海刀豆,Canavalia maritima
1)Canavalia maritima海刀豆
2)Sword bean刀豆
1.The big vacuum vessel in a food processing factory was used for the drying tests of carrotand sword bean at different temperatures in the vessel with different loading coefficients,dif-ferent positions of the layer and different cutting methods.利用大型真空罐进行胡萝卜、青刀豆的单层干燥试验。

1.green shell bean去荚(食用)青刀豆
2.Canned green beansGB/T13209-1991青刀豆罐头
3.canned asparagus-style bean切去两头的青刀豆罐头
4.Study on the Extraction, Purification and Characterization of Lectin from the Canavalia Ensiformis Seed;刀豆凝集素提取分离纯化及性质研究
5.Establishment of rats model with actue hepatic injury induced by injection of concanavalin A刀豆蛋白A诱导急性肝损伤的模型建立
6.Study on Preparation of the Anti-pancreatic Cancer Agent L-Canavanine;抗胰腺肿瘤物质L-刀豆氨酸的合成工艺研究
7.The protective effect of Swertia Punicea in concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice;紫红獐芽菜对刀豆蛋白A所致肝损伤的保护作用
8.Expression of MAPEG Family and Its Products in Concanavalin A-induced Mice Hepatitis and Hepatoprotect by Cyclosporin A;刀豆蛋白致小鼠免疫性肝损伤MAPEG家族表达谱及环孢素调控
9.Protective Effect of JBP485 on Concanavalin A-induced Hepatocyte Toxcity in Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes;JBP485对刀豆球蛋白A导致的原代培养大鼠肝细胞损伤的保护作用研究
10.Canned France Beans Sterilization Research in Safety Produce;法国种特细青刀豆罐头安全生产中杀菌条件研究
11.Effection of Prolactin on Immunoresponsiveness of Activated T Lymphocytes Induced by Concanavalin A催乳素对刀豆蛋白A诱导活化T淋巴细胞免疫应答的影响
12.Protective Effects of Angelica sinensis Polysaccharide on Immunological Liver Injury Induced by Concanavalin A in Mice当归多糖对刀豆蛋白A所致小鼠免疫性肝损伤的保护作用
13.Bean curd cut with a sharp knife/smooth on Both sides快刀打豆腐,二面都光生
14.It's not done to eat peas with a knife.用刀子吃豆是不合礼节的。
15.A cold hand a warm heart.手冷心肠热。(刀子嘴,豆腐心。)
16.There are several of kinds of cutlery such as knife, fish spoon, serving fork, potato server and butter knives.其中有各种餐具,如:餐刀、鱼叉、上菜叉、土豆匙和黄油刀。
17.he used his bowie knife and chopped down his father's favourite mesquite tree.他用他的鲍伊猎刀砍倒了他父亲心爱的牧豆树。
18.Let me show you the Three Traditional Treasures of Yangjiang - lobster sauce, lacquerwork and knife.让我给你介绍一下阳江“三件宝”:豆豉、漆器、小刀。

Sword bean刀豆
1.The big vacuum vessel in a food processing factory was used for the drying tests of carrotand sword bean at different temperatures in the vessel with different loading coefficients,dif-ferent positions of the layer and different cutting methods.利用大型真空罐进行胡萝卜、青刀豆的单层干燥试验。
3)sword jackbean刀豆
1.Fresh sword jackbean was used as material,and the best technological conditions for the extraction of sword jackbean lectin(SJL) were obtained in this study.以新鲜刀豆为原料,实验得出了提取刀豆凝集素的最优条件为:提取温度为22℃,提取时间为2。
4)concanavalin A刀豆蛋白A
1.The protective effect of Swertia Punicea in concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice;紫红獐芽菜对刀豆蛋白A所致肝损伤的保护作用
2.A study on the dose-effect relationship between the dosage of concanavalin A and hepatic fibrosis in Balb/c mice;不同剂量刀豆蛋白A诱导Balb/c小鼠肝纤维化的量效关系
3.Protective Effects of Matrine on Liver Injury Induced by Concanavalin A in Mice;苦参碱对刀豆蛋白A致小鼠肝损伤的保护作用
5)jack bean meal刀豆粉
1.Effects of Different Application Method of Boron Fertilizer on Growth and Production of French Bean;硼肥不同施用方式对法国青刀豆生长与产量的影响

刀豆【通用名称】刀豆【其他名称】刀豆 刀豆 拼音名:Daodou 英文名:SEMEN CANAVALIAE 书页号:2000年版一部-9 本品为豆科植物刀豆Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC. 的干燥成熟种子。秋季 采收成熟果实,剥取种子,晒干。 【性状】 本品呈扁卵形或扁肾形,长2~3.5cm,宽1~2cm,厚0.5~1.2cm。表面 淡红色至红紫色,微皱缩,略有光泽。边缘具眉状黑色种脐,长约2cm,上有白色细纹3 条。质硬,难破碎。种皮革质,内表面棕绿色而光亮;子叶2 ,黄白色,油润。无臭, 味淡,嚼之有豆腥味。 【鉴别】 本品横切面:表皮为1列栅状细胞,种脐处2列,外被角质层,光辉带 明显。支持细胞2~6列,呈哑铃状。营养层由十多列切向延长的薄壁细胞组成,内侧细 胞呈颓废状;有维管束,种皮下方为数列多角形胚乳细胞。子叶细胞含众多淀粉粒。管 胞岛椭圆形,壁网状增厚,具缘纹孔少见。周围有4~5层薄壁细胞,其两侧为星状组织, 细胞呈星芒状,有大形的细胞间隙。 【炮制】 除去杂质,用时捣碎。 【性味与归经】 甘,温。归胃、肾经。 【功能与主治】 温中,下气,止呃。用于虚寒呃逆,呕吐。 【用法与用量】 6~9g 。 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防蛀。