器官剂量,Organ Dose
1)Organ Dose器官剂量
1.Estimation of Organ Doses and Effective Doses of Adult Patients for Some Types of Projection Conditions During Radiological Diagnoses;若干常规放射诊断典型投照条件下成年受检者器官剂量与有效剂量的估算
2.There are two conditions to calculate PC, first is to estimate the cancers excess relative risk by analyzing epidemiological data, and second is to determine organ dose of the cancer site.病因概率计算基于器官进行,需要两个条件:一是利用流行病学资料估计器官发生癌症的超额相对危险(excess relative risk, ERR),二是确定患者的器官剂量
2)Tissue dose靶器官剂量
3)organ weight器官重量

1.The Effect of Dexamethasone and Ambroxol on Weights of Rabbit Fetal Tissues and Organs and of the Body地塞米松、盐酸氨溴索对胎兔组织器官重量及体重的影响
2.Phenotypic flexibility of metabolic rate and organ masses among tree sparrows Passer montanus in seasonal acclimatization树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在季节驯化中表型的可塑性变化(英文)
3.The Effect of Curcumin on the Immune Organ's Weight and Expression of TNF-α IL-1β in Blood Serum of Adjuvant Arthritis Rats姜黄素对佐剂性关节炎大鼠血清TNF-α IL-1β和免疫器官重量的影响
4.Changes of Metabolic Rate and Organ Masses of Tree Sparrows Passer montanus in Photoperiod Acclimation树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在光周期驯化中的变化
5.Correlation between Basal Metabolic Rate and Organ Masses among Four Passerine Birds in Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province温州地区4种雀形目鸟类基础代谢率与器官重量的相关性分析
6.The effect of MTX on the weight of immune organs in rats with adjuvant arthritis甲氨蝶呤对佐剂性关节炎大鼠免疫器官重量的影响
7.Shock reduces the flow of blood to the body's vital organs, often damaging them beyond repair.休克减少了身体内重要器官的血流量,往往使这些器官发生不可修复的损伤。
8.The liver is a vital organ of the human body.肝脏是人体的重要器官。
9.Addition of biotin enhanced their development and elevated their weight index.添加生物素可促进免疫器官发育,提高其重量指数。
10.AIM: To observe the morphological changes of vestibular organs and to detect the calcium content of otoconia in rats after simulated weightlessness.目的:模拟失重状态下观察大鼠前庭器官形态学改变和测量耳石中的钙含量.
11.Nutrient element content is different in organs, but it is highest in leaf.地上各器官营养元素含量因器官、素而异,但尤以叶的含量最高。
12.vital organs; blood and other vital fluids; the loss of vital heat in shock; a vital spot.重要器官;血和其他的必需体液;休克中失去了生死攸关的热量;基本点。
13.Medicinal polyploid plants attract great attention because of their gigantic organs, high yields and important medicinal and economic values.多倍体药用植物因器官巨大,产量高,具有重要的药用和经济价值而倍受人们的关注。
14.Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Activity of Flag Leaf and Ear Organs and Its Relationship with Grain Weight and Protein Concent in Winter Wheat under Different Water Treatments不同水分条件下冬小麦旗叶和穗器官的PEPC活性及其与粒重和蛋白质含量的关系
15.Judge Thatcher had conceived a great opinion of Tom.萨契尔法官对汤姆非常器重。
16.The heart is one of the body's vital organs.心脏是人体的重要器官之一。
17.Duchamp's Nude Ladies,Sexual Organs and "Morbid" Double Aesthetic Standards杜桑的裸女、性器官与"病态"双重性审美
18.Tooth tissue engineering: from cells to organ, an odyssey far from finished从细胞到器官——牙组织工程任重而道远

Tissue dose靶器官剂量
3)organ weight器官重量
4)Organ Classifier器官量词
5)organ size器官测量
6)biomass of organs器官生物量
1.mongolica plantation on sand land of Nenjiang River,taking the method of regression analysis,the quantitative relations of stand age with DBH,tree height with biomass,DBH,biomass with tree height were simulated,regression equations of biomass of organs of Pinus sylvestris var.在对嫩江沙地樟子松人工林生物量调查的基础上,采用回归分析的方法模拟了林龄与胸径、树高和生物量之间以及胸径、生物量与树高之间的数量关系,建立了樟子松林分各器官生物量回归方程,结果表明:林龄与胸径、树高和生物量相关紧密;采用W=aebD模型,地上生物量、树干、树枝、树根的回归方程的相关系数都达到了极显著水平,平均拟合率都大于70%。

背器官背器官dorsal organ  背器官(dorsal organ)胚胎发育过的一种暂时存在的器宫。分初级背器官及次级背两种。二者的构造、来源、功能以及出现时间都同。初级背器官存在于无翅亚纲昆虫中,在胚胀胚层形成之际,出现于胚胎背部。跳虫几trodo,h口rabt’e勿nens众及Is口to柳cl’nerea有高度发达级背器官,它起源于胚盘细胞。最初出现于卵的背面,呈大形的细胞群,成为背器官的原基,内陷于卵黄中成为背器宫。跳虫的初级背器官有体的分泌作用(图1、图2)。绅黯阴溯妙由喘垢嚼(b、图1跳虫Tetrodo川oph口ra biela超ensis的背器官形成 (a)胚盘分化;(b)胚盘表皮及背器官原基形成1.胚盘表皮;2.背器官原荃;3.生殖细胞;4.卵黄细角 (据Jura)(b) 图2跳虫Isoto”似的初级背器官 (a)示初级背器官原墓;(b)示初级背器官 1.背器官原墓;2.背器官;3.外胚层;4.中沟; 5.生殖细胞;6.内胚层;7.卵黄细胞 (据0 .A.Johanllsen and F.H.Butt) 次级背器官存在于一些有翅亚纲昆虫,构造较{单,出现于胚动时期,来源于胚膜,如一种球嫂Fofi’cula次级背器官,在胚动之前,胚体开始缩短刚浆膜与羊膜在距离头部不远之处合并形成一小段结‘区,原来的浆膜与羊膜,连接于结合区的边缘,不止结合区收缩,皱褶于胚胎的背部,呈管状下陷于卵舅中形成背器官(图3)羊膜则成为背合膜(d arsalcl。rure)。背合膜随体壁腹面向背面伸展而逐渐缩小,至于完成体壁的背合。次级背器官,随着体壁形成过寸中逐渐离解,并全部为卵黄所吸收。、、八认们引牡幻月汁7护召户愈f入仪扮图3次级背器官形成及胚动的顺向移动过程(a一 1.羊膜;2.背器官;3.结合区;4.桨膜 (据Joharmson and Butt) (利翠英