DC疫苗,DC vaccine
1)DC vaccineDC疫苗
1.Immune enhancement of CpG on DC vaccine for B16-HLA-MAGE-3 melanoma;CpG增强DC疫苗对黑色素瘤B16-HLA-MAGE-3的免疫效果

1.Induction of Immune Response Against Hepatitis B Virus by HBcAg Gene-modified Dendritic Cells Vaccine;HBcAg基因修饰的DC疫苗抗HBV的实验研究
2.Study on Anti-Gastric Carcinoma Efficacy of GM-CSF Gene-modified Dendritic Cell Vaccine;GM-CSF基因修饰的DC疫苗抗胃癌效应的实验研究
3.Induction of Immune Response Against Hepatitis B Virus by Immunization with HBsAg Gene-modified Dendritic Cells Transduced with Recombinant Adenovirus;腺病毒介导HBsAg基因修饰的DC疫苗抗HBV免疫的实验研究
4.The Study of Anti-HBV Effects with a HBsAg and CTLA-4 ScFv Co-modified DC Vaccine;CTLA-4单链抗体与HBsAg共修饰的DC疫苗抗HBV免疫的研究
5.Influence of Different Intradermal Puncture on Dendritic Cell Vaccine Induced Immune Reaction in Breast Cancer Patients皮内注射不同进针方式对DC疫苗诱导乳腺癌患者免疫应答的影响
6.Study on the specific immunity of dendritic cell vaccine loading human umbilical vein endothelial cell antigen against U14 cervical cancer负载人HUVECs抗原的DC疫苗诱导小鼠对宫颈癌U14的特异性免疫反应
7.Roles of Dendritic Cell Vaccines for hu-SCID B-cell Lymphoma Model and Breast Cancer Models;DC疫苗在hu-SCID小鼠B淋巴瘤及乳腺癌治疗中的实验研究
8.Experimental Study in Vitro and Vivo on the Anti-Pancreatic Carcer of DC Vaccine Plused with HSP70-polypeptide Complexes Purified from Mouse Pancreatic Carcinoma CellsHSP70多肽复合物的纯化及激活的DC疫苗抗胰腺癌体内外实验研究
9.Inhibitory effect of dendritic cell vaccine plus tumor antigen on murine bladder tumor in vivo负载肿瘤抗原的DC疫苗对小鼠体内膀胱肿瘤的抑制作用
10.Augmentation of the Migratory Ability and Immunological Effect of Dendritic Cells Loaded with Breast Carcinoma Antigen;增强树突状细胞向淋巴结迁移能力对乳腺癌DC疫苗免疫治疗作用的影响
11.Investigation of Anti-tumor Effects of Lentivirus-mediated and hTERT Gene Modified DC Vaccine;编码hTERT基因慢病毒载体的构建及其介导的DC疫苗抗肿瘤活性的研究
12.Study On Effect of Dendritic Cells Bacterin Induced by Superantigen and Lung Cancer Soluble Antigen Against Lung Cancer Cells肺癌可溶性抗原联合超抗原诱导的DC疫苗对肺癌细胞杀伤作用的研究
13.Induction of Antitumor Immunity in Vitro Using Human Dendritic Cells Pulsed with MAGE-3 mRNA as a Tumor Viccine;MAGE-3 mRNA/DC肿瘤疫苗的构建及其抗肿瘤免疫功效的体外研究
14.The Study of Biological Characteristics of Dendritic Cells Vaccines Transfected by IL-15 Gene and Loaded with Tumor AntigensIL-15/lysate-DC新型前列腺癌疫苗免疫生物学特性的实验研究
15.The Cultivation of Dendritic Cells(DC) and DC Transfected with Carcinoembryonic Antigen-vaccinia Recombinant Virus Induces CEA-specific Immunity Mediated by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Vitro;树突状细胞(DC)的培养及CEA-重组痘苗病毒转染DC诱导的特异性T细胞免疫
16.The Preparation for Human B7-2 and DC Vaccines and Their Roles in Anti-tumor Immunity Against Esophageal Cancer in Vitro;人B7-2瘤苗与DC瘤苗的制备及其体外联合诱导抗食管癌的免疫作用
17.Studies on the Role of MEK as a Costimulating Factor in DC Maturation and MEK-DC Vaccine in Inhibiting Lewis Lung Carcinoma;MEK作为共刺激因子对DC分化成熟的影响及其疫苗对Lewis肺癌抑瘤作用的研究
18.Studies on the SARS-CoV DNA Vaccines;SARS-CoV DNA疫苗研究

DC baced hepatocellular carcinoma vaccine肝癌DC疫苗
1.Research Progress and Application Status of Tumor Vaccines;肿瘤疫苗研究进展及应用现状
2.Animal model of endometriosis treated with xenogeneic endothelial cells as vaccines in Lewis rats;异种血管内皮细胞疫苗治疗Lewis大鼠子宫内膜异位症的动物模型
1.Analysis of Japanese B Encephalitis Vaccination and a Knowledge,Attitude,and Practice Survey in Shaanxi Province;陕西省流行性乙型脑炎疫苗接种及知信行调查分析
2.Field trial of vaccination of channel catfish(Ictalurus punctatus) with Aquavac-ESC aganist enteric septicemia of catfish in China;AQUAVAC-ESC疫苗免疫预防斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)肠道败血症的田间试验
3.The Study of Vaccination of NogoA Combined with Olfactory Ensheathing Glia Implantation in Treatment of Acute Spinal Cord Injury;NogoA疫苗联合嗅鞘细胞移植治疗急性脊髓损伤的实验研究
1.The algorithm adopts bacterin,di.这种算法采用疫苗、双倍体等多种生物机制,不仅防止了早熟,而且加快了收敛速度。
2.Through investigation for immune precedure of rabbit within province,the result shows:many places only use rabbit plague-pasteurellosis bacterin or rabbit plague-pasteurellosis-weismannism bacterin to immunity,the immune precedure is not reasonable.通过对目前省内家兔免疫程序的调查,结果表明:大多数地区只用了兔瘟巴魏三联苗或兔瘟-巴氏杆菌病二联疫苗免疫,免疫程序不够合理。

AC-DC-AC-DC型开关稳压电路AC-DC-AC-DC型开关稳压电路AC-DC-AC-DC type switching voltage stabilizing circuits  对小功率的AC一DC一AC一IK!型稳压电路,可省去图中的集成驱动器,由集成控制器直接驱动。AC一DC一AC一】兀型稳压电路组成的开关电源及模块,广泛应用于通信和其他电子设备中作为一次电源用。AC DC ACDCx一rlg伙019七Jo了1 wenyod旧z〕JLJAC一OC一AC一OC型开关稳压电路(AC一DC一AC一IX二type switehing voltage stabilizingcircuits)将交流电压通过整流滤波电路及DC一〔X)开关变换器,并借助反馈环节得到稳定直流输出电压的开关型稳压电路。其原理方框图如图所示。图中输人和输出端都加有噪声溥波器。电容滤波的全波整流电路中,开机时有一大的充电电流流过整流管。为了削弱该冲击电流,在AC一DC一AC一IX{型稳压电路中加人软起动电路。又因电容滤波的整流电路中电流失真很大,使功率因数很低。为了提高功率因数,通常采用功率因数校正技术。90年代以前,采用无源校正技术,只能对基波进行相移补偿或抑制某些指定的谐波。实际应用中,还受到体积、质量、价格等因素的限制。9。年代普遍采用高频有源功率因数校正技术。图中的有源功率因数校正电路实质上是一种升压式有源功率因数校正(b oost一PFC)电路(见DC一DC型开关稳压电路)。它可将稳压电路的输入电流波形变换为与输入电网电压同相位的正弦波,变换效率可大于98%。这样,可以降低线路损耗,节约能源,减小电网的谐波污染。┌───┐ ┌────┐┌─────────┐┌──┐│NF │ ┌───┐│ pFC ││ OC~O(: ││ 哪││,噪声│ │_整流 ││功率因数││ 变换器 ││噪声││健波 │ └───┘│ 校正 ││(含高频整流及滤波)││滤波││ │ │ │└─────────┘│ │└───┘ └────┘ └──┘ ┌─────┐ │ SS │ ┌─────┐ │软起动 │ │集成驱动器│ │ │ └─────┘ └─────┘ ┌─────┐ │集成控制器│ └─────┘ AC一1)C一AC一1)C型开关稳压电路原理方框图