超额相对危险,Excess Relative Risk
1)Excess Relative Risk超额相对危险
1.There are two conditions to calculate PC, first is to estimate the cancers excess relative risk by analyzing epidemiological data, and second is to determine organ dose of the cancer site.病因概率计算基于器官进行,需要两个条件:一是利用流行病学资料估计器官发生癌症的超额相对危险(excess relative risk, ERR),二是确定患者的器官剂量。
2)relative excess risk相对超额危险性
1.The relative excess risk is a suitable measure of comparative risk.结果显示 ,相对超额危险性是比较两个暴露因素的疾病效应的合理指标。
3)relative risk相对危险
1.The relative risk of first-degree relatives and siblings of asthma probands were 7.结果重庆哮喘先证者一级亲属遗传度为(80·56±5·68)%;哮喘患者分离比为0·18;一级亲属的相对危险度为7·38,同胞对的相对危险度4·47。
2.The estimates of relative risk (RR) were calculated by AMFIT in Epicure (Hirosoft International Corp.方法 收集定群队列1950-1996年间恶性肿瘤发病资料,其相对危险(RR)计算采用Epicure(Hirosoft International Corp。

1.Wald Test of Relative Risk in Paired Design配对设计下相对危险度的Wald检验
2.Logarithmic Transformation Test Based on Relative Risk for Matched-Pair Design配对设计下相对危险度的对数变换检验
3.Relative Risk Analysis for 708 Ectopic Pregnancy Cases with lUDs in Beijing Ar-eas北京地区708例带器宫外孕分层相对危险分析
4.Relative risk( RR) was used as a measure of the effect of folic acid supplementation on the risk of stroke with a random effect model.采用相对危险度(R)大小,作为衡量叶酸补充治疗在降低卒中发生危险有效性的指标。
5.Using the estimates of relative risk for mortality and overall quality of life we constructed a decision model.通过死亡的相对危险度及总的生活质量我们构建了一个决策模式。
6.Heavy ice is a serious danger for airplanes.结冰太厚对飞机相当危险。
7.They are relatively immune to hazards of nuclear warfare.它们相对地免受核战争的危险。
8.A spice of danger affects people in different ways.危险的处境对人的影响各不相同。
9.to confront danger(勇敢地)面对危险
10.Case-control Study of the Risk Factors for Age Related Macular Degeneration;年龄相关性黄斑变性危险因素病例对照研究
11.The Correlation between Risk Behaviors and Coping Strategies of Vocational Middle School Students;职专生危险行为与应对方式的相关研究
12.Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Sexual Behavior Among Secondary School Students中学生性行为相关危险因素的病例对照研究
13.It's rather dangerous to corner at speed.高速转弯是相当危险的。
14.I convinced him that there was no danger.我使他相信没有危险。
15.Danger itself is the best remedy for danger.危险本身就是对付危险的最好办法。
16.Yes, yes. Ortufon. Apprentice. Red Wizard too. Dangerous, though. Frolg no trust him.对,对,奥图番,学徒,也是个红袍法师,危险。尽管如此,弗罗格也不相信他。
17.The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers.相对于其他危险而言,人类遭受鲨鱼攻击的机率其实是很小的。
18.Morel was rather a heedless man, careless of danger. So he had endless accidents.莫雷尔是个相当粗心的人,对危险满不在乎。因此事故层出不穷。

relative excess risk相对超额危险性
1.The relative excess risk is a suitable measure of comparative risk.结果显示 ,相对超额危险性是比较两个暴露因素的疾病效应的合理指标。
3)relative risk相对危险
1.The relative risk of first-degree relatives and siblings of asthma probands were 7.结果重庆哮喘先证者一级亲属遗传度为(80·56±5·68)%;哮喘患者分离比为0·18;一级亲属的相对危险度为7·38,同胞对的相对危险度4·47。
2.The estimates of relative risk (RR) were calculated by AMFIT in Epicure (Hirosoft International Corp.方法 收集定群队列1950-1996年间恶性肿瘤发病资料,其相对危险(RR)计算采用Epicure(Hirosoft International Corp。
4)relative risk相对危险度
1.Woolf method for relative risk (RR) and χ2 test.Bernstein校正法估计ABO遗传频率 ,用Woolf法算相对危险度和 χ2 检验。
2.Objective To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of electrical impedance scanning(EIS) in identifying breast cancer for young women,to calculate relative risk,and to determine whether the more accurate imaging method should be used in early breast cancer detection for young women based on cost-effective ratio.目的评价乳腺电阻抗扫描成像(EIS)对年轻女性乳腺癌病人的敏感度、特异度,计算其相对危险度,决定是否采用更精确的影像学检查,以期指导年轻女性乳腺癌病人的早期检测。
3.We employ Logistic regression model in the analysis and get the estimator of the relative risks.本文主要讨论在复杂抽样方案下病例对照数据的统计分析,利用Logistic回归模型得到人群患肺癌的重要危险因素及其相对危险度的估计。
5)Relative hazard相对危险比
1.Relative hazard (RH) was applied to evaluate the risk of disease and all data were analyzed by Dersimonian-Laird method.005,文献具有异质性,合并相对危险比为2。
6)Relative risk reduction(RRR)相对危险度降低
