艾思奇哲学,AiSiqi's philosophy
1)AiSiqi's philosophy艾思奇哲学

1.Reflections on Mao Tzetong s Notes on Ain Siqi Philosophy;读毛泽东同志对艾思奇哲学专著的批注的思考
2.From the Popularization of Marxist Philosophy to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy : Discussing the Contribution of Ai Siqi's Philosophy从大众化到中国化:艾思奇哲学贡献新论
3.Ai Siqi s Public Philosophy and Chinese Characteristics of Maxism;艾思奇的《大众哲学》与马克思主义哲学中国化
4.Let Philosophy Close to Reality--Ai Siqi s "The Public s Philosophy" and Its Realistic Meanings;让哲学亲近现实——艾思奇《大众哲学》及其现实意义
5.Get Philosophy Close to Life--Enlightenment from Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi让哲学亲近生活——艾思奇《大众哲学》给我们的启示
6.A Pioneer Who Applied Marxist Philosophy to Practice--Ai Siqi and his Popular Philosophy;马克思主义哲学走出课堂的先驱者——艾思奇和他的《大众哲学》
7.Marxist Philosophy and China s Social Change--In Memory of the 70th Anniversary of the Publishing of The Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi;马克思主义哲学与中国社会变革——纪念艾思奇《大众哲学》发表70周年
8.Ai Siqi and the Localization of Marxist Philosophy in China;走在马克思主义哲学中国化路上的艾思奇及其启示
9.Research on Ai Siqi's Exploration and Practice in the Course of Popularizing Chinese Marxist Philosophy艾思奇在中国马克思主义哲学大众化进程中的探索与实践
10.The Thoughts of Churchland on Philosophy of Language:from the Point of Scientific Realism论丘奇兰德基于科学实在论的语言哲学思想
11.Lucarchi s Early Researches on the Nature of Marxist Philosophy;卢卡奇早期对马克思主义哲学本质的探索
12.T.S.Eliot s Philosophical Disposition Used in the Waste Land;论T.S.艾略特哲学思想在其现代主义诗歌《荒原》中的运用
13.To Teach Philosophy with Philosophical Thinking--Reflections on Philosophical Education in Secondary Schools;用哲学思维教哲学——反思中学哲学教育
14.believed that philosophy had its origin in people's sense of wonder.哲学源于人们的好奇心。
15.Ai Siqi and Mao Zedong and the Application of Marxism in China;艾思奇、毛泽东与马克思主义中国化
16.Philosophy as Philosophy:Contemplation on the Nature of Philosophy as a Branch of Science;哲学作为哲学——对哲学学科性质的思考
17.Book Review:A Beautiful Flower in the Field of Information Philosophy--An evaluation to the book of "A New Explorationfor the Information Thinking"(by Yang Weiguo);信息哲学领域的一朵奇葩——对杨伟国先生《“信息思维”的新探索》的评价
18.Historical Inevitability and Philosophy Investigation of Samaranch s Reforming of Traditional Olympic Model;萨马兰奇改革传统奥运模式的历史必然性及其哲学思辨

Ai Siqi's thought艾思奇哲学思想
3)Ai Siqi,A Great Philosopher一代哲人艾思奇
4)Ai Siqi艾思奇
1.Ai Siqi and the Localization of Marxist Philosophy in China;走在马克思主义哲学中国化路上的艾思奇及其启示
2.The Essential Experiences of Marxism in China from Ai Siqi s Works;从艾思奇著作中体会马克思主义中国化的基本经验
3.On Ai Siqi’s Exploration and Contribution to Marxism ’s Lolalization Yanan Period;延安时期艾思奇对马克思主义中国化的探索与贡献
1.Ai Siqi’s Residence in Publicizing Patriotism;艾思奇故居的爱国主义宣传教育作用
6)The Edge Worth Box艾奇沃思方框图
