经学世家,family of Confucian scholar
1)family of Confucian scholar经学世家
1.The analyses,containing space distribution,inner-structure,inter-relation,content of family study,the relation among family study,schools and the academic development in the Qing Dynasty,indicate that the family of Confucian scholars in the Qing Dynasty is an important part and aspect of the research of Confucian study history in the Qing Dynasty.以清代比较典型的经学世家为考略对象,列举了58个经学世家,从时空分布、内部构成、横向联系、家学内容、家学与学派的关系、家学与清代学术发展的关系诸方面予以简要分析,指出清代经学世家是清代经学史研究领域的重要方面,也是进一步加强清代经学史研究的一个重要角度。
2)family rule of statecraft经世家法
3)Family and literature tutelage家世学养
4)law aristocratic family律学世家
1.Mrs Feng of Bohai area_the eternal masterpiece of the law aristocratic family渤海封氏——中国律学世家的绝响
5)literary families文学世家
1.There were 49 typical literary families in the Qing Dynasty.清代比较典型的49个文学世家,大都出现于清前、中期,主要集中分布于环太湖的苏南、浙北及皖东南经济发达地区,具有十分明显的时空分布特征。

1.Famous Literature Families and Female Literature--Centering on the Shen and the Ye Families in Wujiang in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties;文学世家与女性文学——以明清吴江沈、叶两大文学世家为中心
2.Expound the formation of Shen Quanqi well-known literary familyand his contribution to poems;论沈佺期文学世家对盛唐诗歌的贡献
3.Sun Lan was a well-known Chinese geographer, astronomer, mathematician, historian, painter and calligrapher in the17 th century.孙兰是十七世纪中国著名地理学家及天文学家、学家、史学家、画家。
4.Folk Culture and Writer s Literature: Shaking Hands Between Two worlds;民间文化与作家文学:两个世界的握手
5.Reserch Cross-century Wriers;世纪之交的文学选择——跨世纪作家群研究之一
6.a writer delving in medieval French literature研究中世纪法国文学的作家
7.A Dream of Red Mansions and the Family Narrative of the 20~(th) Century;《红楼梦》与20世纪家族叙事文学
8.A Survey of Song Family s Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation;松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述
9.A Survey of Ankang Literature and Writers in the 20th Century;世纪回眸——安康文学与作家的人格力量
10.Bacon is considered the greatest essayist in World Literature.培根被认为是世界文学中最伟大的散文家。
11.Literature Creations of Guan Shi Ming Clan and the Research of Tang Poem Study;管世铭家族的文学创作及其唐诗学研究
12.The Confucianist Theory of " Using the Doctrines to Save the World"and the Theory of "Making Use of What One Has Learned" of Chinese Education at Universities;儒家的“经世致用”与大学语文教育的“学以致用”
13.The Internationalization of Shaanxi Iiterature--On the Relationship between Shaanxi Modern Writers and Foreign Iiterature and Culture;秦地文学的世界性——试论陕西当代作家与外国文学、异质文化的关系
14.a Dream of the Red Mansions is the most important literary work of China in the end of 19th century.红楼梦是19世纪末清代文学家的宏篇巨著,
15.Confucian Culture and the Reforming of Moral Education in School at the Turn of the Centuries儒家文化与世纪之交的学校道德教育改革定位
16.Scanning on Literary Critics of Shanghai in 1990s;20世纪90年代上海文学批评家群体扫描
17.Analysis on the literatures of Minority Writers in the Early 20th Century;试析我国20世纪初的少数民族作家文学
18.The Reconstruction of the Relations among Individuals,Family and country in Chinese 20th-certury Literature;20世纪中国文学与个人、家、国关系的重建

family rule of statecraft经世家法
3)Family and literature tutelage家世学养
4)law aristocratic family律学世家
1.Mrs Feng of Bohai area_the eternal masterpiece of the law aristocratic family渤海封氏——中国律学世家的绝响
5)literary families文学世家
1.There were 49 typical literary families in the Qing Dynasty.清代比较典型的49个文学世家,大都出现于清前、中期,主要集中分布于环太湖的苏南、浙北及皖东南经济发达地区,具有十分明显的时空分布特征。
6)line of scientists科学世家
