地塞米松衍生物,dexamethasone derivate
1)dexamethasone derivate地塞米松衍生物
1.Screening of target proteins interacting with dexamethasone derivates in vivo活细胞内筛选地塞米松衍生物作用靶蛋白的研究

1.The Study on Screening Target Proteins of Dexamethasone Derivate in Vivio Cells;活细胞内筛选地塞米松衍生物作用靶蛋白的研究
2.Effect of dexamethasone on biological characteristics of bone marrow stromal stemc ells地塞米松对骨髓基质干细胞生物学特性的影响
3.Effects of Dexamethasone on the Biological Characteristics of Trichophyton Rubrum;地塞米松对红色毛癣菌生物学性状的影响
4.Determination of Dexamethasone acetate in biological specimen by HPLCHPLC测定醋酸地塞米松在生物样品中的含量
5.Effect of dexamethasone on the biological characteristics of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow in vitro不同浓度地塞米松对人骨髓间充质干细胞生物学特性的影响
6.pexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection地塞米松磷酸钠注射液
7.Effect on incidence of cleft palate interfered by different dose dexamethasone in mice embryo不同剂量地塞米松对小鼠胚胎腭裂发生的影响
8.The study of the impact of dexasone and observe affecting the expression of protein P53 and P-Glycoprotein on pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell A549地塞米松对肺癌细胞株A549生长及化疗作用
9.Mechanisms of Dexamethasone inducing generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells地塞米松诱导产生耐受性树突状细胞的机制
10.Preparation and Pharmacokinetics Characterization of Dexamethasone Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles in Rabbit Eyes;地塞米松—PLGA纳米粒的制备及其兔眼内药物代谢动力学
11.Study of the Effect of 1, 25 (OH)2-D3 and Combination of 1, 25 (OH)2-D3 and Dexamethasone on Asthma in Rats;维生素D3及维生素D3联合地塞米松对哮喘大鼠治疗作用的研究
12.Subconjunctival injection urokinase combined with dexamethasone was performed2-3 times.药物治疗行尿激酶联合地塞米松结膜下注射,共2~次。
13.Donor Specific Transfusion Combined with Dexamethasone Treatment Induced Long-term Survival of Skin Grafts in Mice;供者特异性输注联合地塞米松延长小鼠皮肤移植物存活的研究
14.Effects of Dexamethasone on Airway and Pulmonary Surfactant of Asthma Guinea-pigs;地塞米松对哮喘豚鼠气道及肺表面活性物质的影响
15.The effect of extraction substance of ZHIMU on the Gastrointestinal Dysfunction caused by Dexamethasone in Rats and Mice知母提取物对地塞米松致大小鼠胃肠机能紊乱的影响试验研究
16.Determination of the dexamethasone in the cochlear tissue after postaurical and intramuscular injection大鼠耳后和肌肉注射地塞米松后内耳组织药物浓度分析
17.Investigation on Dexamethasone Induced Cleft Palate in Embryos of C57BL/6J Mice by ~1H-NMR Pattern Recognition of Metabolites Group地塞米松致C57BL/6J小鼠胚胎腭裂的代谢物组~1H-NMR模式识别探讨
18.Relationship of dex amethasone,retinoic acid and insulin-like growth factors during lung de-velopment in neonatal rats地塞米松、维甲酸对大鼠肺发育的影响及与胰岛素样生长因子关系

1.Effect of desamethasone on the airway remodeling in asthmatic rats;地塞米松对支气管哮喘模型大鼠气道重建的影响
2.Protection of little dosage of Desamethasone to pulmonary function on acute lung injury model;创建急性肺损伤模型探讨小剂量地塞米松对肺脏的保护作用
3.The contents of ketoconazole and desamethasone in the spraying membrane were assayed by HPLC.观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠湿疹和体癣模型的疗效,以喷膜基质作对照,并分别与地塞米松止痒霜和复方酮康唑霜的疗效相比较。
1.Clinical analysis of Dexamethason,654-2 and antivenom to 2interfere in SIRS and MODS after cobra snakebite;地塞米松、654-2和抗蛇毒血清联合使用干预眼镜蛇伤致SIRS及MODS的临床分析
2.Dexamethason slow-released granules on inflammation control in children performed with intraocular lens implantation for cataract;地塞米松缓释微粒控制儿童白内障术后炎症临床观察
3.The effect of dexamethason on expression of myosin light chain kinase in bronchial smooth muscle of asthma animal model;地塞米松对哮喘动物模型支气管平滑肌MLCK表达的影响
4)Dexamethasone[英][,deks?'meθ?z?un][美][,d?ks?'m?θ?,son, -,zon]地塞米松
1.Optimization of the technological process to prepare Dexamethasone solid lipid nanoparticles;优化地塞米松类脂纳米粒的制备工艺
2.Determination of Dexamethasone Using Its Polarographic Catalytic Wave;极谱催化波法测定地塞米松
3.The therapeutic effect of dexamethasone-metronidazole paste on chemical periapical periodontitis;地塞米松灭滴灵糊剂治疗化学性尖周炎的疗效观察
1.Clinical Effect of Pinyangmycin,Sodium Morrhuate and Dexamethasonum Injection on the Treatment of Cavernous Hemangioma in Maxillofacial Regions;平阳霉素/鱼肝油酸钠/地塞米松联合注射治疗颌面部血管瘤的临床疗效分析
2.Effects of diuretics combined with dexamethasonum and hypertonic saline solution on refractory heart failure;联用利尿剂、地塞米松和浓氯化钠治疗难治性心力衰竭疗效观察
3.Effects of pinyangmycin and dexamethasonum on vascular anomalies occurred in the infants′face;平阳霉素联合地塞米松注射治疗婴幼儿面部血管瘤28例
1.Clinical Observation of Emergency Reaction to Treatment of Root Tube with DXM and Iodoform;地塞米松碘仿防治根管治疗期间急症反应的临床观察
2.Relation between Activation of NF-kB and Chemotherapy Induced Apoptosis,Effect of DXM in Malignant Lymphomnatous Cell恶性淋巴瘤NF-kB活化与化疗药物诱导细胞凋亡的关系及地塞米松的影响作用
3.Methods:Eighteen BALB/c mice were divided into 3 groups randomly:control group,asthma group,and dexamethasone(DXM) treated group, with 6 mice in each.方法:18只BALB/c小鼠随机分为正常对照组、哮喘组和药物组(地塞米松组),每组各6只。

地塞米松【通用名称】地塞米松【其他名称】地塞米松 地塞米松 拼音名:Disaimisong 英文名:Dexamethasone 书页号:2000年版二部-221 C22H29FO5 392.47 本品为16α-甲基-11β,17α,21-三羟基-9α-氟孕甾-1,4-二烯-3,20-二酮。按干燥品计算,含 C22H29FO5应为97.0%~102.0%。 【性状】本品为白色或几乎白色的结晶性粉末;无臭。 本品在丙酮、甲醇、乙醇或二氧六环中略溶,在氯仿中微溶,在乙醚中极微溶解,在水中几乎不 溶。 熔点 本品的熔点(附录Ⅵ C)为254~264℃,熔距不得超过4℃,熔融时同时分解。 比旋度 取本品,精密称定,加二氧六环溶解并定量稀释制成每1ml中含10mg的溶液,依法测定 (附录 Ⅵ E),比旋度为+72°至+82°。 吸收系数 取本品,精密称定,加乙醇溶解并定量稀释制成每1ml中约含10μg的溶液,照分光光 度法 (附录Ⅳ A),在240nm的波长处测定吸收度,吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为380~410。 【鉴别】(1)取本品2mg,加硫酸2ml,振摇溶解,5分钟内显淡红棕色,加水10ml混匀,颜色消 失。 (2)本品的红外光吸收图谱应与对照的图谱(光谱集741图)一致。 (3)本品显有机氟化物的鉴别反应(附录Ⅲ)。 【检查】其他甾体 取本品,加氯仿-甲醇(9:1)制成每1ml中含10mg的溶液,作为供试品溶 液;精密 量取适量,加氯仿-甲醇(9:1)稀释成每1ml含0.20mg与0.10mg的溶液,作为对照溶液(1)与 (2)。照薄层 色谱法(附录Ⅴ B)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各5μl,分别点于同一硅胶GF254薄层板上,以二氯甲烷- 乙醚-甲 醇-水(77:15:8:1.2)为展开剂,展开后,晾干,置紫外光灯(254nm)下检视,供试品溶液如显杂 质斑点,与 对照溶液(1)的主斑点比较,不得更深;深于对照溶液(2)的主斑点的杂质斑点,不得多于1个。 干燥失重 取本品,在105℃干燥3小时,减失重量不得过0.5%(附录Ⅷ L)。 炽灼残渣 不得过0.2%(附录Ⅷ N)。 【含量测定】照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅴ D)测定。 色谱条件与系统适用性试验 用十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;乙腈-水(4:6)为流动相;检 测波长 为240nm。理论板数按地塞米松峰计算应不低于3000,地塞米松峰与相邻杂质峰的分离度应符合要求。 测定法 取地塞米松对照品15mg,精密称定,置50ml量瓶中,加甲醇2ml溶解后,用流动相稀释 至刻 度,摇匀,取20μl注入液相色谱仪,记录色谱图;另取本品15mg,同法测定。按外标法以峰面积计算, 即得。 【类别】肾上腺皮质激素类药。 【贮藏】遮光,密封保存。