《横渠先生行状》,The Introduction of Zhang Zai's Life
1)The Introduction of Zhang Zai's Life《横渠先生行状》
1.Six Collative Items in The Introduction of Zhang Zai's Life by Lu Ta-Lin吕大临《横渠先生行状》释疑六则
2)The Brief Biographies of the Deceased Virtuous Person先贤行状
1.The paper have discussed and explained ecological ethics from three aspects implying ir Hengqu s thought.本文从横渠文本的义理脉络出发,讨论了横渠思想中所蕴涵的生态伦理观念。

1.On the Dispute on Xu and Qi--The origin of the dispute and a solution;横渠虚气辩——“虚气相争”之根源及其解决
2."Heng Qu Yi Shuo" Yi Xiang Studies--Taking "The Book of Changes" as Principle以易为宗——《横渠易说》易象研究
3.Humanities of Confucianism and the Problems of Modernity-Take the "Hengqu s Four Sentences" as an Example;从“横渠四句”看儒学的人文情怀与现代性问题
4.“Take Myriad Things as One Body”-Review of HengQu s Ecological Ethics;“视天下无一物非我”:论张横渠的生态伦理观
5.From Heng Qu Yi Shuo to Zheng Meng --Construction and Development of Zhang Zai’s Ontology;从《横渠易说》到《正蒙》——张载哲学本体理论的建构与发展
6.Guo Qi-jia cites Heng-qu's four dicta to support his stance.郭齐家先生还对著名的“横渠四句”顶礼膜拜,以支持其儿童读经的主张。
7.The fields are crisscrossed by irrigation canals and ditches.田野上沟渠纵横 。
8.Canals checkerboard the countryside on both sides of the river.河的两边遍布纵横交错的水渠。
9.Changzhou is a water country of the Jiangnan, canals criss-crossing, bridges legion.常州为江南水乡,河渠纵横,桥梁众多。
10.Experimental study on the behavior of horizontal turbulent side jets in compound open channel with vegetated plain滩地植被化明渠中横向水平射流特性试验研究
11.The analysis method of flow field not only can show the discharge in open channel, but also the velocity distribution of its transverse profile.流场分析法不仅可给出明渠的流量,还可给出明渠横断面上的流速分布。
12.Study on 3D Hydraulic Behavior of Lateral Intake Flow and Its Sediment Control;明渠岸边横向取水的三维水力特性及简易防沙措施试验研究
13.Study on the Siltation at Upper Reaches of the Headwork Hub of Hengpaitou in Pishihang Irrigation Area;安徽省淠史杭灌区横排头渠首枢纽坝前淤积浅析
14.Research on Inverse Extra-high Late-model Bend Channels减小水面横比降的新型弯道反超高渠底弯道研究
15.Throughout Europe, most of these ruins are nothing more than crumbling aqueducts or columns that merely suggest a once-thriving Roman city.横贯欧洲,大多数这些遗址无非是废墟的沟渠、柱显现着这里曾经繁华的古罗马城池。
16.More than ten years ago he had come over this same spur, advancing step by step along this road, which had been crisscrossed by gullies left by thunderstorms.十几年前,他就是从这个山嘴转过来,一步步踏上被暴雨冲得沟渠纵横的道路的。
17.marketing channel销售渠道,市场渠道
18.A complete irrigation system was made up of the main ditch, the branch ditches and many water channels through which water was diverted into the cultivated fields.渠分干渠、支渠、小沟不同等级,以引渠水灌溉耕地。

The Brief Biographies of the Deceased Virtuous Person先贤行状
1.The paper have discussed and explained ecological ethics from three aspects implying ir Hengqu s thought.本文从横渠文本的义理脉络出发,讨论了横渠思想中所蕴涵的生态伦理观念。
4)I am afraid not , sir.先生,不行噢。
5)main artery行渠
6)Four Sentences of Heng Qu横渠四句
1."Four Sentences of Heng Qu" and the Intelligentsias Sense of Mission;“横渠四句”与知识分子的使命感
