圣王观,The thought of association of sage and king
1)The thought of association of sage and king圣王观
1.The thought of association of sage and king and the theory of Human-heartedness and Righteousness are consistent with confucius\'s "to rule through wu-wei".本文认为,要对陆贾无为思想有准确的理解和把握,关键是要抓住陆贾的圣王观和仁义论,这是其无为思想的基本精神。
2)Wangbi s Viewpoint on Sage论王弼的圣人观
3)respect emperor to be sage王圣
1.It also aroused a movement of "respect emperor to be sage"as advocated by Confucian school during the early days of Qin Dynasty.荀学王霸并用,从儒学内部开了异化原宗的先河,同时也启发了秦初儒门"王圣"运动。

1.This holy image of the Dragon King came down to me from Guru Chen.此龙王圣像乃陈上师留传下来给我的。
2.Sheng Wang Dairy Industry (Fujian) Co., Ltd.圣王乳业(福建)有限公司
3.How to Become a Sage by "Ti-wu";“体无”何以成“圣”?——王弼“圣人体无”再解
4.From"Animadvert on the Twelve Sophists" to"Figure the Sage" -Analyzing the Sage Figured by Xun Zi in the Text of"Xun Zi";由“非十二子”到“塑圣王”——试析《非十二子》中荀子塑造的圣王形象
5.To sacred Sparta, a king. Our king!回到了神圣的斯巴达,成为了王,我们的王!
6.Ancient Chinese Beliefs that the King is the Son of the Holy Dragonolga Gorodetskaya;夏商神龙祐王的信仰以及圣王神子观念
7.The king and his family could worship Aton but the people were meant to worship the pharaoh- the god-king.国王和王室成员能够崇拜太阳神,但人民必须崇拜法老——神圣的国王。
8.Wang Ping: I was told that there was a Month of Holy Cease-fire.王平:听说还有一个“神圣休战月”。
9.In 1806 he relinquished the crown of the Holy Roman Empire.1806年他放弃了神圣罗马帝国的王位。
10.According to one, it was Wang Xizhi, the supreme calligrapher of China, that did the inscription.有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。
11.God is the ruler over the nations; God is on the high seat of his holy rule.神作王治理万国。神坐在他的圣宝座上。
12.when the cauldron was lit by Mohammad Ali.当重量级拳王阿里点燃奥运圣火时。
13.A sage should be both human and intelligent--On Wang BiIdeal Personality情智兼得方为圣人——论王弼的理想人格
14.The Clerics of Northshire Abbey come to the aid of the King Llane.北郡牧师圣教会开始协助国王莲恩.
15.O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint!啊,严酷的魔王!噢,瘸腿的圣徒!
16.Being Sage Inside and Being Kingly Outside": The Historical Evolvement of Confucian Ideal Personality;“内圣外王”:儒家人格理想的历史演变
17.A Study of the Thought "Internal Sage and External Emperor" In the Book of Zhuang zi:Universe;试探《庄子·天下》之“内圣外王”思想
18.A Study of Wang Yangming s "Theory of Saints Being Equal to Plebeians" From the Angle of Personality Psychology;王阳明“圣凡平等论”的人格心理学解读

Wangbi s Viewpoint on Sage论王弼的圣人观
3)respect emperor to be sage王圣
1.It also aroused a movement of "respect emperor to be sage"as advocated by Confucian school during the early days of Qin Dynasty.荀学王霸并用,从儒学内部开了异化原宗的先河,同时也启发了秦初儒门"王圣"运动。
4)A Thesis of Wang Yang-ming Sage Ideology论王阳明的圣人观
5)a learning both sound in theory and practice内圣外王
6)internal saints and external kings内圣外王
1.Hu Feng s literal theory and WenXinDiaoLong are both influenced and restrained by the traditional way of integrated thinking,which embody concretely in "oneness of nature and man" in theory of literature creation,"internal saints and external kings" in theory of author,and "tallied between ontology and function" in theory of literary ontology.胡风文论与《文心雕龙》都受到传统整体思维的影响和制约,具体体现为创作论上的"天人合一",作家论上的"内圣外王"和文艺本体论与功用论上的"体用合一"。
2.From Zhuangzi s Qiwulun to Tianxia, then to the main paragraphs of Tiandao, We can see a logical development of the way of internal saints and external kings of zhuangzi.从《庄子》的《齐物论》到《天下》 ,再到《天道》的主要段落中 ,可以看出庄子内圣外王之道思想的逻辑发展过程。
3.Confucian ideological structure of Internal Saints and External Kings suggest that contemporary aesthetics should be active aesthetics developing from the two dimensions of Internal Saints and External Kings.儒家内圣外王的思想结构提示当代美学应当是从内圣与外王两个维度展开的行动、切己的美学。

圣王1.古指德才超群达于至境之帝王。 2.为对皇帝的谀称。