生于忧患,life springing from sorrow and calamity
1)life springing from sorrow and calamity生于忧患

1.To thrive in calamity or adversity and to perish in soft living生于忧患,死于安乐
2.Living in the Consciousness of Suffering,Dying at Ease--ON Mencius Consciousness of Suffering;“生于忧患而死于安乐”——论孟子的忧患意识
3.Our predecessors have already laid a very good foundation for us.我总记得一句古训:生于忧患,死于安乐。
4.He that lives in court dies upon straw .生于安乐,死于忧患。
5.Man 's life and care be twins, and bear one day .生命不止,忧患不息。
6.Worries about the decline in developed countries and those about survival in minority nationalities coexist.发达国家的衰落忧患与少数民族生存忧患并存。
7.An Analysis of College Students Sense of Readiness:Educating their Awareness of Unexpected Development under the Present Situation;大学生忧患心理的现状分析与忧患意识的培育
8.One of the prominent distinctions of confucianists from other schools of thought was their advocation of adversity consciousness in life.儒家特别提倡忧患意识 ,这是儒家人生哲学有别于他家的地方。
9.We shield you from the difficulties and ills of life.生活中的困苦忧患有我们来顶着。”
10.We are living in an age of anxiety.我们生活在一个忧患的时代。
11.If you're suffering from emotional distress, you may be advised to see a counselor.如果你患忧郁症,你应当求助心理医生。
12.The intense conciousness of life-care-and-worry in the poetry of the Late Han Dynasty,the Wei and Jin Dynasties;汉末魏晋诗歌中浓郁的生命忧患意识
13.About the Ecological-Concerning Thoughts of Etmator s "White Ship;论艾特玛托夫《白轮船》的生态忧患意识
14.Poets Concerns about Life Crisis in Prime Tang Dynasty and Their Cultural Significance;论盛唐诗人的生存忧患及其文化意义
15.Better poverty without care, than richness with.无忧无虑的贫穷生活胜过于富裕却忧愁的生活。
16.Doctors in Britain have long suspected that patients who wear tinted eyeglasses are abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria.译文:长时间以来,英国的医生认为戴墨镜的病人更易于消沉并患上忧郁症。
17.Depressive cannot surrender childhood.患有忧郁症的人是不会忘怀童年生活的。
18.Those noisy neighbours are the bane of my life.那些吵吵闹闹的邻居成了我生活中的一大忧患.

career full of concerns忧患人生
3)survive suffering生存忧患
4)sufferings of life生命的忧患
1.Textually,the Poems express a wide variety of love affairs from different argles;whereas impliedly,what the poet expressed about love affairs is nothing less than talents,sufferings of life and the symbol of disillusio李商隐是晚唐杰出的诗人,他的无题诗在不同的层面表现出不同意蕴,从文本上看,它从不同的角度表现爱情生活的各个层面,从深层意义上看,诗人所表现的爱情生活正是怀才不遇、生命的忧患和幻灭感的象征。
5)Ecological-concerning thoughts生态忧患意识
1.QU Yuan s misery, loneliness and selection to death display his culture individuality.屈原的忧患、孤独及以对死亡的坚定选择彰显了诗人鲜明的文化个性。
