油茶肉质果,Fleshy fruit of Camellia Oleifera Abel
1)Fleshy fruit of Camellia Oleifera Abel油茶肉质果
2)fleshy fruit of Camellia Oleifera Abel(FF)油茶肉质果(FF)
3)fleshy leaf of Camellia Oleifera Abel(FL)油茶肉质叶(FL)
4)Oil tea fruit油茶果

1.A Study on the Extraction of the Natural Antioxidants from the Shell of Camellia Oleifera Abe从油茶果壳中提取天然抗氧化剂的研究
2.Determination of Traits of Camellia oleifera Fruit and Analysis of the Economic Indexes in Tongren area of Guizhou贵州铜仁地区油茶果实的性状测定与经济指标分析
3.Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of the Camellia oleifera Abel Seed Oil and Its Effect油茶油脂的超临界CO_2萃取及效果研究
4.Camellia oil (Latin name,Camellia oleifera seed oil) is also called camellia seed oil.山茶油(又名山茶油,野山茶油,茶籽油,油茶籽油)。
5.Analysis of the Fruit Characteristics of Camellia reticulata f. simplex from Tengchong County腾冲红花油茶主要产果类型的果实性状分析
6.Determination of Lipsoluble Vitamin,β Carotene in Tea-seed,Tea-seed Oil and Shell by HPLCHPLC法测定茶籽、果壳、茶籽油中脂溶性维生素和β-胡萝卜素的含量
7.Main ingredients: camellia powder, Avocado, heronsbill, aloe essence, elastin, rose oil and etc.主要成分:山茶花粉、牛油果、太阳花、芦荟精华油、弹力素、玫瑰油等。
8.The Climatic Division of Camellia Semiserrata Chi.Planting红花大果油茶种植气候区划——GIS技术在柳州红花大果油茶种植气候区划中的应用
9.Growth was seen in the output of oil-bearing crops, sugar, tea and fruits.油料、糖料、茶叶和水果等作物产品产量有所增长。
10.Effect of degumming methods on metal ion concentration in puer tea fruit oil脱胶方法对普洱茶果油中金属离子浓度影响
11.Study on the antioxidant activity of polyphenols from seed of Camellia oliefera to camellia oil油茶籽多酚对茶油的抗氧化性的研究
12.Sipping "Green Fruit Juice" means sipping something special.“青果”果茶给您特殊品位。
13.Study on the Extraction Technology of Tea Saponin from Hainan Green Tea Seed and the Components of Tea Seed Oil海南绿茶籽茶皂素提取工艺及茶籽油成分研究
14.We use fresh fruits to produce longan& date tea, fruit tea, goldorange tea, etc.果茶方面我们采取新鲜果类来制作,有桂圆红枣茶、茶、桔茶等。
15.Effects of extraction methods on the quality of oil-tea camellia seed oil不同制油方法对油茶籽油品质的影响
16.lard fruit【植】猪油果, 油渣果, 油瓜
17.Seasonings:1/4 tsp Salt and sugar, 1/2 tsp Light soya sauce, 1/4 tsp Cornstarch, 1/2 tsp Oil.调味:盐及糖1/4茶匙、生抽1/2茶匙、生粉1/4茶匙、油1/2茶匙。
18.If you don't, a short fast will help, along with steam inhalations, which involve adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil to hot water.如果不需要, 可以尝试短期的禁食和雾化疗法,采取雾化疗法时需要在热水中加入几滴茶树油。

fleshy fruit of Camellia Oleifera Abel(FF)油茶肉质果(FF)
3)fleshy leaf of Camellia Oleifera Abel(FL)油茶肉质叶(FL)
4)Oil tea fruit油茶果
5)Camellia meiocarpa小果油茶
1.The results show a great difference between Camellia meiocarpa and Camellia semisenrata in callus induction.对小果油茶和广宁红花油茶的花药进行离体培养,并诱导形成愈伤组织。
6)Camellia oleifera Abel peel油茶果皮
1.Objective To establish a processing method for enriching polyphenol from Camellia oleifera Abel peel by Macroporous Resin that D101.目的建立油茶果皮中多元酚的富集工艺。

昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷药物名称:豆腐果甙英文名:Helicid别名: 昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷外文名: Helicid药理作用:具有较强的止痛、镇静、安眠作用,对神经衰弱综合征效果显著,对血管性头痛有十分显著疗效,对于中枢神经紧张具有明显镇静催眠作用,同时对记忆力、思维力具有较好改善和调节作用。适应症: 用于神经衰弱,神经衰弱综合征,血管性头痛,三叉神经痛。特别对神衰引起的头痛、头昏、睡眠障碍显效较快。 用量用法: 口服:每日75~100mg,3~7日后显效。饭后服,重病者可饭前加服1片。一般1个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 常有口干、嗜睡等,但不影响治疗。 应饭后服药。 规格: 片剂:每片25mg。 类别:镇痛药