丧我,detach oneself
1)detach oneself丧我
2)missing self丧失自我

1.willing to deprive yourself.心甘情愿丧失自我的。
2.he loses himself after his failure, when he is converted to Buddhism to escort the Monk seeking the sacred books.二是他斗争失败后,皈依佛门,护僧取经,终至个性泯灭,丧失自我
3.The loss of memory in amnesia can cause us to lose ourselves.失忆症中的记忆丧失足以使我们失去自我。
4.We know we can do it--we haven't lost the ability.我们知道自己能做到,没有丧失能力。
5.I prize my independence too much to go and work for them.我决不愿意丧失自己的独立性去为他们效劳.
6.The loss of self and the siege of others --the new contention about Tzu-chun s tragedy;自我的丧失与他者的围困——《伤逝》子君悲剧新论
7.An Opinion of the Loss of College Students Interpersonal Relationship and the Strategies of Self-adjustment;大学生人际关系的丧失与自我调适策略
8.Discussion on the western theory of modern society and self-lost;西方关于“现代社会与人的自我丧失”观摭论
9.Self-Forfeit--Trying to Talk About the Feminine Image Tragedy Destiny in "Musse"自我的丧失——试论《蚌》中女性形象的悲剧命运
10.She began to lose faith in herself.她开始对自己丧失信心。
11.He seems to have lost confidence in himself.他似乎已丧失了自信心。
12.The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities.我就担心丧失机会。
13.There goes my chance of winning the award.我丧失了得奖的机会。
14.Interruptions that are a drain on my patience.使我丧失耐心的插话
15.Loss of humility can wreck our judgement. Smug complacency can put a roadblock in front of our progress.丧失谦逊,会危害我们的判断力;自以为是,会阻碍我们前进。
16.To render ourselves insensible to pain we must forfeit also the possibility of happiness.让自己对痛苦麻痹,我们也必然丧失快乐的可能性。
17.He said: "I am deeply concerned that this country ---as can be expected--- will lose confidence in the free enterprise system."他说:「我非常担心这个国家--可以料想得到--对自由企业制度丧失信心。」
18.Alienation and the loss of identity--the three periods of O Neill s playwriting career;异化与自我身份的丧失——论尤金·奥尼尔创作的三个阶段

missing self丧失自我
1.Discussion on the western theory of modern society and self-lost;西方关于“现代社会与人的自我丧失”观摭论
4)I have lost myself吾丧我
1.This paper focuses on the meaning and the role of "I have lost myself" in the article of Qiwulun,the concept of which made the readers get to know what the article is meant to tell.文章着重分析了《齐物论》文中所提出的"吾丧我"这一概念的内涵及其在全文中的作用,力求从"吾丧我"的角度来解析《齐物论》一文的内在理路。
6)the loss of identity自我身份的丧失
1.Alienation and the loss of identity——the three periods of O Neill s playwriting career;异化与自我身份的丧失——论尤金·奥尼尔创作的三个阶段
