肿瘤侵袭转移,Tumor invasion and metastasis
1)Tumor invasion and metastasis肿瘤侵袭转移
1.The research progress of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in tumor invasion and metastasis上皮间质转化在肿瘤侵袭转移中的研究进展
2.High expression of uPA correlates closely with tumor invasion and metastasis.uPA的高表达与肿瘤侵袭转移密切相关。

2.The research progress of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in tumor invasion and metastasis上皮间质转化在肿瘤侵袭转移中的研究进展
3.Objective: To review the relationship between integrin α5β1 and tumor invasion and metastasis.目的:综述整合素α5β1与恶性肿瘤侵袭转移的关系。
4.Function and Mechanism Studies on MTA1 Gene in Cancer Invasion and Metastasis;MTA1基因在肿瘤侵袭转移中的作用及机制研究
5.The Expression of VEGF-C, MMP-7 and Their Correlation with Tumor Invasion and Metastasis in Gastric Carcinoma;胃癌中VEGF-C、MMP-7的表达与肿瘤侵袭转移的关系
6.Recent advances on the molecular mechanism of nm23-H1-regulated invasion and metastasis of tumorsnm23-H1调控肿瘤侵袭转移分子机制研究进展
7.Abstract: Cellular adhesive molecular is a kind of membrane glycoprotein, which has associations with invasion and metastasis of tumor.文摘:细胞粘附分子是一类跨膜糖蛋白、肿瘤侵袭转移关系密切。
8.Correlation and Expressions of MTA1, MMP-9, TIMP-1 Are Associated with Invasion and Metastasis in Breast Cancer;乳腺癌MTA1、MMP-9、TIMP-1的表达与肿瘤侵袭转移的相关性研究
9.Expression of Matrixmetalloproteinase-7 and Microvascular Density in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Their Relationship with the Invasion and Metastasis;MMP-7和MVD在口腔鳞癌中的表达及与肿瘤侵袭转移的关系
10.Expression and Clinicopathological Significance of Neoplasm Factors with Invasion and Metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma;肿瘤侵袭转移相关因素在肝细胞癌中的表达及其临床病理意义
11.The Research between the Expressions of VEGF、COX-2、MMP-9 and Invasion and Metastasis in Colon Carcinoma;结肠癌中VEGF、COX-2、MMP-9的表达与肿瘤侵袭转移的研究
12.The Relationship between the Expression of MMP-2 and p53 and Tumor s Invision and Metastasis in Colorectal Carcinomas;结直肠癌中MMP-2和p53的表达与肿瘤侵袭转移关系
13.Claudins in Tumor Invasion and MetastasisClaudins与肿瘤侵袭和转移
14.Research of the Relationship between Gastric Carcinoma Traditional Chinese Medicine Classification of Syndrome and Tumor's Invasion and Metastasis;胃癌证型与肿瘤侵袭、转移关系的研究
15.Research of MTA1 Gene in Malignant Tumor Invasion and MetastasisMTA1与恶性肿瘤侵袭和转移的研究现状
16.Research Progress of Epha2 in Tumor Invasion and MetastasisEphA2在肿瘤侵袭和转移中的研究进展
17.Role of Smad4 in cancer invasion and metastasisSmad4在肿瘤侵袭和转移中的作用
18.Experimental Research on the Anti-tumor-metastasis Action of Basil Polysaccharide in Vitro罗勒多糖对肿瘤细胞侵袭转移活性的影响

invasion and metastasis of tumor肿瘤侵袭转移
3)Invasion and metastasis of tumor肿瘤侵袭和转移
1.The invasion and metastasis of tumor is a very complicated process.肿瘤侵袭和转移是一个相当复杂的过程。
4)Invasion and Metastasis肿瘤侵袭与转移
1.A number of studies have demonstrated that impaired regulation of expression/activity of cystatin was closely associated with cancer invasion and metastasis.蛇毒cystatin(sv-cystatin)是从眼镜蛇蛇毒中分离纯化的一种小分子蛋白质,其结构与Ⅱ型cystatin(如cystatinM)相类似,提示sv-cystatin有抗肿瘤侵袭与转移的潜能。
5)genes related to tumor invasion and matastasis肿瘤侵袭转移相关基因
6)suppress tumor invasion and metastasis抗肿瘤侵袭与转移

正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂