畸形人形象,the image of abnormal person
1)the image of abnormal person畸形人形象
2)monstrous character畸人形象
1.There are many monstrous characters in the novels of Chinese and foreign literature.中外现代小说中存在着傻子、白痴等畸人形象群,他们虽然有身体和智识的残缺,但是作家却赋予其神性和灵性,表达对世界的观察和思考。

1.Zhuang Zi and the Image of Deformed and Abnormal Beings in the 20th Century Chinese Literature《庄子》与20世纪中国文学中的畸人形象
2.Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images.鲁迅和安德森创造了相同的乡土文学主题和相似的畸人形象
3.The Reversion of Aesthetics and Expansion of Asthetic Category -An Analysis of the Deformed Images of Zhuangzi;审美效应的逆转 审美范畴的拓展——《庄子》畸人形象
4.The discussion about the image of "Zhenren and Jiren" in Zhuangzi;《庄子》中的“真人”和“畸人”形象
5.The Female Characters in Winesburg, Ohio and Sherwood Anderson s Gender Trends;《小城畸人》中的女性形象及作者的女性观
6.Facing a dilemma--the middle man image in Zhang Tian-yi s fiction The Freak Diary;“进退维谷之间”——论张天翼小说《畸人手记》中知识分子“中间人”形象
7.The occurrence of that type of lopsided economic development has been checked.这种经济畸形发展的现象被纠正了。
8.In television, a zigzag distortion.在电视技术中,图象的锯齿形畸变。
9.Research on the shape distortions during flat bottom punch raising process with TC1Mδ2.37 titanium alloy sheetTC1Mδ2.37钛板平底压窝形状畸变现象
10.Research on Shape Distortion in Bore-Expanding Process with Titanium Alloy Sheet钛合金板扩孔成形中的形状畸变现象研究
11.Shape Distortion in Curve Flanging Forming Process with TA2Mδ2.0 Titanium Alloy SheetsTA2Mδ2.0钛合金外缘翻边成形过程中的形状畸变现象
12.Shape distortion in bore-expanding process with TA2M titanium sheetsTA2M钛板扩孔成形中的形状畸变现象研究
13.An odd or ridiculous person.畸形人,怪人一个奇怪或不可思议的人
14.He is a bluffer, and a screwball, a kind of freak.他是个吹牛家,是个怪物,是个畸形人。
15.a little oldish misshapen stooping woman.上了年纪的畸形驼背的小女人。
16.The quality or condition of being a giant.巨大畸形,巨人症巨物的性质或状态
17.A Critical Study of the "Grotesque" Characters in Winesburg, Ohio;论《俄亥俄州温斯堡》中的“畸形”人物
18.The Grotesque and Modernist Aesthetics: A Study of Anderson s Winesburg, Ohio;畸形人物和现代主义美学:安德森《小城畸人》的研究

monstrous character畸人形象
1.There are many monstrous characters in the novels of Chinese and foreign literature.中外现代小说中存在着傻子、白痴等畸人形象群,他们虽然有身体和智识的残缺,但是作家却赋予其神性和灵性,表达对世界的观察和思考。
3)abnormal person畸形人
4)abnormality of personality人格畸形
5)twisted personalit畸形人格
1.Crying Over The Name Board is a farce he performed and it revealed a kind of twisted personality of an undignified scholar in feudal China.“哭撞号板”是他上演的一场人生丑剧 ,表现了一个完全丧失自尊的封建末路文人的畸形人格。
