间质化疗,interstitial chemotherapy
1)interstitial chemotherapy间质化疗
1.Pharmacokinetical study of interstitial chemotherapy with PLGA-gemcitabine microsphere;吉西他滨缓释微球间质化疗的药动学研究
2.Pharmacokinetical study of 5-Fluorouracil based interstitial chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer;5-氟尿嘧啶间质化疗治疗胰腺癌的药动学研究
3.Treatment of malignant brain gliomas using interstitial chemotherapy combined with sensitive radiotherapy after microsurgical excision;显微手术后间质化疗联合增敏放疗治疗恶性脑胶质瘤

1.Short-term Observation for the Interstitial Chemotherapy Combined with Surgery in the Treatment of Oral Squamous Carcinoma间质化疗联合手术治疗口腔鳞癌的近期观察
2.Clinical study on interstitial chemotherapy for post-operative gliomas脑胶质细胞瘤术后间质化疗的临床研究
3.Experimental and Clinical Research on Sustained-release 5-FU Microparticle Interstitial Chemotherapy of Primary Hepatic Cancer;肝癌5-FU缓释微粒间质化疗的实验及临床研究
4.Clinical investigation of chemotherapy on gastric bed interstitial tissue during the operation on progressive gastric cancer进展期胃癌术中胃床间质化疗的临床研究
5.The Investigation of Slow-release PLGA-Gemcitabine Microsphere in Treatmentment of Pancreatic Cancer;PLGA-吉西他滨缓释微球间质化疗应用于胰腺癌治疗的实验研究
6.Experimental research of intratumoral chemotherapy on glioma xenograft nude mice models by contortrostatin蛇毒解聚素在裸鼠胶质瘤间质化疗中的实验研究
7.Clinical study on interstitial chemotherapy and brachytherapy for saccular glioma间质内化疗及放疗治疗囊性胶质瘤研究
8.Pancreatic cancer cells resistance to chemoradiotherapy induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition胰腺癌放、化疗抵抗诱导上皮间质转化
9.Experimental Study of Pulmonary Fibrosis Disease by Hua Xian Jiao Nang;化纤胶囊治疗肺间质纤维化的实验研究
10.Clinical Study on Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis with the Capsule of Solving Fibrosis化纤胶囊治疗特发性肺间质纤维化的临床研究
11.Clinical research on Huoxuetongluohuatan decoction in the treatment of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis活血通络化痰汤治疗肺间质纤维化的临床研究
12.Experimental Study of Qidan Granule on Pulmonary Instersitial Fibrosis in Rats;芪丹颗粒剂治疗大鼠肺间质纤维化的实验研究
13.Clinical and Experiment Studies on Runfei Mixture in Treating Pulmonary-Fibrosis;润肺合剂治疗肺间质纤维化的临床与实验研究
14.Investigation and Analysis of the Cancer Patients Quality of Life During Chemotherapy;肿瘤病人化疗期间的生活质量现状调查与分析
15.Pathogenesis and treatment progress of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis特发性肺间质纤维化发病机制及治疗进展
16.Study on the evaluation method of clinical efficacy in pulmonary fibrosis肺间质纤维化临床疗效评定方法的研究
17.Changes of immune function in liver cancer patients after transcatheter arterial chemoembolizaton combined with interstitial therapy经肝动脉化疗栓塞联合肿瘤间质治疗肝癌后免疫功能改变
18.The efficiency of using chemical therapy combining with MSC to advanced hepatic carcinoma晚期肝癌化疗结合骨髓间充质干细胞输注疗效观察

interstitial chemotherapy间质内化疗
1.Effect of photodynamic therapy combined with interstitial chemotherapy for gliomas;光动力学疗法与间质内化疗联合治疗脑胶质瘤的临床研究
2.Objective To explore the influential factors of stability to BCNU-PLGA sustained release microspheres used for interstitial chemotherapy to brain glioma.目的探讨用于脑胶质瘤间质内化疗的BCNU-PLGA缓释微球稳定性的影响因素。
3.Objective To investigate the sensitivity of combined chemotherapy of CBP, Vm-26, MTX and NIM against glioma, and to explore the inhibition of them to glioma so as to offer scientific basis for clinic interstitial chemotherapy.目的观察卡铂(CBP)、威猛(Vm-26)、甲氨喋呤(MTX)及尼莫地平(NIM)联合应用对脑胶质瘤的抑制作用,探讨脑间质内联合用药与胶质瘤细胞敏感性的关系,为临床脑胶质瘤间质内化疗提供有效的化疗依据。
3)thermal interstitial therapy间质热疗
1.But the development of local thermal interstitial therapy is more rapid and side effects are less,result of theatment is better.超声引导下肝癌局部治疗方法有多种 ,但以局部间质热疗法发展较快 ,副作用小 ,疗效较好。
4)Interstitial radiotherapy间质放疗
1.Clinical Study of Brachytherapy for Recurrent High Grade with ~(131)I-chTNT;复发性高级别人脑胶质瘤~(131)I-chTNT间质治疗的临床研究
6)Interstitial brachytherapy间质内放疗
1.To ivestigate the preliminary results of stereotactic 192 Ir interstitial brachytherapy for re-current malignant gliomas.[目的]探讨立体定向铱192核素间质内放疗治疗高度恶性复发胶质瘤的疗效。

促间质细胞素分子式:CAS号:性质:又称促间质细胞素。垂体前叶腺所分泌的促性腺糖蛋白激素,分子量30 000(猪),分子量28 500(人),由α、β两个亚基组成。生理功能是促进卵泡发育成黄体,促进胆甾醇转变成孕酮并分泌孕酮,阻止排卵,抑制动情,或促使睾丸分泌激素。