rationalism of Louvain-Neuve art gallery;卢万·拉·努普美术馆的理性与非理性分析
2.Reflection after the Fall of Rationalism——A Brief Analysis of Irrationalism in the West;“理性陨落”之后之思考——西方非理性主义思潮浅析
3.The Discussion of Kant s Critical Rationalism Human Nature View;论康德批判的理性主义人性观
1.Space Syntax and Rational Inclusive Planning;空间句法与理性的包容性规划
2.The affection of rational and irrational living area planning to living culture;理性和非理性住区规划对居住文化的影响
3.On non-rational factors in plan of CCTV s new building;谈CCTV新楼方案的非理性因素
1.Rational Reflection on Ethics of Technology——On Aristotle s Ethics of Technology via His "Mean" Idea;技术伦理的理性思考——从亚里士多德的“中道”观思考技术伦理
2.The Invasion of Consumerism and the Construction of Rational Consuming Value Concept of College Students;消费主义的侵入与大学生理性消费价值观的构建
3.Irrational Factors in College and University Management;非理性方向:略论高校管理的思路

性理1.谓生命之原理﹑规律。 2.情绪和理智。 3.人性与天理。指宋儒性理之学。