知与仁,the wise and the benevolent
1)the wise and the benevolent知与仁
2)Zhi Ren Yong Yi知仁勇艺
1.Psychological and Educational Comotation of Confucius Zhi Ren Yong Yi;孔子所说“知仁勇艺”的心理与教育内蕴

1.Psychological and Educational Comotation of Confucius Zhi Ren Yong Yi;孔子所说“知仁勇艺”的心理与教育内蕴
2.To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge; to be arduous in work is to be near to benevolence; and to know shame is to be near to gallantry.好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇
3.A wise man is never cheated; a virtuous man is never worried and a courageous man is never afraid.知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧
4.The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也;
5.The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,sincerity, Benevolence, courage and strictness.将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也。
6.I don't know if Yung is a humane man, But why should he have to be a clever speaker?"不知其仁,焉用佞」
7.The Brave are merciful; cowards do not dare to forgive their enemies.勇敢者仁慈宽大,胆小鬼不敢饶恕敌人。
8.all are Brave when enemy flies.敌人逃跑时,人人成勇二仁。
9.On the Relationship between Contingency Awarencess & Mercifulness,Wise and Brave权变意识与“仁、智、勇”三达德关系探析
10.Studies on Extraction Technology of Amygdalin in Loquat kernel by Ethanol;枇杷仁中苦杏仁苷乙醇提取工艺研究
11.Confucius said: "As for a neighborhood, it is its humaneness that makes it beautiful. If you choose to live in a place that lacks humaneness, how can you grow in wisdom?"子曰:「里仁为美。择不处仁,焉得知」
12.: Confucius said: "If you lack humaneness you cannot handle long periods of difficulty or long periods of comfortability. humane men are comfortable in humaneness. The wise take advantage of humaneness."子曰:「不仁者,不可以久处约,不可以长处乐。仁者安仁,知者利仁。」
13.She was known to all for her kindness.她的仁慈人人皆知。
14.It takes kindness and courage to win and lose gracefully.“胜不骄、败不馁,这需要莫大的仁慈和勇气。
15.As the ideal moral integrity, golden mean thought is reflected in the unification of benevolence, wisdom and courage.作为理想人格的中庸,表现为仁智勇的内在统一。
16.Why the Possibility of" zhongyong" must be Based on the Virtues of" zhi-ren-yong"?为什么是智仁勇之德,才开启了中庸的可能性?
17.A monarch or any other leader must be a person with foresight, a kind heart, and courage.一个国君必须具有远见和仁慈的心及勇气。
18.On Reading Books by Tides of Xiepu River;厚德载道 挚爱辅仁——记王玉润的仁德才艺

Zhi Ren Yong Yi知仁勇艺
1.Psychological and Educational Comotation of Confucius Zhi Ren Yong Yi;孔子所说“知仁勇艺”的心理与教育内蕴
3)understanding of heaven by carrying out benevolence践仁知天
4)unity of benevolence and wisdom仁知合一
5)wisdom governed by benevolence以仁统知
6)agreement on Tao and agreement on humanity与道与仁

智 仁 勇  中国古代儒家所提倡的三种道德规范和品德。智即知,指有智慧有知识;仁,主要指爱人;勇,指勇敢无畏。孔子在《论语·宪问》中说:"君子道者三,我无能焉:仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。"《中庸》一书发挥了这个思想,指出:"好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇",并称之为"三达德",即三种最主要的道德规范和品德。在儒家看来,这三个道德规范不是平列的,其中仁是核心。孔子认为:"苟志于仁矣,无恶也",知必须有仁才能保持,而且知的目的就是"利仁"。勇更不能离开仁,"仁者必有勇,勇则不必有仁"。后来,由于儒家愈来愈强调仁和礼的作用,知与勇的地位就每况愈下了。