创世,the creation of world
1)the creation of world创世
1.The writer analyses the creation myths in china from the view on the creation of world and humankind.宇宙发生和人类诞生是人类文化探讨中的两个主题,创世神话对其探讨的独特性在于它通过一种神话思维的方式来看待这个发生过程。

1.To Foster a World-level Brand创世界品牌 扬民族志气
2.Anno mundi(in the year of the world).公元纪年,创世纪年
3.Applying ISO9000 Certificate to Create World Brand;实施ISO9000认证 创世界品牌
4.The Myths of the Creation of the World and the Primitive Culture;世界原始创世神话的创造类型与文化底蕴
5.A Comparative Study of Genesis Stories in Bible and in Ancient Chinese Mythologies;《圣经》“创世纪”与中国神话“创世说”比较研究
6.Sorting the Change of Genesis Poem Society s Creation Style Through the Theory of Generation;以“世代”透视创世纪诗社的风格流变
7.Hayden and His“Genesis”:Dialogue between Religion and Secularity;海顿与他的《创世纪》:宗教与世俗的对话
8.In Genesis 1-1: "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth."《创世记》一1:"起初 神创造天地。"
9.From Genesis 1-1: "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth."《创世记》一章1节说:"起初,神创造天地。"
10.The Book of Genesis which is the first book of the bible starts with the Creation of the world.创世纪是圣经的第一卷书,它以世界的创造为开始.
11.creation scienceph.1. 创世论科学(相信科学证据可以确定圣经创世之说),神造宇宙学
12.Germanic Influence on the Rewriting of the Biblical Genesis in the Old English Poem Genesis;从古英诗《创世记》对《圣经·创世记》的改写看日耳曼传统的影响
13.a world of new concepts carries a new experience.创意世界,创新感受。
14.She's going for the world record in the high jump.她想创造跳高世界纪录.
15.bettered the world 3,000 meters record.创造了3000米的世界纪录。
16.The initiating of world famous brand clothes.世界名牌服装的创始人
17.The New Visual Field of the Current History of the World Study and the Teaching Reform and Innovation(Talks on paper);新世纪世界现代史教材的改革和创新
18.Construct Internationally Leading Universities;面向二十一世纪 创建世界一流大学

genesis mythology创世神话
1.Pangu mythology as Chinese genesis mythology is its outstanding feature of humanism in comparasion with the genesis mythology of other notions.盘古神话作为中国的创世神话,与其他民族的创世神话相比,其最大的特色是它的人文性。
2.On such basis, this thesis also explores the same or similar mythical tendencies reflected in their respective genesis mythology among varioas nationalities in western china.在此基础上,文章还对我国西部众多民族在创世神话中相同相似的神话意向作了探讨。
3)myth of creation创世神话
1.Wa People s Moral Concepts in myth of creation;佤族创世神话中的伦理道德观
1.On the Speech Acts in Genesis;论《创世纪》中的言语行为
2.A glimpse of Hebrew s attitudes towards marriage through Genesis;从《创世纪》看古希伯来人的原始婚姻观
3.Genesis is the first chapter of the Holy Bible,and it represents the achievement of narration.本文对《圣经》第一章《创世纪》中的公开型叙事者进行了分析,从而揭示了它所取得的叙事艺术成就。
5)creation myths创世神话
6)Creation Epic创世史诗
1.South China Creation Myth Creation Epic minority rich and Creati on Myth Han did not find the reasons for the Creation Epic——Research on sources of Pangu myth 8;我国南方少数民族创世神话创世史诗丰富与汉族没有发现创世神话创世史诗的原因——盘古神话来源问题研究之八
2.An exploration into the creation epic and heroic epic is made on the basis of the function that pray for blessing and avert misfortune.本文以布洛陀文化为背景,试图在田野考察的基础上重新深入布洛陀经诗的文本内容与演唱情境,依据经诗祈求福祉、禳解冤怪的两大功能,探索其中涵盖的创世史诗、早期英雄史诗等史诗细类,并发掘其中的英雄史诗母题及其文化内涵,阐释壮族文化特质,阐述笔者眼中的经诗发展现状。
