淋巴引流,Lymphatic drainage
1)Lymphatic drainage淋巴引流
1.Lymphatic drainage is involved not only in circulating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but also in the absorption of macromolecules in the CSF and the interstitial space of the brain.研究表明,虽然脑内至今尚未发现衬有内皮细胞的淋巴管,但存在淋巴引流
2.Objective the purpose of this study was to investigate the features of lymphatic drainage and distribution of sentinel lymph nodes of tongue.目的本研究的目的在于了解舌不同区域淋巴引流的特点以及初级淋巴结在颈部的分布特征。

1.The Clinical Study on Lymphatic Drainage Patterns and Surgical Approach to Internal Mammary Lymph Node for the Breast Carcinoma;乳腺癌淋巴引流途径及内乳淋巴结切除术的临床研究
2.Clinical Application of Manual Lymph Drainage on Patients of Lymphedema with Subclinical Infection手法淋巴引流治疗亚临床感染性淋巴水肿的临床应用
3.The Effects and Mechanisms of Cervical Lymphatic Blockade on Ischemic Brain Trauma;脑淋巴引流阻滞对缺血性脑损伤的影响及机制
4.Ways of irradiation in supraclavicular fossa for breast cancer乳腺癌锁骨上淋巴引流区照射方式的探讨
5.Clinical Observe of Human Body Serum SOD and MDA of Being Massaged with Essential Oil and Lymph Drainage;香熏法/淋巴引流术对人体血清SOD和MDA影响的临床观察
6.Experimental Study on the Effect of Carbon Nanoparticles Injection on Rat Hepatic Tumor Resection Margin and Lymph Tracing纳米炭注射液对肝癌切缘及淋巴引流示踪的实验研究
7.The lymphatic vessels of the sinoatrial node of 20 goat hearts were studied by injecting a solutions of 30% Prussian blue dissolved in chloroform.用注射30%普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液的方法观察了20例山羊窦房结的淋巴引流.
8.Studies of Lymphatic Drainage Pathway of Macromolecules from the Brain of Rats after Subarachniod Hemorrhage and Effects of Pyridoxol;蛛网膜下腔出血大鼠脑内大分子物质淋巴引流途径的研究和吡多醇的影响
9.The Primary Study of the Perilymph Drainage to Cervical Lymph Nodes in Guinea Pigs豚鼠外淋巴至颈淋巴结引流途径初步观察
10.Esophageal Tumor-draining Lymph Node: In Vitro Cell Culture and in Vivo Tumor-inhibition Effect;食管癌引流淋巴结细胞的培养及体内抑瘤试验
11.a lymph node that is inflamed and swollen because of plague or gonorrhea or tuberculosis.瘟疫,淋病或肺炎引起的淋巴腺发炎。
12.Location of the lymphoceles, size, and duration of drainage were recorded.资料的收集包括淋巴囊肿的位置,大小及引流的时间。
13.Lymphcytes Isolated from Lung Tumor Draining Lymph Nodes: A Preclinical Research of Their Cytotoxicity to the Cancer;肺癌引流区域淋巴结细胞对自体肿瘤的作用机制研究
14.The Researching on the Reactive Hyperplasia of the Draining Lymph Nodes and Oral Cancer Metastasis;口腔癌引流区淋巴结反应性增生与转移关系的研究
15.A Control Study Comparing Two Methods of Lymphadenectomy and Drainage or Not for Invasive Cervical Cancer.;宫颈癌根治术不同途径清扫淋巴和是否放置引流的对照观察
16.The Study of Antitumor Effect of Tumor-draining Lymph Node Cells from Lung Cancer Patients Induced by Different Stimuluses in Vitro and in Vivo;肺癌患者肿瘤区域引流淋巴结细胞体内外抗肿瘤作用的实验研究
17.Generation of Enhanced Antitumor Activity of Tumor Draining Lymph Node Cells after Induced with Autologous Dendritic Cells in Vitro;自体树突状细胞体外诱导肿瘤引流淋巴结细胞抗肿瘤活性的研究
18.Mechanism of eophageal cancer cell apoptosis guided by human esophageal tumor-draining lymph node cell食管癌引流淋巴结细胞诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡机制探讨

Cervical lymphatic drainage颈淋巴引流
3)Cerebral lymphatic drainage脑淋巴引流
1.Objective:To investigate the possible role of cerebral lymphatic drainage pathway in the process of secondary cerebral ischemic injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH).方法将Wistar大鼠随机分入正常对照组、SAH组、SAH+脑淋巴引流阻滞(CLB)组。
2.Conclusion Cerebral lymphatic drainage pathway might play an important role in the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemic injury after SAH.目的探讨蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)后脑淋巴引流阻滞对脑缺血的影响和银杏内酯、银杏黄酮的保护作用。
3.This work was performed to determine the role of cerebral lymphatic drainage pathway in the development of neural injury following subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH).本文旨在探讨脑淋巴引流系统在蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH)后神经元损伤中的作用。
4)Draining lymph node引流淋巴结
1.Objectives: To investigate the alteration of content of Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3β (MIP-3β) and amount of dendritic cells (DC) in local draining lymph nodes (DLN) after skin allotransplantation.目的观察异体皮肤移植后局部引流淋巴结内趋化因子MIP-3β含量与树突状细胞数量的动态改变。
2.Objective To study the alteration of MIP 3β content in draining lymph nodes after auricle allotransplantation and their chemotaxis to dendritic cell.结论 器官移植后局部引流淋巴结内MIP 3 β表达增高 ,促进树突状细胞的迁移运动 ,可能是同种异体移植排斥反应启动与进展的重要因
5)Axillary draining lymph node腋窝引流淋巴结
6)Drainage lymph node引流区淋巴结

肺淋巴引流肺淋巴引流 指肺脏各叶淋巴液的流向。肺脏有丰富的淋巴管分布,虽肺泡和肺泡的间隔中无淋巴管,但淋巴管见于肺泡管、支气管、血管、肺小叶间隔和胸膜的结缔组织中,称为肺泡旁淋巴管。大多数肺泡有直接的淋巴引流,对肺泡壁颗粒的清除、感染的播散和肿瘤的转移,具有重要的作用。肺淋巴管可分为浅表淋巴丛(位于脏层胸膜的结缔组织中)和深部淋巴管(围绕支气管和血管周围),淋巴管有瓣膜,使淋巴液单向引流。浅表淋巴管满布肺表,流向肺门,与深部淋巴管吻合。肺的淋巴流向肺门,注入支气管附近的肺内淋巴结,再汇入肺门淋巴结和纵隔淋巴结(气管-支气管和气管旁淋巴结)。最后大部汇入支气管纵隔淋巴干,注入胸导管(左侧)和右淋巴导管(右侧)。此外,气管旁淋巴结的淋巴可流向锁骨上淋巴结等。下肺叶的淋巴也可引流到后纵隔淋巴结。并可通过横膈到达腹膜后淋巴结。