新余市,Xinyu city
1)Xinyu city新余市
1.Countermeasure contamination function assessment of groundwater systems in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province;江西省新余市地下水系统防污性能评价
2.The status quo and problems of the commercial layout structure of Xinyu city and its adjustment countermeasures;新余市商业布局结构的现状、问题及调整对策
3.Analysis of the Mercury Pollution Status in the Soil of Xinyu City;新余市土壤汞污染现状分析

1."City card" and city colleges and universities--taking Xinyu city and Xinyu college for example;“城市名片”与城市高校——以新余市和新余高专为例
2.An investigation into the popularization of putonghua(standard Chinese) in Xinyu;新余市推广普通话情况的调查与思考
3.Acquirement of Adjucting Economic Structure in Xinyu City;关于新余市林业经济结构调整的探讨
5.Analysis of the contents and major elements of "city marketing strategy"--taking Xinyu City as an example;“城市营销战略”的内涵与要素分析——以新余市为例
6.Quantitative Evaluation on Initial Benefit of Urban Forest Construction of Xinyu City in Jiangxi新余市城市森林建设初步效益定量评估
7.Research into the modern agricultural development in the building of new countryside in Xinyu新余市新农村建设中的现代农业发展研究
8.Township Civil Servant Motivation Mechanism Research of Yushui District in Xinyu Municipal Government;新余市渝水区乡镇公务员激励机制探索
9.The status quo and problems of the commercial layout structure of Xinyu city and its adjustment countermeasures;新余市商业布局结构的现状、问题及调整对策
10.Informatization is the Key to Improve City Quality: Experience of Xinyu City提升新余城市品质 信息化建设是关键
11.The Research on the Transfer of Surplus Rural Labor in Xintai City;新泰市农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究
12.Analysis on the earnings management of the listed companies in terms of the new accounting standards;新会计准则下上市公司盈余管理分析
13.Research on Earning Management of Listed Company after Nen China Accounting Standards;新准则实施后上市公司盈余管理研究
14.On the building of the good city image--taking Xinyu for example;论良好城市意象的构建——以新余为例
15.The culture building of city square-taking Xinyu for example;浅谈城市广场文化建设——以新余为例
16.Earnings Management of Listed Companies under New Accounting Standards新会计准则下上市公司盈余管理探析
17.On the development strategy of the new industry-led city of Xinyu;试析新余新型工业主导型城市的发展战略
18.Building the new campus of Xinyu College into the beautiful spot of the Xinyu City;把高专新校区打造成新余城市建设的亮点

1.Building the new campus of Xinyu College into the beautiful spot of the Xinyu City;把高专新校区打造成新余城市建设的亮点
2.Reflections on balanced urban and rural development——Taking Xinyu city for example;以工促农、以城带乡,促进城乡经济社会发展一体化——江西新余市统筹城乡发展的实践与思考
3.Analysis of pattern of combining the building of featured colleges with local advantaged industry——Taking the development of Xinyu College for example;高校特色建设与地方优势产业结合的模式分析——以新余高校发展为例
3)Yuyao City余姚市
1.The Report of the Survey of the Primary and Middle School Teachers Socio-psychological Environment in Yuyao City;余姚市中小学教师社会心理环境调查报告
2.Consevation planning in species biodiversity,genetic biodiversity,ecosystem and landscape biodiversity were put forward on the basis of analysis and value on plant biodiversity level,conservation situation and threat factors in Yuyao City.通过对余姚市植物多样性水平与保护现状及胁迫因子的分析和评价,提出了余姚市城市植物多样性(物种多样性、遗传多样性、生态系统多样性、景观多样性等)建设规划。
4)Fuyu Shi扶余市
5)Xinyu College新余高专
1.Probing into setting up the practice teaching system for architecture profession of Xinyu College;关于新余高专建筑专业实践教学体系建设的探讨
2.An investigation into the status quo of teachers physical training in Xinyu College;关于新余高专教师体育锻炼现状的调查研究
3.An investigation report on psychological and health status quo of freshmen of Xinyu College in 2005;新余高专2005级新生心理健康状况调查报告
6)drawing on experience新余借鉴
