以史解易,studying ZhouYi through history
1)studying ZhouYi through history以史解易
1.Adopted the approach of studying ZhouYi through history, he proved that ZhouYi contained the ways saints handling changes and among them the most essential was the spirit of compromise.他以元气论作为自己的哲学思想基础,描绘了一个万物变化不已的宇宙图景,从“变”的角度切入对儒学问题和《周易》的思考,坚持“《易》为圣人通变之书”的观点,采用以史解易的方式,证明了《周易》中蕴含着圣人处变之道,最根本的就是中正之道。
2)introducing historical events into Yi-ology以史治易
3)interpreting I Ching by history events以史解经
4)interpretation with the view of Daoism以道解易
5)interpretation with the view of Confucianism以儒解易
6)interpreting Yi by mind/heartology以心解《易》

1.WANG Zong-chuan's Approach to Interpreting Yi Based on His Mind/heartology从“随时从道”到随吾心之“正”——试论《童溪易传》以心解《易》的基本理路
2.Carefully proofread and corrected, the series is easy to read with the clear annotations and colloquial translations.该书精心校勘,加以注解和白话翻译,易读易懂。
3.Yijing Studies and the Theory of Social Rise and Fall--From the Perspective of Yan Fu s TIANYANLUN;易学与社会兴衰论——以严复译《天演论》文本解读为中心
4.Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion.想真正了解心的原始本质并不容易,所以要以诚心热烈地向上师祈求。
5.How to Change China from Big Trade Nation to a Strong Trade Nation;求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路——避免外经贸贫困化增长:以制度建设为中心
6.On Bai Juyi s political cognition,life comprehension and "maintaining one s own integrity" views;论白居易的政治体认、人生解悟与“独善”观——以白氏之贬及其超越意识为中心
7.He have a change of heart after learning the details of the deal了解交易的细节後,他改变心意了
8.He had a change of heart after learning the details of the deal.了解交易的细节后,他改变心意了。
9.He have a change of heart after learning the details of the deal.了解交易的细节後,他改变心意了。
10.On the theory of change of Zhou Yi Can Tong Qi;试论《周易参同契》以“易”为核心的发展变化观
11.Possible to read or decipher.清楚的,易读的可以阅读、解释的
12.The theory be simplify to make it easier to understand .这理论被简化以使其明了易解。
13.The Chicago Board of Trade is the largest center in the world for commodity futures in terms of volume and value of business.以交易额而论,芝加哥贸易委员会是世界上最大的期货贸易中心。
14.The dress wrinkles up rather easily, so be careful when you pack it.这件衣服容易起皱,所以叠时要小心。
15.The greatest occurrence of heart disease is in those over 65. 65岁以上的人最容易患心脏病。
16.The colors aren't fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt.这些颜色易褪色,所以洗衬衫时要小心。
17.On LUO Qin-shun s thought of the Zhouyi--With his Taiji Shu as the example;罗钦顺的易学思想——以《太极述》为中心
18.Metaphor and Symbol--Taking "Book of Change" as Central Inquiring about;隐喻与象征——以《周易》为中心的探寻

introducing historical events into Yi-ology以史治易
3)interpreting I Ching by history events以史解经
4)interpretation with the view of Daoism以道解易
5)interpretation with the view of Confucianism以儒解易
6)interpreting Yi by mind/heartology以心解《易》

华佗治粪便前后互易神方华佗治粪便前后互易神方 方名。出《华佗神医 秘传·卷十八·华佗治奇症法秘传》。功效:利水湿,分清浊。主治:男女夏季感受暑湿而 致交肠病,症见前阴出粪,后阴出溺 者。 药物组成与用法:车前子3两,煎汤3碗,顿服。