销售金额,Consumption sum
1)Consumption sum销售金额
1.RESULTS: The consumption sum of drugs in 2002,2003 and 2004 increased by 19.84%;14大类药品排序小有变化;销售金额前15位药品金额占总金额份量大,其中有9个品种一直占据前15位;销售额前10位的制药企业占总金额的比例约为20%。
2.METHODS Analyzed according the consumption in orders and DDDs acquired from the data of varieties of pharmacy, consumption sums, DDDs and daily costs of antihypertensives by Excel.方法:采用金额排序法和用药频度排序法,用Excel统计分析本院抗高血压药物的应用品种、销售金额、用药频度、日均费用等数据。
3.Methods Adopting DDD analysis,the consumption sum,DDDs etc of antihypertensives during 2001~2007 were analyzed retrospectively.方法采用限定日剂量分析方法,对我院2001~2007年抗高血压药的销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)等进行回顾性分析。

1.On Total Sales in the Accusation for Producing and Selling Fake and Inferior Goods;也谈生产、销售伪劣产品罪的销售金额
2.A Study of Problems of the Vendition Amount in the Crime of Selling Goods Bearing Counterfeited Registered Trademarks;销售假冒注册商标商品罪的“销售金额”问题研究
3.Toward an analysis of the sales and value of commodities in the crime of“producing and marketing fake commodities”;生产销售伪劣产品罪中“销售金额”、“货值金额”问题探讨
4.Five hundreds... Get it. And total refrigerator sale?500…知道了。那电冰箱的总销售金额呢?
5.Five hundred... get It. and total refrigerator sale ?500……知道了。那电冰箱的总销售金额呢?
6.The sale figures is is processed by our account department.销售金额正由财务处分类处理。
7.As our agent , you 'll receive an agency commission of 5% the sale value .作为我方代理,您将得到销售金额5%的代理佣金。
8.The Studying of Sales Amount;论销售金额——对生产、销售伪劣产品罪的另一种解读
9.in cases involving a large sales volume, with imprisonment of more than three years but less than seven years, and with fine.销售金额数额巨大的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。
10.plus 1% commission on all sales.另加销售额1%的佣金。?
11.if the sales fall below the minimum value over a certain period of time.如果销售额在一定的时间里达到最低的金额。
12.You will receive a...% commission on sales and a monthly sum of... for expenses.以销售额为准,你可以得到...%的佣金和每月开支费用...(金额)。
13.Company shall pay to Contractor a commission of six percent of gross sales.公司应向承包方支付毛销售额的6%为佣金。
14.The usual commission we allow our agent is 5%, based on the sales turnover.一般我们给代理商的佣金是销售额的5%。
15.She gets 10% commission on everything she sells .她每卖出一样东西,就会得到销售额10%的佣金。
16.such as having to pay a percentage of part of their gross sales as part of their rent,如必须支付销售总额中的部分比例作为租金;
17.To consign(goods)to one;to sell on commission委托销售,给佣金销售
18.The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales.安全边际是预计销售量(销售额)保本销售量(销售额)差。

Sales amount销售金额
1.Methods According to sales amount sorting and DDDs sorting,the using trends of hypoglycemic drugs in 22 Nanjing hospitals were analyzed retrospectively.结果3年来降糖药的销售金额逐年上升,用药频率也相应增长,药品价格有所下降,进口和合资企业生产的药品在市场份额中占绝对优势。
2.According to sales amount, the first five topic.按销售金额排序前5位的主要是抗排斥剂、抗菌剂、抗炎药、肾上腺皮质激素以及复合制剂。
3.Methods The defined daily dose(DDDs) and the sales amounts of antidepressants used in The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University from 2002 to July, 2005 were analyzed statistically.方法对兰州大学第二医院2002年1月-2005年7月抗抑郁药的用药频度(DDDs)、销售金额等进行统计、分析。
3)Sales volume销售金额
1.Methods Data on main kind,sales volume,DDDs etc of anti-infectives in our hospital from July 2002~June 2005 were statistically analyzed.方法对该院最近三年来各类抗感染药物的品种、销售金额、用药频度等数据进行统计分析。
4)Annual consumption sum年销售金额
5)sales volume销售额
1.The peak & valley of Chinese real estate industry development should be appraised by the growth rate of sales volume.中国房地产业发展的峰谷应以销售额增长率来评价。
2.There is no agreement about taxable mix sales volume.本文依据有关法律规定,从实际出发 论证了计算应税销售额时应采取的正确方法。
1.Confirmation of Value Added Tax on Sales in Different Selling Modes;不同销售方式下应纳增值税销售额的确定
2.Results: the sale proportion of traditional Chinese medicine particle prescription increases year by year.结果:中药配方颗粒销售额逐年增加。
3.This is a valuable information resource but too curt,only brandnames and sale of involved drugs are given.在因特网上有专门站点每年公布前一年的“销售额前 2 0 0位的商标名药物排序表”,这是一种很有价值的信息资源 ,但失之过于简略 ,只给出所涉及药品的商标名及其销售额。

商品销售额和销售额指数商品销售额和销售额指数 商品销售额和销售额指数商品销售额是商品企业在一定时期内商品销售的全部金额。它是反映商品企业最终经营成果的指标。常用的商品销售额指标主要有以下三种:①商品实际销售领。指按现行价格计算的商品销售额。它是西方国家用以说明商品流转额或商业企业营业额的主要指标。在零售业,表示为商品零售额;在批发业,表示为商品批发销售额;在服务业,表示为服务项目的毛收入。商品实际销售额,一般按商品和服务项目种类进行分类。西方国家除了普查年份的年度数字以外,一般都采用抽样调查方法来搜集资料,并按月统计商品实际销售额。②调整季节变动后的商品销售额。指用商品实际销售额除以季节变动指数而求得的商品销售额。它消除了商品销售数量和价格的季节变动对商品销售额的影响。③按可比价格(又称固定价格)计算的商品销售额。指用商品实际零售额和商品实际批发销售额分别除以相应的减缩价格指数而求得的商品销售额它消除了商品价格变动对商品销售额的影响商品销售额指数,是反映商品销售额的变动趋势和变动程度的指标。西方多数国家在编制商品销售额指数时,是采用基期加权算术平均数公式,但也有一些国家则是采用连环指数法。日本是由通商产业省调查统计部采用抽样调查方法,按月统计商品销售额的。调查范围为批发业(不包括中间商)和零售业(不包括饮食业)。日本每月都编制商品销售额指数和季节变动调整后的商品销售额指数。在指数中批发业的商品销售额约占4/5以上,零售业的商品销售额约占1/5以下。