大汶河,Dawen River
1)Dawen River大汶河
1.Study on the law of BOD_(1-20) degradation in Dawen River system;大汶河水系主要河流BOD_(1-20)降解规律的研究
2.Pollution Harnessing of Dawen River and Guarantee of Quabified Water for Eastern Line Project for Water allocating from South to North;治理大汶河河流污染确保南水北调东线工程水质合格
3.Investigation on death cause of malignant tumors among residents in areas of Dawen river in Shandong province;山东大汶河流域居民恶性肿瘤死因调查

1.Decomposition Dynamic of Phragmites australis and Typha angustata in Dawenhe Wetland大汶河湿地香蒲和芦苇分解动态研究
2.Research on the Riverbed Evolution and Renovation Measurements of Dawen River in Tai an, Shandong Province;山东省泰安市大汶河河床演变及治理措施研究
3.Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Its Regulation in Dawenhe River Basin;大汶河流域水资源承载能力及其调控研究
4.Preliminary Research on Water Pollution Control and Water Quality Prediction in Tai'an Section of Dawen River;大汶河泰安段水污染控制与水质预测初步研究
5.The Research of Reinforcing Design for Pipashan Overflow Dam Lie in Dawen River of Shandong Province;山东省大汶河琵琶山溢流坝加固设计研究
6.Grounderwater Resources Evaluation and Sustainable Utilization in Dawenhe Basin;大汶河流域地下水资源评价及可持续利用
7.An investigation on the cause of death among residents with malignant tumors along Dawen River in Taian City泰安市大汶河流域居民恶性肿瘤死因调查
8.Modes and countermeasures for cyclic utilization of water resources in Dawen River basin大汶河流域水资源循环利用模式及对策
9.On the pavement design of the continuously reinforced concrete in Dawenhe toll stations along 206 national highway国道206大汶河收费站连续配筋混凝土路面设计
10.Study on Ecological Restoration of Small Watershed--Taking the Watershed of Huang Zhuanghe-source of Dawenhe as an Example小流域生态恢复对策研究——以大汶河源头黄庄河流域为例
11.Retrospective Investigation on Death Cause and Main Diseases Interventions among Residents in the Main-stream Areas of Dawen River;大汶河主干流域居民死因回顾性调查及主要疾病干预
12.Study on Death Cause of Malignant Tumor and Its Disease Burden among Residents in the Main-stream Areas of Dawen River;大汶河主干流域居民恶性肿瘤死因及其疾病负担研究
13.Study on Impact Factors of Esophageal Cancer among Residents in Ningyang County of the Main Trunk-stream Areas of Dawen River, Shandong Province, China;大汶河主干流域宁阳县居民食管癌影响因素的研究
14.Maligmant tumor mortality among residents in Dawen River drainage of Tai'an city,Shandong province山东省泰安市大汶河流域居民恶性肿瘤死亡分析
15.The Feature of Water Environment Evolvement of the Dawen River Basin and the Appraisement of Its Influence to the East Route of the South-To-North Water Transfer Project;大汶河流域水环境的变化特征及其对南水北调东线工程的影响评价
16.The Dawenkou and Qujialing Culture in Henan Province;河南境内的大汶口文化和屈家岭文化
17.A Constituent Section of the Tectonic Plate of the Lai-Yi Jade Culture:An Interpretative Reading of the Dawenkou Culture Jades Found in Sanlihe,Jiaoxian County莱夷玉文化板块探析——胶县三里河大汶口文化玉器解读
18.Engineering Geo-mechanics Analysis of the Barrier Lake in Baisha River at Dujiangyan City Induced by Wenchuan Earthquake汶川大地震都江堰市白沙河堰塞湖工程地质力学分析

Dawenhe River大汶河
1.Present situation of Dawenhe River pollution and measures for pollution remediation;大汶河污染现状及其治理措施
2.o relax the shortage of water resources in Shandong Province, it is proposed, through analysis ancalculation,to change the unitary flood-control operation model of the reservoir and to utilize the oldDongpinghu Lake for detaining maximum flood from the Dawenhe River under the condition ofensured safe flood control of Dongpinghu in the flood period.提出在确保东平湖汛期安全防洪运用的前提下,改变水库单一防洪的运用方式,利用老湖尽量多地拦蓄大汶河来水,当大汶河遇枯水年份时,经国那里引黄闸引黄补湖的蓄水运用方案。
3)Dawenhe River Basin大汶河流域
1.Present situation of water pollution in Dawenhe River Basin and measures for pollution prevention and remediation;大汶河流域水污染现状及防治措施
2.Multi-objective decision-making analysis of water resources carrying capacity in Dawenhe River Basin;大汶河流域水资源承载能力多目标决策分析
3.Research on Water Resources Carrying Capacity and Its Regulation in Dawenhe River Basin;大汶河流域水资源承载能力及其调控研究
4)Dawenhe River System Area大汶河水系
5)The main trunk-stream of Dawen river大汶河主干流域
6)Dawenkou group大汶口组

大汶河  山东省境内黄河最大支流。发源于省境旋崮山北麓沂源县境。上游称牟汶河,流经新泰、莱芜至泰安大汶口纳柴汶河后称大汶河。大汶口至东平湖河道长84公里(戴村坝以下又叫大清河),为平原型河道,大部分河段两岸都有堤防。北岸有漕浊河、汇河加入,南岸大堤就是流域界,堤南是著名的汶阳平原。大清河于马口入东平湖,通过湖区出陈山口后入黄河。 干流长239公里,流域面积9098平方公里。大汶口以上流域面积5669平方公里,是大汶河洪水泥沙的主要来源区。    流域地势东、北高,西、南低,北有泰山,东靠鲁山、蒙山,西、南为丘陵和平原。流域内东起莱芜、新泰、新汶,西到肥城、宁阳都有煤矿分布,储量较丰。莱芜还有品位较高的磁铁矿。流域气候温和,雨量较丰。年均温12~14℃,年均降水量640~760毫米。据戴村坝站记载,年均径流量18.2亿立方米,年均输沙量182万吨。    历史上旱涝灾害严重。20世纪50年代以来治理开发效果显著,加培堤防,防止了重大决溢灾害;建成雪野、黄前、东周、光明等大中型水库22座,小水库百余座,挖制山区面积的50%以上。发展灌溉面积19万多公顷,耕地灌溉率达54%,为1949年的4倍多。90%的涝洼地得到初步治理,农业生产有了很大发展。流域内工矿、交通建设发很快,泰安、莱芜、新泰及肥城等县市已建立起冶金、采煤、炼焦、电力、化肥、机械、建材等一批骨干企业。铁路有京沪线纵贯南北,有肥辛线与胶济线接轨,还有磁莱线环绕流域东南部各县。