非线性肿瘤模型,Nonlinear model of tumors
1)Nonlinear model of tumors非线性肿瘤模型
2)Transplanting neoplasm model移植性肿瘤模型

1.Research Progress of DNA Methylation and Non-neoplastic DiseasesDNA甲基化与非肿瘤性疾病的研究进展
2.MSCT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of non-neoplastic lesions of salivary glandMSCT对涎腺非肿瘤性疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断
3.Mammary ductoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of nontumoural nipple discharge乳管内窥镜在诊治非肿瘤性乳头溢液中的应用
4.Value of Mult-Slice Spiral CT for Nontumorous Bowel Wall Thickening多层螺旋CT对非肿瘤性肠壁增厚的应用价值
5.A non-malignant growth or tumor is referred to as benign, which is not cancer.非恶性肿瘤被称为良性肿瘤,不属于癌。
6.Expressions of CD117 and CD34 in non-epithelial tumours非上皮性肿瘤组织中CD117、CD34的表达
7.Non-ossifying fibroma merger aneurysmal bone cyst:report of one case非骨化性纤维瘤合并动脉瘤样骨囊肿1例
8.Experimental results show that the above shape factors can describe the shape of breast tumor perfectly and are very effective in distinguishingthe benign from the malignant tumor.实验结果表明,这些特征很好地刻画了肿瘤的边缘形状,对区分良性肿瘤和恶性肿瘤非常有效。
9.a benign [malignant] tumor良性 [恶性] 肿瘤
10.MSCT Findings of Parotid Benign Non-epithelial Cell Tumors腮腺非上皮性良性肿瘤的多层螺旋CT表现
11.aspiration of intracranial cystic tumor颅内囊肿性肿瘤吸引术
12.Grading System for Diagnosis and Treatment of Intracranial Nongerminomatous Malignant Germ Cell Tumors颅内非生殖细胞瘤性恶性生殖细胞肿瘤的分级诊治
13.Colonoscopic characters and diagnosis of 95 cases of colorectal non-epithelial tumor结直肠非上皮性肿瘤95例内镜特点及诊断
14.Analysis of 107 esophageal non squamous cell carcinoma patients′pathological material食管非鳞状细胞恶性肿瘤107例病理资料分析
15.Myofibroma is an uncommon neoplasm characterized by myofibroblastic proliferation.肌纤维瘤是一种非寻常的肌纤维母细胞增生性肿瘤。
16.Primary intrinsic gangliogliomas of the brainstem are exceedingly unusual.原发性脑干神经节细胞神经胶质瘤是一种非常罕见的肿瘤。
17.Comparative Study on the Invasion of Gliomas and Non-Glial Tumors;脑胶质瘤与颅内非胶质来源肿瘤侵袭性比较研究
18.Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common noncutaneous malignancy in the United States and the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death.结肠直肠癌是美国第四常见的非皮肤性恶性肿瘤和第二位肿瘤相关性死亡的原因。

Transplanting neoplasm model移植性肿瘤模型
4)Tumor model肿瘤模型
1.BACKGROUND & AIM: In order to explore an economical and effective method for building lung tumor model induced by diethylstilbestrol(DES), we studied the carcinogenic effect on neonatal mice treated by DES.背景与目的:研究已烯雌酚(diethylstilbestrol,DES)对新生ICR小鼠的致肿瘤作用,寻求建立DES致肺肿瘤模型经济有效的方法。
2.Objective To study the effect of Zhongyao Fuzheng Mixture(ZFM)on cytokines in tumor model mice.目的研究中药扶正合剂对肿瘤模型细胞因子的影响。
3.Due to some unique advantages and increasing related data, P815 mouse mastocytoma tumor model has been widely used.P815肿瘤模型是一种较为成熟的小鼠肿瘤研究模型 ,因其具有某些独特的优点而被研究者广泛采用。
5)nonmalignant tumor非恶性肿瘤
6)Murine tumor model肿瘤鼠模型

肿瘤特异性移植抗原肿瘤特异性移植抗原 又称肿瘤排斥抗原(tumor rejection antigen,TRA)。宿主对这种抗原有免疫反应,企图通过细胞免疫反应控制肿瘤的生长,或作为异己而排斥。大多数人类肿瘤同一组织类型至少有一种共同的TSTA,而且不与其他类型肿瘤反应,有其肿瘤特异性。